Chapter 521: Various Exhibition Means (Subscribe!)

“Awesome! That Neji is really amazing!” Ino took the lead in complimenting.

Little Sakura also nodded and said, “No wonder he is so arrogant!”

“Of course.” Xiao Li clenched his fists and said: “In terms of strength, Neji can be said to be the strongest Genin in this exam!”

“The strongest Genin!? Cut, this is too exaggerated.” Naruto retorted for the first time, “I don’t believe it!”

“Haha, Naruto-kun.” Xiao Li smiled: “Although you are very strong, you are still a bit worse than Neji.”

Naruto got angry, and little Sakura quickly said, “Stop talking, Naruto, that Neji is really strong.”

Hearing what little Sakura said, Naruto suddenly became more angry, but little Sakura was right, and he had to admit that Neji was really strong.

Just relying on the ability to block Ewha’s slash with his fingers, it was already beyond Genin’s level.

“It’s really amazing.” Sasuke also honestly admitted Neji’s strength.

Naruto was even more upset when Sasuke said this, and said, “Sasuke, why do you even say that!?”

He himself has great opinions about Neji, and now he hears Sasuke, a good friend and lifelong opponent, praise Neji, and he is really upset.

Sasuke looked at Naruto and said with a serious face: “Naruto, don’t make these little temperamental, strong people are strong, and it’s useless to deny it anyway.”

“Cut!” Naruto dismissed.

Sasuke didn’t bother to pay attention to Naruto, and thought about it: “But how did he do it? How can a human finger block the blade!?

Hearing Sasuke’s question, Asuma explained: “It’s natural to block the blade with your fingers, but it’s okay to block the other parts of the knife with your fingers.”

“The correct statement is that instead of blocking the blade with his fingers, he flicked the blade away with his fingers.”

As soon as this word came out, everyone was stunned and flicked the blade? Use your fingers! ? What is this operation! ?

“The Gentle Fist of the Hyuga family can punch Chakra into the opponent. Neji also used it just now, but instead of hitting the enemy, he released Chakra with his fingers and hit the blade to deflect it.”

At this moment, everyone understood, and they heard Asuma’s explanation even if they didn’t cut it, and they were all surprised.

This kid actually blocked the swordsmanship with his fist! ?

His speed and strength are far beyond ordinary people!

“It deserves to be a well-known genius in the Hyuga family, who can use Gentle Fist to this point…” Red said with a solemn expression.

Ya heard a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and this time, he stopped clamoring.

Hinata looked at Neji off the court and immediately covered his chest, calling out in his heart: “Brother Neji…”

Neji ignored the shock of everyone, just looked at Wusang Lihua and snorted coldly, “If you have any tricks, keep using it.”

“No hurry, it’s rare to meet such an interesting opponent, I want to take care of you slowly.” Wusuo Lihua said: “You have to save the delicious food until the end, right?”

“Oh, whatever you want.” Neji had no objection.

With that, Wusuo Lihua looked at Tufangyan Temple and Ninofuji.

They didn’t rush to do it either, the Tufangyan Temple still had a smile on their faces, a look of watching a play.

Ninofuji’s face was pale.

What does this woman mean? Are you ready to test his abilities now?

Ninofuji was extremely nervous. He looked at Wuchan Lihua, only to see Wuchan Lihua looking at his prey.

He suddenly understood: “This woman, is playing a game!? Who decides to deal with first according to her strength?”

Ninofuji wanted to understand, but he was surprised and angry in his heart.

He was looking at Neji, and saw that his expression was calm, without any emotions. A pair of Byakugan looked at him and didn’t mean to help at all.

In an instant, he felt Neji’s thoughts in his mind, as if he was also assessing his strength, to see if he could be his teammate.

“Look at me!?” This contemptuous look aroused Ninofuji’s eagerness. He immediately took a step forward and said, “Look at me!”

Wusang Lihua’s face sank when she heard the words, and she shot the sword directly. The speed was faster than that of the bird swimming.

Ninofuji suppressed the shock in his heart, and quickly dodged sideways. The sharp Chakra cut through his shoulder, leaving a hole.

Although he avoided it, Ninofuji was a little embarrassed when compared to Neji’s avoidance.

Wuchan Lihua suddenly showed a disappointed look and looked at the Tufangyan Temple.

Tufangyan Temple looked back and smiled: “I’m a teammate.”

Wusang Pear Flower was dispirited, and said, “Well, you can go to play mud with your friends in the same village.”

Such insulting words immediately irritated Ninofuji, and Tsujidō’s expression was extremely ugly. This woman, Kirigakure, is simply too arrogant!

However, she does have arrogant capital!

But Iwagakure does not buy it!

Hearing Wusang Rika’s words, Ninofuji suddenly became angry: “Don’t underestimate me! Let you see my true power!”

Having said that, Ninofuji quickly formed seals, folded his hands together, and then opened his mouth, spitting out a large amount of mud from his mouth.

Subsequently, the soil he spit out slowly condensed, and finally formed a figure of a strong man more than two meters high.

“Earth Style: Clay Giant!”

“Oh!?” Everyone exclaimed when they saw Ninofuji’s technique.

Tsujidō and Huang Tu were taken aback, and then they showed satisfaction. Hei Tu said excitedly: “This technique is the clay giant of the terracotta! Ninofuji has actually learned it!”

Tufangyan Temple also showed some interest, and looked at Ninofuji and said, “So you learned this technique from Senior Akasato, no wonder you are so confident.”

Terra, the guard of Third Tsuchikage Onoki, is very strong.

This clay giant is one of his signature skills.

Obviously, Ninofuji did not have the strength of the clay soil. Using this clay giant, the strength was not as strong as the clay soil, and it had already consumed most of his Chakra.

This made him breathe a little bit faster.

However, Ninofuji didn’t regret it either. Wusuo Rika’s contempt for him caused Ninofuji to use his hole card from the bottom of the box.

“Surprised? It was originally used to prepare to deal with you, Yansi… but now…”


Before the words were finished, everyone saw a cold light flashing, and the words of Ninoto suddenly stopped abruptly.

The clay giant in front of him suddenly broke in half and collapsed to the ground.

On his shoulders, a stream of blood rose into the air, dyeing the clay giant into scarlet.

“How…” Ninofuji’s face was horrified, his body softened, and his expression gradually lost: “Maybe…”

The blood on the Wushang Pear Flower Long Knife was thrown to the ground, and he said coldly, “But you’re.”

In an instant, everyone’s complexion changed dramatically!

Tsujido and Loessie are surprised, and their eyes breathe fire!

Neji also showed a solemn look, this woman, this one is much faster than the one that attacked him!

This undoubtedly shows that Wusuo Rika’s strength is much stronger than Neji had imagined!

“Ninofuji!” Iwagakure everyone shouted and furious: “You fellow!”

“Be at ease, just chopped off his shoulder, not dead yet.” Wushang Lihua sneered.

Hearing this, Dufang felt a little relieved, but Tsujido’s face was as deep as water, and he didn’t look at it again.

If you don’t cut it, you won’t be afraid, and said: “This is a game. If you can’t afford to lose, just abstain.”

“Don’t cut it again!” Tsujido was furious.

Looking at the angry Tsujido, Wusuo Rika chuckled lightly and looked at Neji: “Okay, it’s okay, we…”

It stopped abruptly again.

When Wusuo Lihua was halfway through, her face changed, and the next moment she felt the enemy trembling at her feet.

In the next moment, a rock formed the foot of a giant and rose from the ground, and instantly kicked Wuxi Lihua, and stepped on the wall with her, making a muffled noise!

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