Chapter 270 The new power of horror! (Please subscribe!)

Defense? Extraordinary?

Hearing this, Zhizhen looked even more happy.

What he values ​​most is the hardness of the rock worm. How strong is it to be praised by the great immortal for its extraordinary defensive power?

Zhizhen couldn’t wait to pull out Kuwu, and lightly aimed at the back of Second Generation Rockworm.

Then slowly exerted force, ready to see the strength that the rock worm can withstand.

However, a scene that surprised Zhizhen happened.

With a crisp sound, the tip of his kunai broke!

“It’s so hard?” Zhizhen was surprised and delighted.

You know that he is now in Sage Mode, and his strength has increased greatly.

In this case, he used all his strength to stab the rock worm, but was broken by the little worm instead.

“Hahaha, good!” Zhizhen was overjoyed and said, “Great fairy, this little guy is indeed extraordinary now.”

“Although this guy was able to break weapons in the past, it was not so easy. Now, he has broken the tip of Kunai so easily, and he is still unscathed. It is so hard as hell!” Zhizhen Excited.

The hardness of the rock worm has been strengthened in this way, which means that his defense power has also been strengthened. The stronger the defense power, the safer he will naturally be in battle.

The increase in hardness also represents an increase in attack power! His flat person is even more painful!

Yes, Second Generation Rockworm, you are great!

Looking at the Second Generation Rockworm, I saw that after it broke the tip of Kuwu, it began to gnaw on it to replenish nutrients.

Zhizhen smiled in satisfaction, and placed the destroyed Kumu in front of it.

“Hmm.” Zhizhen let out a long sigh of relief, his face was full of smiles, how upset he was that both kinds of insects had been successfully cultivated.

“Is this satisfied?” The big fairy looked at Zhizhen with a satisfied look, and shook his head and laughed.

Zhizhen was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked, “Is there any new ability?”

“Of course, if I read it right. This little guy still has new abilities.” Daxian said humanly.

“What?” Zhizhen said: “But didn’t you say that its defensive power has reached an extraordinary level, and its hardness has been so greatly improved, is it not its new power?”

“I’m talking about defensive power, not hardness.” Daxian said humanely.

“?” Zhizhen didn’t understand at all, is there any difference between defense and hardness?

“At this level of hardness, although it is good, it is not indestructible. But the real strength of this little guy is its defensive power. Do you know what this means?” The big immortal pretended to be mysterious.

Zhizhen showed a look of doubt, keenly aware of the meaning of what the great immortal said.

Defensive power, the focus is on these three words.

Zhizhen is not an idiot either. He is amazed to test Wen: “You won’t tell me, can it be harder?”

“That’s it.” The immortal smiled.

Hearing this, Zhizhen was immediately stunned: “How is this possible?!”

Can it be harder? How to do it? Is this possible?

Zhizhen was obviously a little unbelieving, but the great fairy said that, it was not without a target, making a joke of him.

“Try it and you’ll know.” The big fairy said with a chuckle.

After that, Zhizhen felt a wave of energy. He looked into the darkness and asked in surprise, “Great Immortal, you won’t want to make another move, right?”

“Sage Art: Prison Knife!” The great fairy sipped softly, and a powerful sword aura suddenly came to the ground!

Zhizhen was in horror. He was in Sage Mode at the moment, and he could naturally feel the power of the Great Immortal’s knife. It was more than ten times more powerful than the one he tried to heal the light bug yesterday!

“You’re too much!” Zhizhen yelled and hurriedly avoided sideways. The sword attacked him violently. If he didn’t hide, he would definitely go to heaven!

However, the next scene that made Zhizhen even more horrified happened.

As soon as he escaped, the Second Generation rock worm, which was still gnawing food, slammed, and a burst of white smoke appeared, and the volume instantly became huge, like a small hill!


The next moment, the great fairy’s technique directly hit the rock hard insect’s body, making a harsh metal collision.

Immediately afterwards, Zhizhen heard a scream from the rock worm, and the two pairs of wings that became larger were flapped quickly, and a strong wind was blown up!

The huge body slowly flew into the air, staring at the big fairy in the dark, seemingly very dissatisfied.

A fierce breath filled the whole body.

Zhizhen hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover it, feeling terrified: “How could this happen?!”

Just when Zhizhen thought that Rock Hard Worm was about to do it, the ancient voice of the Great Immortal rang: “Be quiet.”

The giant rock worm in the sky flapped its wings slowly to a halt, and then landed heavily.

The whole room trembled.

The next moment, there was another burst of white smoke, and with a bang, the giant rock worm suddenly disappeared.

Zhizhen was stunned for a few seconds, and hurriedly climbed over to see that the Second Generation Rock Worm had returned to its original state and began to continue to eat its “food”.

“I…” Zhizhen knelt on the ground, looking at the Second Generation Rockworm, speechless for a while.

The look was joyful for a while, frightened for a while, worried for a while, and puzzled for a while.

“Is there still such a thing? Is this really a rock bug? Is this my bug?” Zhizhen was thinking a lot at the moment, and his heart should have been joy, but more shocked.

He didn’t know why.

“This is the new ability of Rock Hard Worm.” The big immortal smiled.

After hearing this, Zhizhen was silent for a while before asking, “Is this really my bug?”

“Huh?” The immortal thought that Zhizhen would jump up with joy, but Zhizhen’s reaction was somewhat unexpected.

The immortal thought carefully and understood Zhizhen’s thoughts: “Are you afraid?”

“Hiss.” Zhizhen took a deep breath and looked a little weird: “No, I… this guy…”

Zhizhen couldn’t express his meaning. He sat on the ground, took a deep breath, and said: “I don’t know. At that moment, this guy is not a rockworm that I am familiar with. It… suddenly became very violent.”

“Are you afraid it will run away? It hurts you?” The great immortal sentenced him to his heart.

Zhizhen was shocked, opened his mouth, and finally said nothing.

The immortal chuckled lightly and said, “You are such a weird fellow, Zhizhen.”

Zhizhen remained silent, and the great immortal continued: “Ordinary people may be happy when they get such power, but you are actually frightened. It is your bug. What are you afraid of?”

Hearing this, Zhizhen thought for a while, sighed softly, and said, “I don’t know, I’m just thinking about this kind of power, is it my power? The power of the rock worm has become so great, can I still Control it? Is this really my power?”

This is what Zhizhen worries most. The changes in Rockworm are really beyond Zhizhen’s expectations.

It has become too strong, so strong that it exceeds Zhizhen’s imagination.

He is actually getting bigger, and he is able to withstand an attack like the Great Immortal without dying?

Is this really that small, not pretty-looking rock worm?

Zhizhen suddenly became confused.

“Zhizhen, he is your bug.” The big fairy said softly.

When Zhizhen heard the words, he just wanted to say something, but he felt the same in his palm.

It turned out that the rock worm had already eaten the food, and ran to him by himself, as if expressing intimacy.

Zhizhen was shocked, and there was an indescribable warmth in his heart.

“Let’s see.” Daxian said, “Didn’t its actions show everything?”

“It was you who gave birth to it, and its body is full of your Chakra, your power, and you even live together.” The immortal said, “Did you forget it.”

“Forgot what?” Zhizhen raised his head.

“Aren’t you one with it?”

Hearing this, Zhizhen’s eyes widened, and he looked at the rock worm in his palm, recalling the battle in the past.

When a contract was made, when a new technique was developed, when fighting Yakumo, when fighting Kakuzu, even when fighting the eldest sister, didn’t these little guys fight for their lives and responded to his expectations?

Isn’t this that these little guys have been with him from the beginning! ?

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