Chapter 574 Suspicious Xiao Li (third more, please subscribe!)

With a bang, Gaara released a strong Chakra from his hand and poured it into the ground. The meeting place surrounded by Gaara sand immediately responded with a wave of tyrannical fluctuations, and even the entire central tower shivered.

The next moment, there was a heart-piercing roar of Prajna from the ground: “Ah!”

“Asakusa!” Kirigakure’s people turned pale when they heard this voice.

When other people heard Prajna’s cry, they felt heart palpitations, but they were more shocked by Gaara’s strength than worried.

It turns out that this technique is used like this!

Even Huang Tu was surprised, not praise, but really surprised.

Just because Gaara, the son of Fourth Kazekage, is really extraordinary.

It’s just that his meowing can’t use his full strength? This is all useless, so if you use this technique with all your strength, isn’t it every second, every second, every second! ?

The shaking lasted for about three seconds before it stopped, and even the prajna screams stopped, and everything returned to silence.

Zhizhen did not delay time, and quickly fell from the ceiling, saying, “It’s over.”

Gaara glanced at Zhizhen, feeling a little regretful. He didn’t kill Zhizhen for just two golden minutes, oh no, I didn’t even touch him.

But at this moment, there is no chance. Gaara looked at the underground and said: “It’s over, if he can stand up, I will lose.”

“Okay, you are very pretentious.” Zhizhen smiled and praised Gaara.

On the other side, Ping Kang led Xiao Li in the corner shivering, his legs trembling uncontrollably.

The power of this trick is too terrifying!

Compared with the spectators on the second floor, Ping Kang, who was on the court, could truly feel the strength of this power, and his body could clearly feel the brokenness of the earth.

Can Asakusa really survive this attack power? Pingkang expressed doubts!

At this moment, Xiao Li who was beside him dumbly responded, opened his eyes blindly, and muttered, “The head hurts…”

Pingkang’s mouth twitched: “This drunkard finally woke up.”

Xiao Li sat up, rubbed his temples, shook his head, and regained some consciousness a little bit. When he looked up, he saw Pingkang who looked unlovable next to him: “Hey, Pingkang-kun, How are you…”

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Li saw the yellow sand all over the floor, Gaara and Zhizhen standing side by side in the distance, and suddenly exclaimed, “What’s the situation?”

The examiner and the examinee stand together?

“Haha, it’s a long story.” Ping Kang reluctantly replied, just about to explain the situation to Xiao Li.

Seeing everyone in Kirigakure on the second floor ran into the field, including Onisui Ryoko and others also came to the field. As Kirigakure’s partners, they should be there.

As soon as she came down, Ewha looked at Gaara coldly and said, “You guy, you are too incomprehensible! If Asakusa has a shortcoming, I will definitely not let you go!”

Hearing this, Gaara hadn’t spoken yet, only two figures flashed by in front of him, and looking intently, Kankuro and Temari had already guarded Gaara’s face.

As Gaara’s elder brother and sister, it is natural to take advantage of Gaara.

“What is it called? Gaara helped you solve such a big trouble. Not only did you not thank you, but also looked like you were going to kill. Are Kirigakure’s people so impolite?”

Temari coldly faced Ewha.

Xiao Li was so far apart that he couldn’t hear what they were doing. He only felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere of the two parties. He immediately stood up and said, “Fighting?!”

“Huh?” Ping Kang dumbfounded.

Xiao Li got up to show justice, leaped and rushed to Gaara’s position.

The next moment, everyone saw a flower in front of them, Xiao Li appeared on the stage, a kick opened the distance of Temari Pear Flower.

Immediately, Xiao Li put on his standard posture and looked at Ewha and said, “What do Kirigakure’s people want to do when they play together?”

“…” No one paid attention to him.

Xiao Li didn’t feel embarrassed, and continued: “It’s not fair to more than less, how about adding me.”

“…” No one paid attention to him.

Temari and Kankuro looked at Xiao Li blankly, and suddenly laughed.

Ewha couldn’t help saying, “You drunk with thick eyebrows, you finally woke up.”

“Huh? Drunk? Who is drunk! Hugh is nonsense!” Xiao Li’s face was straightened, and he was about to start talking.

“Are you here to be funny?” Ehwa didn’t want to complain.

Xiao Li didn’t know, so he felt that the other party was too much. Just as he was about to do it, Guy’s voice rang: “Li, stop!”

“Ms. Guy?” Xiao Li looked back, only to see Guy with a helpless expression and turned over.

Upon seeing this, Naruto, who was next to him, smiled and said: “Ms. Nongmei is down, then I will go too.”

“Hey, Naruto, what are you going to do.” Little Sakura stopped immediately.

“What does it matter? The exam is over anyway, and Brother Sunglasses is there too.” Naruto said carelessly and went down.

Little Sakura looked at Kakashi helplessly.

“Really energetic guy.” Kakashi shrugged and sneered silently, but didn’t stop it.

“Ms. Kakashi, is it okay?” Seeing that Kakashi was not hindered, Sakura asked.

“It’s okay, let’s go, let’s go and see, I am a little concerned about the injury of the Asakusa boy.” Kakashi said.

“Oh.” Little Sakura didn’t comment, Sasuke didn’t speak, just looked solemn.

Kakashi looked back at Zaemon and Uemon, and said, “You…”

When Uemon heard this, he blushed and took a look at the scene. Zaemon understood and smiled, “We’re not going.”

Kakashi nodded. He knew that Uemon was because Shima was there, so sorry.

For the same reason, Tenten also did not move, but stood there silently.

And Neji closed his eyes and rested, he didn’t follow the end, just pure coldness.

Seeing this, other Xiaoqiang said, “Then let’s go, hehe.”

After that, the tooth went down, and Hong glanced at the tooth accusingly, but didn’t stop it.

“I want to go and see too.” Hinata said weakly. Red is more tolerant to Hinata, and immediately showed a different attitude from the tooth, and smiled: “Go, Hinata. Shino, you too. .”

“Yeah.” Shino responded coldly and stepped off the stage with Hinata.

Seeing this, Asuma smiled generously: “Let’s go, let’s take a look together.”

“The trouble is dead.” Shikamaru muttered, and the tenth class also followed.

When Iwagakure’s people saw this, Huang Tu smiled and said: “Let’s go, let’s go and see, Pingkang is also below.”

Everyone had no objection, so Iwagakure’s people also came down.

And Fu, this good girl, needless to say, this excitement must be gathered.

As a result, he became a large group of people, and came to the place where Zhizhen was.

Guy came to Xiao Li and hugged him. A question mark appeared on Xiao Li’s head, and he also noticed something wrong: “Did I miss something?”

Guy let go of Xiao Li and said lovingly: “You idiot disciple.”

“You missed the essence.” Zhizhen suffocated a smile, stepped forward and took Xiao Li’s shoulders, and said: “The battle is over.”

“What, it’s over? When! How come I don’t know at all!” Xiao Li was shocked.

“You’re all fragmented, what do you know?” Kankuro quipped.

“Fragments?” Xiao Li thoughtfully: “Indeed, it seems that I have a few minutes of memory that I am very vague, I only remember that Asakusa-kun seems to have used some kind of secret technique to become very powerful.”

“Huh, what about Asakusa-kun?”

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