Chapter 244 Night Talk (please subscribe!)

Back in the village, Kakashi looked around. It was late at the moment, and there were no praying mantises in the village. Instead, the tree houses were shining from house to house.

“It’s almost the same place where humans live.” Kakashi asked, “Are all mantises living here?”

“Well, Ichitosai, although they are praying mantises, are not savage creatures. They are still very particular about the environment in which they live, right, Ichitosai, Kojiro.” Zhizhen said with a smile.

The two guys, can’t say anything, said with a knife: “We are not that kind of savage guys.”

Kakashi looked at these houses carefully after hearing the words, and said, “Although these houses are all on trees, they are indeed very exquisitely built. Did you learn it yourself?”

After all, Kakashi looked at Ichitosai and Kojiro. They didn’t really want to pay attention to him, but seeing Shima also looked at them, Ichitosai had to say, “Well, our contractor in the past taught us.”

“That’s it.” Kakashi said.

Ichitosai thought for a while, and continued: “The contractors in the past taught us a lot. In addition to these house-building techniques, they also taught us how to sew. Let me make some clothes to keep warm in winter.”

Several people nodded. Although these things are nothing to say to humans, it is really remarkable for a group of praying mantises to develop into this way.

Especially sewing. With arms like theirs, how can they afford to sew things?

Looking at the dresses of Ichitosai and Kojiro, the work ended well.

But this is good, at least it shows that Giant Leaf Valley is not a savage tribe, Kakashi nodded in relief, happy for Zhizhen to find such a good Summoning beast.

Kojiro knelt on one knee: “So Shizhen, I will leave first and report to the Great Immortal.”

“Oh, trouble you, Kojiro. Tell Daxianjin, I know I will visit him.” Zhizhen smiled.

“Yes, I see.” After that, Kojiro disappeared in place.

“What a quick action!” Kakashi was surprised, he didn’t see how Kojiro disappeared, and his evaluation of the strength of the mantis clan was higher by three points.

Yakumo heard the words Daxianren and asked, “Zhizhen-kun, who is Daxianren?”

“The fairy in this valley is the Sage Mode it taught me.” Zhizhen smiled: “Go to the room first. Let’s sit and talk. By the way, I will tell you about the situation in Juyegu.”

The two nodded, and Zhizhen asked, “Iichitozai, is there any free room?”

“Of course, two guests, please come to me.” After that, Ichidozai jumped and jumped into the tree house.

Several people followed, Kakashi and Yakumo’s room was around Zhizhen, not far away.

Looking at the layout of the room, both Kakashi and Yakumo were very satisfied.

“It’s really simple and elegant.” Yakumo said with a smile.

As the eldest lady of the Kurama family, although Yakumo is not particular about it, she also has higher requirements for the living environment than ordinary people.

If she is satisfied, Kakashi is not to mention, he is a bachelor.

After finding the location of the room, Shijin invited the two to sit in his room, and Kakashi and Yakumo naturally agreed.

“Ah, Yidaozhai, let’s get some food.” Zhizhen ordered, not being polite to Yidaozhai.

Yidaozai didn’t feel anything wrong, so he nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll get it in a while.”

Kakashi said, “You are welcome, we brought dry food.”

“What kind of dry food?” Zhizhen waved his hand and said with a smile: “The food here is delicious.”

What can be delicious in a place of Summoning? Could it be the nectar? That’s okay.

Kakashi nodded, and didn’t have any comments. Yakumo wasn’t such a delicate person, and the three of them entered Shijin’s room talking and laughing.

Zhizhen raised the fire and immediately illuminated the house. The high temperature of the fire dissipated the chill of the night. The three people sat around the stove, their faces full of comfort.

“It’s really a nice place. It’s more comfortable to sit here in your free time than on vacation.” Kakashi smiled.

“That’s natural.” Zhizhen put down the worm pot, kneaded his feet, and said, “I am also lucky to be able to Summoning myself to the Giant Leaf Valley.”

Kakashi nodded, and Yakumo smiled and said, “I am willing to sign a contract with Juyegu by the scenery alone.”

“Well, speaking of here, Yakumo, you still have to pass the trial as soon as possible.” Zhizhen said.

“Trial?” Yakumo was puzzled, Zhizhen said: “The Summoning beast I found for you is called the Dream Butterfly clan. They are Summoning beasts who specialize in illusion arts. Through the report of the Great Immortal, their clan also accepted this. However. Accepting is accepting, they will also test your ability to see if you are qualified to be their contractor.”

“It turned out to be like this.” Yakumo nodded and said, “It should be, Zhizhen-kun, don’t worry, I won’t let you down.”

“What am I disappointed in? The most important thing is that you don’t be disappointed.” Zhizhen said.

Kakashi interrupted when he heard the words: “Powerful Summoning beasts generally have high intelligence. In this case, the contractors are also very demanding. Shizhen, you guessed that you also participated in the trial?”

“Yeah.” Zhizhen nodded, and said, “My trial is to fight with the eldest sister…fight with the Mantis King and get its approval.”

Shima wanted to talk about the eldest sister, but Kakashi and Yakumo didn’t know, so they changed their words.

“Mantis King?” Yakumo was taken aback. He who can be called a king must be very powerful, so she cared: “Then are you injured?”

“It’s nothing.” Zhizhen smiled and said the matter briefly: “The Mantis King is indeed strong. I almost gave up, but fortunately I persisted in the end.”

“Yeah.” Kakashi looked calm and said, “A race that can practice Sage Mode is unlikely to be weaker, even much stronger than the average ninja. It’s amazing to be able to pass.”

“Really?” Yakumo smiled and said, “The Mengdie that Zhizhen-kun found for me, shouldn’t it be so difficult?”

“Not necessarily, the Dream Butterfly clan is also a race that can practice Sage Mode.” Zhizhen said: “The trial may not be easy.”

“Can you also practice Sage Mode?” Kakashi was surprised and asked, “When was Sage Mode so worthless? It feels weirder than the three holy places.”

Zhizhen laughed when he heard the words, and said: “The situation in Juyegu is not the same as the three holy places, here is something special.”

Then, Shizhen told Kakashi and Yakumo what he knew about the situation of Juyegu, the creation of Juyegu, the idea of ​​the great immortal, and the contradictions between the major races, and his solutions, to Kakashi and Yakumo. The two said.

At this moment, the two understood the situation of Juyegu. Kakashi calmly said: “So, this is the kingdom of the Zerg. So, you gave me a way to compete.”

“Well, after much deliberation, I still think this is the best. Directly and crudely, although these guys have intelligence, they are still creatures. It is better to directly decide the outcome than so many twists and turns.”

“That’s true.” Kakashi agreed, “I suppose I will do the same.”

“Then this competition will begin the day after tomorrow?” Yakumo asked.

Zhizhen nodded, and said, “Well, but we don’t participate in these things, so we should do our own thing.”

Kakashi also nodded and said, “Well, let’s just watch the excitement.”

With that said, Yidaozhai opened the door and walked in, Zhizhen said: “Why is Yidaozhai for so long?”

Yidaozhai heard the words and dragged the smaller caterpillar into it: “I’ll get you something fresh!!”

“Oh, thanks for your hard work!” Zhizhen said happily.

Both Kakashi and Yakumo were shocked, what is this!

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