Chapter 271 Zhizhen, grow up again! (Please subscribe!)

Zhizhen’s eyes gradually came clear, this is his bug, his power, why should he be afraid?

How can I be afraid! ?

Wasn’t the rock worm just getting bigger, wasn’t it to protect him?

Wouldn’t it be sad if Rockworm knew his thoughts?

The companions who walked over together, just because they have become unexpectedly powerful, aren’t they companions?

Thinking of this level, Zhizhen slapped himself fiercely and let out a long breath: “I’m actually afraid of my own power, it seems I’m still far away!”

The great immortal looked at Zhizhen, who was sober, with a satisfied look: “Since you know that you are far away, then work hard to cultivate. Now your practice is far from enough.”

“Yes! Great fairy!” Zhizhen smiled.

Then he looked at the rock worm in his palm and said, “I’m sorry.”

Rockworm rested quietly, Zhizhen continued: “Your changes just now are so great that I can’t turn around a bit, thinking about some messy things, forgive me, okay?”

As soon as the words came out, Rock Hardworm seemed to really understand it, and slowly climbed two steps.

Upon seeing this, Zhizhen smiled happily: “Thanks, little guy.”

After that, Zhizhen looked at the big immortal and said, “Great immortal, I want to give this little guy a new name. Now it has gained new power, it is no longer the rock-hard worm that crawled on the ground in the past. NS.”

“Choosing a new name also represents a new beginning.” Zhizhen said.

“Of course, this is your bug, but how do you want to get it?” The immortal smiled.

“Let me think about it, uh… how about calling Yan Da Chong at all!?” Zhizhen regained his true colors and said excitedly.

Hearing the name, Daxian lost his smile, and he couldn’t help but utter a sentence: “You really have an inexplicable love for the word Da.”

“No way?” Zhizhen heard the great immortal’s dissatisfaction, although he thought it was not bad.

“Of course. This little guy can block my slashing existence now, so don’t take such an unassuming name.” The immortal said, “Call it Giant Rock Insect.”

“Giant Rock Worm?” Zhizhen thought carefully after hearing the words, and thought about the new ability of Rock Worm, the huge body like a hill, big and stable, and exists to protect him.

It was born in the Giant Leaf Valley again.

“Heh.” Zhizhen smiled and said, “Okay, it’s called Giant Rockworm!”

Today is June 17th, and there are still three days before the appointment with Kakashi. .

After cultivation, the giant rock worms need not be mentioned, and the natural energy itself is transferred to the offspring.

The Second Generation Healer, the new worms born after mating and laying eggs, also have new abilities that are boosted by natural energy, and can also suck.

And it is not much different from its parents.

This makes Zhizhen very happy.

For the next three days, Zhizhen spent a lot of time cultivating and replacing the original insects. In addition to steadily practicing Sage Mode, he was studying the use of Healing Insects and Giant Rock Insects.

With the help of the Great Immortal, the ability of Yuguang insect’s absorption technique was named “Sage Art: Five Escape Suction” by Zhizhen.

He originally wanted to call the invincible absorption technique, but the great immortal disagreed, and Zhizhen was still a little unhappy about it.

With the help of the Great Immortal, the giant rock worm’s ability to become huge was named “Sage Art: Giant Transformation Technique!” by Zhizhen.

The reason why it is called Sage Art is because these two abilities are new abilities that two insects have gained through the enhancement of natural energy.

And the natural energy is the fairy Chakra.

The most important point is that it is obviously more compelling to call Sage Art.

It is worth mentioning that using these two bugs, including using their abilities, does not need to enter Sage Mode and can be activated directly with Chakra.

Zhizhen was also very pleased with this.

As for Shenlong Fireball and Hao Daqi, it is still necessary to enter Sage Mode, and Zhizhen has nothing to say about it.

However, although the light insects and giant rock insects have grown tremendously, they are not without their shortcomings.

Through the cultivation of natural energy, the lifespan of the two kinds of insects has become extremely short.

It used to be that the light worm can live for half a month, but now it is only three to four days, and the rock hard worm is the same. The original one-week life cycle has become only two to three days.

As a result, Zhizhen almost always observes the state of the two kinds of insects, and more time must be invested in the breeding of the insects.

The so-called gains and losses, this is also a matter of no choice.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and the time came to June 20th.

In the past three days, Zhizhen has become familiar with the Master’s two worm abilities, and the use of Sage Mode has become more and more accustomed, which can not be called handy.

As for the Sage Art of the Praying Mantis clan, nothing to mention.

“Great immortal, then I will leave first.” Zhizhen stood in front of the great immortal, bending slightly: “Thank you for your care for these days.”

“Yeah.” The big immortal said with a light smile: “After you go back, don’t forget to continue your practice. Next time you come to Juyegu, I will check it.”

“Hey, don’t worry. I will definitely not leave to practice.” Zhizhen smiled.

The immortal is naturally relieved about Zhizhen’s cultivation, and he doesn’t say much: “Go, good boy, go back to your world.”

“Great Immortal…” Zhizhen felt a little bit reluctant, but he also knew that this moment was not a time to stay. The ghost knew what would happen to Konoha next, and he had to go back.

Moreover, this is not a farewell to life and death. At most, Chūnin will come to Juyegu after the exam.

After all, Tenten had to deal with the Summoning beast.

“After returning to Konoha, remember Summoning so that my clan can engrave the coordinates in Konoha.” The big fairy smiled and said, “Next time you come, it will be much more convenient for you.”

“Yeah!” Zhizhen nodded heavily, putting away the trace of dismay: “I see, Great Immortal.”

“Go.” The immortal said no more, and directly said goodbye.

After that, Zhizhen turned and left.

Outside the gate, Yidaozai had already been waiting outside.

Zhizhen saw him, waved and greeted him.

“Long time no see, Yi Dao Zhai.”

“Yeah.” Yidaozhai looked at Zhizhen after hearing the words, and asked, “How is your practice?”

“Very good!” Zhizhen gave a thumbs up, with a look of complacency: “Now I am absolutely sure to fight the big sister!”

“Really?” Ichitozai smiled, and did not say that Zhizhen let go, but was happy for Zhizhen.

“By the way, how is Kakashi-senpai’s practice?” Shijin asked as he walked, “have you not been with him all this time?”

“Well, he has also practiced very well, and his strength has been greatly increased.” Ichitosai said, “I accompany him in his practice. He taught me a lot of fighting skills, and I also gained a lot.”

“Oh?” Zhizhen said happily: “It seems that you are getting along well.”

“Yeah. Kakashi is a good human.” Ichitosai admitted.

Zhizhen nodded with satisfaction. It seems that Kakashi has improved Sharingan’s Master during this time.

“What about Yakumo?” Zhizhen asked again.

“Miss Yakumo, I went to the Mengdie clan and never came back, but I also asked about it. I heard that she practiced very hard, so she must be pretty good. You can ask her for the details. She came back last night.” One sword fast road.

“Then let’s move faster, it looks like they are waiting for me now.” Zhizhen smiled.

“Yeah. Let’s go.” Yidaozhai responded.

After leaving Wangshu, Zhizhen saw the long-lost sunshine, and Juyegu seemed to have rained last night. The air was moist and fresh, and there were some water stains on the ground.

Zhizhen has been staying with the big immortal, never coming out. Now that he feels all this, he suddenly feels energetic.

He took a deep breath, feeling extremely comfortable, and then hurried to the village with Yi Daozhai.

There, Kakashi and Yakumo had already been waiting for him.

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