362 Destroying Baizu, Changing the Soul

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“Tsk tsk, it tastes good, the two are different.”-Kun Tianqi seems to be constantly challenging everyone’s nerves. After kissing Yuyue Xiyan,-Kun Tianqi is still there if no one cares about the faces of the women around them, even regardless of the occasion. He said softly in his mouth.

“Brilliant.” All the male ninjas at the scene almost couldn’t help but worship-Kun Tianqi. If ordinary people said these things in front of so many women, they would have fallen out long ago, but look at the two in his arms. All women with a pink and fascinating face are obviously automatically filtered-Kun Tianqi’s words, this imagination for a time makes them envy and jealous.

“As for the three of you, go back and take care of you.”-Kun Tianqi glanced at the third Samyi, who was watching the show, and said softly. The understatement made Namikaze Minato and others gritted their teeth. .

“Huh!” Samyi snorted coldly, turning your head away and not throwing away-Kun Tian Qi, but her pair of beautiful eyes sneaked in from time to time. Obviously-Kun Tian Qi’s domineering and gentle performance also has The powerful and heroic posture deeply shocked their hearts. The shadow of -kun Tianqi, which was originally occupied in their hearts, became more and more obvious. Obviously, the performance of -kun Tianqi after returning has quietly entered their hearts. .

Compared to Samyi’s coldness and reservedness, Haruno Sakura and Ino on one side have two red hearts in their eyes. They look the same as they were when they were young, but if you look carefully, you can see that the two of them are on the surface. Stupid, but the depths of the eyes are as clear as water, without a trace of impurities. Obviously, these are just a little bit of disguise after they grow up to protect themselves and make others look down on them. When the relationship needs them, they will definitely have Unexpected performance.

Obviously, the five years of ordinary life here seems to have wiped out their competitive heart and childishness, but sometimes things can’t just look at the surface, and their appearance at this time seems to be no different from ordinary people. , If it weren’t for a few levels higher than their strength, it would be impossible to find that these women are actually ninjas and the weakest are the elite Jōnin.

That’s right, although they have lived an ordinary life every day for the past five years, they have not lost any strength in their cultivation. Under the guidance of Uzumaki Mito, their strength has begun to improve rapidly. Now they are all accurate except Haruno Sakura. No way, Haruno Sakura was not born in a big family. When she was young, she was lazy. The idiot did not practice hard and did not have the guidance of a famous teacher. It can be said that she is completely self-willed and degenerate. If not for the past five years, she has been clenching her teeth and insisting on her. It is impossible to have the strength of the elite Jōnin.

But even so, although her strength is at the bottom, her performance in the past five years has been recognized by the other four women. Even her best friend Ino has changed a little when she looks at the little Sakura. Obviously she Only then did she put the little Sakura on the same starting line as her, treating her as her own competitor.

“Okay, the housework is done, now it’s time to end this trip to Loulan, and the value of Baizu’s existence also ends here. I hope you won’t be so stupid in your next life.”

Suddenly, -kun Tianqi put away the gentle smile on his face, his expression straightened, and replaced by a majestic color. The words exuding from his body are supreme, and the invincible breath of the king suddenly makes people who are still in the mood for joking in the mood. He became heavier in an instant, especially Baizu, his face was earthy. At this moment, he finally understood how stupid he was and how arrogant he was.

“Hehe, it seems I am really stupid, the number one in the ninja world. If it were really that simple, he would have been killed. I haven’t heard of anyone provoking him for so long. It’s even frightening. Hatake Shigeru White Fang is not his opponent, so how could it be so simple.” Baizu regrets to death in his heart, but at this time-Kun Tianqi no longer wants to waste time and there is no need to waste time, whether it is six years The dragon veins or the Uzumaki beauty are all completed perfectly, even with unexpected gains, then it is time to go now.

“Destroyed.” After -kun Tianqi finished speaking, he stretched out an index finger to face the hundred feet that was still sitting in the puppet. Qi’s index finger instantly condensed and burst out with a loud burst.

The speed of the purple beam of light was as if it had broken the shackles of space, as if it had existed here for a long time, it fell on the giant puppet in an instant.


Under the horrified gaze of everyone, this fast purple energy beam that has exceeded the speed of light actually ignored the powerful defense of the giant puppet and the terrible High-Speed ​​Regeneration. In front of people, the giant puppet and the hundred feet were beaten to dust, and the breeze blew, the hundred feet, the giant puppet left the world forever as if it had never existed.

“This…” Whether it is Namikaze Minato or Uzumaki who knows -kun Tianqi, they are all stunned by the scene in front of them. If the people here have glasses, they might fall. The glasses even burst on the ground.

“I don’t want anyone to remember today’s things. Although I don’t exist in this world, rewriting history has no effect on me, but I don’t want to grow out of things. Let these things go away with the wind. Soul seal “-Kun Tianqi’s eyes suddenly burst out with two purple rays of light, and the terrible dragon power spread out like the sky and covered the sun, covering everyone here, forming an independent world like a domain.

The only exception for those who are shrouded is that they can only stand trembling all over, no matter how they struggle and move, they find that their bodies cannot move, and even Namikaze Minato forcibly uses the true Flying Thunder God, which is still unable to be Master, wants to break it forcibly. There is no way to leave the open space. Obviously-Kun Tianqi not only suppressed their bodies and souls, but even all the spaces under the coverage of Longwei’s formation were forcibly blocked, with the strength of Namikaze Minato. Wanting to break through the space is simply wishful thinking.

“Loulan was destroyed because of the existence of An Lu Mountain, but in the end, the dragon vein energy that An Lu Mountain relied on suddenly rioted and was bitten back by the dragon vein. Finally, he lost the help of the dragon vein and was killed by Namikaze Minato with Flying Thunder God and Rasengan. Loulan Completely destroyed, the remnants of Loulan left Loulan to find a new place in the desert to survive. From then on, it shouldn’t be a worry.”

-kun Tianqi did not say a word at this time, just like the big prophecy, every word was printed in everyone’s soul, and today everything here was forcibly erased by -kun Tianqi, of course his own woman still There is no need for Sara and Saya mother and daughter.

“Okay, leave. When you leave, you can figure it out by yourself.” -Kun Tianqi waved his hand after speaking, the appalling Longwei disappeared in an instant, and everyone present seemed to have lost their souls. When they left Loulan, all the confusion in their eyes disappeared when they left Loulan, and they were replaced with gleaming light. Obviously, they all recovered.

“Hey, I didn’t think An Lushan actually died like this in the end, but now it seems that my strength is still not strong enough, Rasengan must be strengthened.” Namikaze Minato outside Loulan sighed and took Akamichi Dingza and others with him. Flashing left Loulan and went back to Konoha. ..

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