Chapter 233 Visitors from the Kingdom of Wind (please subscribe!)

Who is Uchiha Itachi? everybody knows.

Who is Jizhen? Few people know it.

But Kakashi and Shiranui Genma’s statement seems to be the same as Shizhen and Uchiha Itachi.

This made it impossible for both of them to spit out.

Shiranui said: “Hey, the opponent is Uchiha Itachi. No matter how powerful Zhizhen is, he can’t be his opponent. In desperation, he can only seek support. When we arrived, Zhizhen was hit by Sharingan’s illusion and was seriously injured. ”

Shiranui Xuanjian held a thousand books in his mouth, his eyes were deep, and he told a story about his feelings about that mission…

Yakumo, the same, and Haifeng were in a daze, as if they saw a tall figure carrying a gourd on their back, dying happily.

Yes, you read that right, it means going to die.

In Xuanjian’s tone, Zhizhen felt like he was righteous, and he was extremely heavy: “After that, Xiao knew that his purpose had been found out and he would no longer be entangled with us, so he withdrew. ”

I have to say that the pretending tone of the Huo Xuanjian is very convincing, and I can hear the moonlight and wind, and I feel very depressed with the same feeling.

They seemed to be deeply moved by how much pressure Zhizhen was facing and how nervous he was at that time.

In the end, Shiranui Xuanjian sighed quietly: “So you don’t know what Zhizhen is doing, so don’t make any comments without authorization. He is a conscious man.”

Moonlight Hayate and Dingzui Tong were silent for a while after hearing the words, they seemed to understand the quality Kakashi said. This battle may be a hundred times more dangerous than Shiranui Genma said.

Quality, quality, ninja quality, like three combos, entwined their ears.

“Perhaps, we underestimated Zhizhen.” Moonlight Hayate and Binzuimi looked at each other, and felt the same in their hearts.

Indeed, just because Zhizhen dared to face Uchiha Itachi alone, he dumped the two of them in eight streets.

Yakumo even showed a look of admiration: “As expected of Shizhen-kun, I can feel the enlightenment in the mouth of Senior Genma.”

After hearing this, Shiranui Xuanjian seemed to have met a confidant, and said: “Yes, you also know that Zhizhen is an enlightened man!”

“Yeah.” Yakumo nodded and explained her mission. When Zhizhen finally broke into the spiritual world and protected her life, his face flushed even more.

“If it weren’t for Zhizhen-kun, I would definitely not be able to sit with you seniors now.” Yakumo said seriously: “So, this great kindness of Zhizhen-kun, this consciousness of saving my life, I will never forget it. .”

Everyone nodded in agreement, feeling better for Zhizhen.

Kakashi was a little dazed by the words, and said, “I remember Uemon said that Shima seemed to be dragged in…”

Hey, everyone got stuck, and Yakumo’s flushed face suddenly became extremely embarrassed: “Is that right? Is that right? Uh… In short, it’s a fact that Zhizhen-kun is here to save me.”

Kakashi moisturized his throat and said, “Is that why you stayed with Shima this time?”

“Yes.” Yakumo showed a firm expression: “For Zhizhen-kun, let alone a different space, even the sword and the sea, I am willing to walk for him!”

Zhizhen’s “brave into” the spiritual world, the touch of heart, left a very deep impression on Yakumo.

No one has ever done this for her, let alone this is still a man.

How can I not impress Yakumo’s young girl’s heart?

Everyone is not an idiot, and you can see Yakumo’s unexplained intentions towards Zhizhen.

“Miss Yakumo, I support you.” Shiranui Genma gave a thumbs up.

“Thank you, Senior Xuanjian.” Yakumo smiled generously, “I will work hard for Zhizhen-kun!”

Looking at the energetic Yakumo, the old men all laughed, and they couldn’t help but think that youth is so good.

Moonlight Hayate thought of Maoyue Xiyan, and a happy smile appeared on her pale face.

Then Kakashi poured cold water over it: “Well, although I also want to support you, I also remind you that Zhizhen already has a girlfriend.”

Yakumo’s face flushed immediately upon hearing this, and his impression of Kakashi went downhill.

No wonder Kakashi has been reading a little pornographic book without a girlfriend. Such an annoying guy is a disappointment. Which woman would like it?

But Yakumo is no longer refined, and she knows how to hide her emotions. She smiled and said, “I hate it, Kakashi-senpai, what are you talking about. It’s Senpai, should I find a girlfriend?”

Crit! Kakashi saw disgust in Yakumo’s eyes, and said helplessly: “The little girl now, the heart of revenge is really heavy!”

Hearing that Zhizhen has a girlfriend, I do not know Huo Xuanjian suddenly asked: “Little brother Zhizhen has a girlfriend, who?”

“Tenten, Guy’s disciple.” Kakashi didn’t hide it either.

“Oh?” Shanshi Qingye pushed his sunglasses: “Is it cute?”

“Um… okay.” Kakashi gave a pertinent evaluation, Tenten is not the type he likes.

But these words will definitely not be said. He is about to be thirty years old, evaluating a 13-year-old girl, which is not the kind he likes.

This sounds like a gentleman.

Yamashiro Aoba nodded when he heard the words, and pushed his sunglasses, his mind was really determined to wear sunglasses, he also wears sunglasses, um… buy more sunglasses in the future.

Shizhen doesn’t know yet, Kakashi and Shiranui Genma have already helped him put a coercion in front of Yakumo.

After sneezing several sneezes on Idozai’s back, Idozai saw this and asked, “Zhizhen, is it cold?”

“Isn’t there, it’s probably my companion who is reading me, let’s speed up a little bit.” Zhizhen said.

Ichidozai is not a human being. I don’t know that I will sneeze when I am missed. He said, “Humans are really strange creatures. When they sneeze, they are missed…Well, I will go to Konoha with Zhizhen more in the future. Seeing, I can tell the children in the village when I come back.”

Thinking about it, Ichitozai performed a double jump in the air and suddenly accelerated.

On the other side, Kakashi and the group were chatting, and there was no argument, and everyone returned to their original state.

And Lutong and Moonlight Hayate are not stingy people, they really have no objection to Zhizhen, and they think they can get in touch more in the future.

Parker kept guarding the entrance of the cave, tracking Zhizhen’s smell. He was not interested in human topics anyway, but when it came to Zhizhen’s girlfriend, Parker remembered the bitch of Kakashi’s next door neighbor. It was really cute.

I was thinking that after I went back, I would send a bone, get close, maybe, hehehe…

Thinking happily, Parker changed his expression, sniffed his nose, and said, “Kakashi, someone is coming!”

Everyone stopped chatting immediately, Kakashi strode to the entrance of the cave, and the rain outside showed no signs of getting smaller.

Is there anyone else coming over this heavy rain? Could it be…

“Who?” Kakashi asked in a deep voice.

“I don’t know.” Parker sniffed his nose again and said, “There are a lot of people, um, it smells of blood! It’s not a ninja, it’s a bandit!”

Kakashi also agrees, and he thinks so too.

This kind of heavy rain is still active in the mountains, either bandit or betrayal.

Hearing the word gangster betrayal, the guards of Fourth Generation all walked to Kakashi’s side, and Yakumo also got serious and stood behind Kakashi.

At this time, all Kakashi’s ninja dogs ran back, and Parker asked, “What, Seba, do you see the enemy?”

Siba is a grey dog ​​(I don’t know the breed). It shook its hair wet from the rain and said, “I see it, who do you think it is?”

Parker claws over when he heard the words: “Guess what a fart, just say it!”

Kakashi was surprised, could it be Shima? But then Kakashi denied the answer, and Parker had already smelled it if it was Zhizhen.

Xiba licked his paw when he heard the words, and gave an unexpected answer: “It’s the guys from the Kingdom of Wind.”

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