Chapter 219 Mount Myōboku (please subscribe!)

Coupled with the ability to practice Sage Mode in the Giant Leaf Valley, the plan to cultivate insects with natural energy can also be put on the agenda.

With the blessing of natural energy, Zhizhen didn’t know how his two insects would change.

Will become bigger? Will it be upgraded? Will increase special abilities? Zhizhen is full of various ideas and full of expectations for the future.

He was excited, but he was not dazzled by the excitement. He was thinking about the future calmly and couldn’t help but want to start practicing.

Zhizhen could foresee that this giant Yegu and his party would definitely give him the same growth as the qualitative change.

It is less than six months now, and there is still a month before the Chūnin exam. If he can work hard to practice Master Sage Mode during this period, then he might really be able to save Third Generation!

Just as Zhizhen thought, the door opened, and Ichitosai and the four guards rushed in.

Seeing Zhizhen’s injury, Yi Dao Zhai was shocked: “How could it be like this!?”

The four guards were also a little surprised, but watching the Mantis King sit firmly on the throne, they felt that something was wrong.

Could it be that the king unilaterally abused our contractors? Even the palace of the king was cut flying?

Of course, they didn’t know that Ise was on the guard and he was “jumped” back by Shizhen.

Zhizhen smiled and patted Yi Daozhai on the shoulder, and said, “Don’t be nervous, I just discussed it with the eldest sister!”

Discuss? What kind of discussion will cut into this? Isemosai looked at Ise Mamoru, who felt ashamed and did not dare to look directly at Shima and Isemosai.

She played haha ​​and said, “Ah, haha, it’s a discussion, but I accidentally got excited, and shot harder!”

Everyone turned black, as expected… Yidaozhai was quite speechless, it wanted to swear, but didn’t dare.

What is meant to be a bit heavy? Luckily, Zhizhen is fine. What if Zhizhen is killed?

His own contractor was accidentally beaten to death by his own king. How ridiculous it was to spread out!

But seeing that Zhizhen was fine, with a smile on his face, he didn’t say much.

“Wang, did Zhizhen pass the trial?” Yidaozhai asked quickly.

“Of course, from today onwards, I am Zhizhen’s eldest sister, and you are all Zhizhen’s younger brothers!” Mantis King said quickly.

“…” Everyone had nothing to say, but it was good to pass. Yidaozhai was relieved, and it said again: “Then, Wang, Zhizhen is injured now, I will take him back to rest first.”

“Oh.” The Mantis King replied and said, “Zhizhen, let’s go back and rest first.”

Zhizhen didn’t refuse when he heard that, and nodded: “Well, eldest sister, I’ll go back first, and I’ll visit you another day.”

“Yeah.” The Mantis King responded with a smile.

After that, Ichidozai bowed slightly, and then said to Zhizhen: “Come on.”

“It’s nothing, I’m not so hurt that I can’t walk.” Zhizhen was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and refused.

“Your shoulders are about to fall, are you okay?” Yi Daozai said displeased, Zhizhen heard the words and felt Yi Daozhai’s care, so he no longer pretended, and climbed on its back.

After that, Yidaozhai suddenly accelerated and disappeared in an instant.

“You four, go out too.” The Mantis King looked at the four guards and said, and the four guards responded immediately. Both sides were fine. They naturally couldn’t stay in the palace for too long, after all, they broke in.

The four guards responded with a yes, then retreated and closed the door.

When everyone was gone, the Mantis King breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

“Ise Mamoru, how is he? He is very interesting, right?” The great immortal’s voice suddenly sounded in the palace.

The Mantis King didn’t panic either. He changed a comfortable position and sat on the throne. Thinking of Zhizhen’s performance, he praised: “Very strong. In the future, he will also become a strong man in the world of ninja.”

The immortal smiled and said, “If Jiraiya’s disciple is the prophetic son of the entire world, then Zhizhen can be said to be the prophetic son of Juyegu.”

At this time, everyone still doesn’t know who the son of prophecy in the mouth of Toad Sage is, after all, Jiraiya has not yet accepted Naruto as a disciple.

The great Toad Sage is only a prediction that Jiraiya’s disciples will transform the entire Hokage world, perhaps bringing peace or destruction, depending on how Jiraiya leads.

This simulated ambiguity made Jiraiya very confused. The only disciple he has accepted so far is Minato.

But Minato has returned to the West, it can’t be him.

Judging from the bad sentence of changing the ninja world, Jiraiya initially felt that the son of prophecy was Nagato who owns Rinnegan, and in fact Nagato is also.

But in terms of results, Nagato is only half.

And Jiraiya hasn’t seen them for a long time, and only coached them for about a year. Jiraiya doesn’t think he is their master.

But he also owns the legendary Rinnegan of Sage of Six Paths. For this reason, Jiraiya also carefully searched for the traces of Nagato, but it is a pity that Nagato hides a high-level horse. Jiraiya went to Rain Shinobi Village several times, but did not find Nagato. In Rain Shinobi Village.

Speaking of the son of prophecy, the Mantis King showed a solemn expression: “Jiraiya…old man, can you really not see the future now?”

“Do you think I’m lying?” Daxian shook his head and said, “After Zhizhen appeared, I really couldn’t see the future. The same is true of Big Brother Toad Maru, but it has been a fairy for longer than me. Maybe it can see farther than I can…”

The Mantis King pondered for a while, and said, “Then will the battle you dream of in the past happen again?”

“I don’t know, the world always has its trajectory. What should happen, even if it does not happen at this moment, does not happen in the situation I foresee, but it will happen in this world at a different time, or even another way.”

Upon hearing this, the Mantis King was silent, and after a while, he said: “Then you work hard, sleep more, and dream more.”

“…” The immortal was speechless: “You little fellow, you really can call me.”

“This is for Juyegu. You, the founder, don’t want Juyegu to get involved in the war if you are confused?” Mantis King smiled.

The great immortal chuckled when he heard the words, and said no more.

As the great immortal said, it was not only that its predictions went wrong, all beings that could be called immortals encountered the same phenomenon.

The great immortal is concerned about this, and the three holy places are also concerned about this. The Great Toad Sage immediately summoned Jiraiya after waking up.

Mount Myōboku, the hall of immortals, Toad Sage lies on the celestial seat, his eyes closed slightly.

Shen Zuo, the two immortals of Zhi Ma guarded both sides of Toad Sage.

After a while, a tall white-haired man walked over.

“Shen Zuo Xian Ren, Zhi Ma Xian Ren, what are you looking for me in such a hurry?” Jiraiya’s tone was a little frivolous, and a little unhappy: “I’m collecting materials from the ladies.”

His character, Shen Zuo and his wife have long been clear, and did not say anything, but directly named the subject: “The Great Immortal has a new prophecy.”

Upon hearing this, Jiraiya came over immediately, stood up straight, his eyes were clear, and even his tone became steady: “What’s the matter?”

“Just now the great immortal woke up and said that the prophecy has changed, let us find you right away.” Shen Zuo Xianren said, “but the great immortal fell asleep again without waiting for you to come.”

“Has the prophecy changed?” Jiraiya touched his chin and thought for a while, but couldn’t understand: “Why is this happening?”

“I don’t know.” Shen Zuo Xianren shook his head and said, “I can only wait for the great fairy to wake up.”

Hearing this, Jiraiya nodded and sat down cross-legged. He did not leave in a hurry, but waited for the immortal to wake up.

He knew that the toad immortal sleeps irregularly. He sleeps when he says he sleeps. The length of his sleep is not certain, ranging from several days to several years. The interval is too large.

Missing this time, I don’t know when he will wake up next time.

Foretelling changes, such a major event, must be understood as quickly as possible!

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