Chapter 262 Powerful Sage Art! (Please subscribe!)

The last time I entered Sage Mode, Zhizhen only felt the strength of the three-second real man, but did not have a real feeling.

This time, Zhizhen absorbed much more natural energy than last time, and naturally he could clearly feel his own changes.

This force is indeed unparalleled.

Zhizhen clenched his fists, his face was filled with unbearable excitement, and entered Sage Mode for two days. Who else! ?

At this moment, Zhizhen’s heart is full of pride, and he feels this power in his body. Zhizhen feels that his confidence has greatly increased. He, at this moment, is worthy of anyone!

Orochimaru! Humph, sprinkle water!

Payne God! Humph, so so!

Senju Hashirama! Hmph, kill…no, no, fighting with First Generation, Zhizhen is still empty.

But first generation, Six Paths Madara, Kaguya and other gods will not be mentioned for the time being.

When Chūnin took the exam, relying on this strength, Zhizhen felt that he would definitely be able to save Third Generation and defeat Orochimaru’s conspiracy.

The great immortal looked at the excited Zhizhen, and said lightly: “How is it, the power of my clan Sage Mode.”

“Very good!” Zhizhen said loudly, took a deep breath, and said, “I have never felt so comfortable!”

After that, Zhizhen punched again and listened to the clear air burst, grinning and said: “Iichizai still slams me, saying that I can’t use natural energy.”

“He’s right.” Daxian said humanely.

Hearing what the Great Immortal said, Zhizhen was a little unbelief, and his expression was a little puzzled: “Isn’t it a good use for me?”

The immortal’s tone was very calm: “Then give it a try.”

Zhizhen was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, “Try it? What to try?”

“The true power of Sage Mode.” Daxian said: “You are only entering Sage Mode now. The Sage Art of my clan is the ultimate embodiment of the power of Sage Mode.”

Hearing this, Zhizhen was startled and immediately excited.

Yes, this state is just the most basic increase that Sage Mode has brought to him. How can it be regarded as exerting the power of Sage Mode?

But the ultimate manifestation of the power of Sage Mode? The immortal dare to use such a hungry statement, Zhizhen can’t wait to see how strong the ultimate power of the immortal is.

“What should I do?” Zhizhen quickly asked for advice, his eyes eagerly eager.

“Let’s learn the most basic Sage Art of my clan: mantis step.” The immortal whispered softly.

Praying mantis step? Is that the double jump move? Zhizhen is overjoyed. He has long been interested in this trick. It seems that he is also a Sage Art of the same level as the frog team player.

He immediately responded: “Okay, Great Immortal, teach me!”

“Control the natural energy of the position of the legs, stimulate it, and let it burst out.” Daxian said humanely.

Zhizhen nodded when he heard the words, and just wanted to act, but he showed a weird look: “This, how to control it? I have poured natural energy into my body, how can I control it?”

“Use seal.” The immortal gave an explanation: “Although my clan does not know how to ninjutsu and cannot seal on both arms, we can control it and use Chakra as we wish. But you, as a human, cannot be like us. Similarly, to control natural energy, you naturally need to use Ninja.”

With that said, Zhizhen understood: “In other words, can it be controlled like Chakra?”

“Not bad.” The immortal nodded.

When Zhizhen heard the words, he didn’t delay anymore, thought about it for a moment, and forming the Ninja, like when stepping on water or climbing a tree, he controls the natural energy and gathers it on the legs and soles of the feet.

At the next moment, Zhizhen felt his calf tighten suddenly, as if a pair of big hands were squeezing hard.

Zhizhen suddenly felt the pain. Although his heart was shocked, he gritted his teeth and held back, bending his legs slightly, and with a light force, he suddenly ejected like a cannonball.

moment! There was a cracking sound from Zhizhen’s feet, his figure disappeared, and in less than a second, Zhizhen hit the tree wall with a muffled noise, knocking the tree wall into a depression. Went in.

“So fast!” Zhizhen was horrified. He didn’t expect that such a power would erupt with just such a slight movement, and he didn’t even react.

“Cough!” A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Zhizhen’s mouth. He just hit him and hit him to vomit blood.

Fortunately, Sage Mode greatly increased his physical strength, and Zhizhen was not seriously injured.

“How is this possible?” Zhizhen sat in the recessed tree wall with an unbelievable expression. He just thought of getting up, but Zhizhen’s expression changed. Sage Mode was released instantly, and he quickly covered his calf: “It hurts. !”

Zhizhen screamed, this moment of loss of consciousness, suddenly fell from the tree wall, fell to the ground, gritted his teeth, cold sweat.

“Why is it so painful!” Zhizhen held his calf, his expression a bit sullen.

He didn’t expect that using a praying mantis step would have such a big side effect. The pain in this calf was much more intense than the pain he caused when he hit the concave tree wall.

At this moment, Zhizhen felt that his calf was about to be scrapped.

I’m afraid the bone is cracked! Zhizhen gritted his teeth.

The immortal was not in a hurry, but smiled and said, “How is it?”

Zhizhen resisted the pain and squeezed out a smile: “It is indeed ultimate strength, but the side effects are also ultimate enough.”

Seeing that Zhizhen could still remain calm, the great immortal showed a look of approval, although in the dark, Zhizhen could not see it.

“Our Sage Art is different from other places. It focuses on strengthening itself and focuses on strengthening physical skills. The Sage Art of the three holy sites all have both ninjutsu and physical skills.” Daxian said: “Do you know why? ”

Zhizhen Jieyin with one hand quickly controlled the Yuguangworm and flew to his legs.

Suddenly Zhizhen’s legs made a crisp sound, and Zhizhen let out a muffled snort, and immediately felt more comfortable.

He took a deep breath and said, “I know, Ichitosai said, because you don’t know how to ninjutsu, so you specialize in physical skills.”

“Yes, not knowing ninjutsu is the shortcoming of our clan, so if we want to compete with other powerful guys, we must concentrate on honing our strengths to Ultimate!” Daxian said.

Zhizhen nodded in understanding, which was what Ichidao Zhai meant.

The approach of the Mantis clan is the same as Guy. Guy does not know other ninjutsu and illusion arts. He relies on physique for fighting. In order to become stronger, he also honed physique to Ultimate.

The immortal continued: “But in this way, the conditions of use of our Sage Art are very demanding on the body. Now you are not up to the standard for use.”

Zhizhen nodded. The Sage Art of the Mantis clan is very powerful. The increase in physical arts by light theory has reached the level of Eight Gate, and the side effects are similar to those of Eight Gate.

“Fairy Body Art is like another version of Eight Inner Gates.” Zhizhen said with some emotion.

“Eight Inner Gates? What is that?” The immortal obviously didn’t know the magical skill created by humans.

After hearing this, Zhizhen briefly explained the principles of the Eight Gate and the power and consequences of the Eight Gate being fully opened.

The great immortal is very knowledgeable and can see the power and know-how of this trick at a glance.

His eyes lit up, nodded approvingly, and gave a very high evaluation: “The human being who created this technique is really a gifted talent!”

Zhizhen agreed with this and added: “Therefore, it is undoubtedly a genius who can practice this technique.”

“But our Sage Art will not lose to this Eight Inner Gates technique.” Daxian said.

Zhizhen nodded when he heard the words, revealing a look of helplessness. If he wants to strengthen his physical skills, it is estimated that there is still a long way to go.

Eight Inner Gates, he can’t learn it, Sage Art of the Mantis clan, he can’t use it for a while.

“It seems that your Sage Art is temporarily useless for me. I think it’s better for me to focus on ninjutsu.” Zhizhen said helplessly.

“Well, although you have entered Sage Mode now, you are not proficient, and your state is not stable. If you suffer a little damage, you will be relieved. For the remaining twenty days, practice your basic skills.”

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