304 breakthrough: prefecture level

“Huh!” Although I don’t know why -kun Tianqi said such confident words, the feelings he has cultivated over the years have made -kun Tianqi an omnipotent existence in the hearts of all the women, and it can even be described in one sentence. -Kun Tianqi’s position in their hearts.

-Kun Tianqi’s words are always right, -kun Tianqi must unconditionally believe what he wants to do, -kun Tianqi needs to support everything to support.

And Senju Tsunade didn’t let everyone wait for long. Suddenly, a green light pierced all the restraints like a sword blade. The layers of ice and snow that had blocked her advancement clicked and separated a path of life, and Senju Tsunade’s The figure slowly came into the sight of everyone. When they first saw Senju Tsunade at this time, everyone felt a sense of amazing, but this feeling only existed for a while.

After a while, when they looked at Senju Tsunade again, there was a feeling? This is an ordinary girl who is powerless, at best she is a very beautiful woman with a terrifying posture that makes the world pale. She seems to have no power. In the words of -kun Tianqi, this is a return to the basics.

Chakra and everything are the energy extracted from the body. Chakra’s existence is no longer a measure of a person’s strength when it comes to the ground level. When it comes to the ground level, there will be basically no lack of Chakra when fighting. It is so terrible. The amount of Chakra is not necessarily owned by Eight Tails, and the quality of Chakra in the body of people after the level is very high, which is not comparable to the power of Kage-level.

For example, Chakra using ninjutsu for the ground-level powerhouse only needs to use one point of power, which is equivalent to the full use of the Kage-level powerhouse. Even the power of the ground-level powerhouse using a C-level ninjutsu is equal to the power of the Kage-level powerhouse using S. Level upright can barely match.

It can be seen from this that the gap between Kage-level and prefecture level is an insurmountable gap. Those who are not at predecessor level are as vulnerable as ants when they face the predecessor level. People no longer use ninjutsu, but the source technique, directly using Chakra’s source as a weapon to attack.

“Is this a prefecture level?” Orochimaru, Nagato, Mizuki Zi and others who are also in the late stage of Kage-level immediately got some insights that cannot be explained in words. Now they can’t wait to retreat and have a good feeling, especially at the end. Senju Tsunade made the sigh of the goddess of life flashed through their heads in an instant, a message that was too fast to capture, the speed was faster than the speed of light, it depends on whether you can grasp it. The strength of a few of them became savvy.

After all, below Kage-level, a certain distance above the quasi-shadow is based on talents. People with high talents can basically cultivate to be quasi-shadows as long as they don’t die. It is savvy and chance. Obviously, people who can cultivate to the late stage of Kage-level will not be a stupid person. On the contrary, chance and savvy are very high, and the cultivation of the mood is also very high. Now I have seen a battle at the field level. , It’s strange that the battle with Senju Tsunade to break through the earth level was not inspired.

“The fusion of spirit, energy and spirit, the trick to break through the earth level is just like that.” For a while, a piece of information appeared strangely in the minds of Shui Wuyuezi and others, as if inherited memory. They all grasped this opportunity, especially Orochimaru. After practicing the spiritual magic of the soul, he completely swallowed the soul of Uchiha Sasuke, and at the same time swallowed a few undercover undercovers lurking in the world. After that, the soul not only recovered to full prosperity. The period is even better than before.

And Orochimaru obviously has a lot of savings. Although he didn’t break through, his solid and terrifying foundation made him understand for the first time. At this time, he no longer has to dress up as Uchiha Sasuke, and he has recovered to become the usual Orochimaru. It’s just that a pair of eyes have turned into a Sharingan with a three-goed jade. Not only that, when Orochimaru showed his comprehension just now, his pair of Sharingan turned involuntarily, and finally turned into a six-pointed star shape.

That’s right, Orochimaru not only touched the mystery of the earth level, but also forcibly developed Sharingan to Mangekyō Sharingan. Others’ breakthroughs were made under extreme emotional conditions, but Orochimaru added strength at the time of enlightenment. The combination of the spirit, energy, spirit, and spirit of his body broke through the barrier of Mangekyō abruptly under the impact.

Sure enough, everything is the same as Uchiha Madara said. Sharingan is equivalent to a weapon. The extent to which he can develop his power depends on the strength of the user, just like Kakashi has no blood or even a soul to open Mangekyō, especially. To see how high Hatake Kakashi’s talent is, at least his talent is definitely no less than Orochimaru, even better than Orochimaru, but it’s a pity that all of this has been ruined by him.

After a good talent is so decadent, it is not as good as someone who has no talent. Just look at Might Guy and you can see that it is hard to catch up with Hatake Kakashi’s pace with hard work alone. Talent is very important, but acquired hard work and opportunities are. The most important.

“Let’s go!” -Kun Tianqi looked sluggish, apparently still thinking about Orochimaru and others who were comprehending the information just now-Kun Tianqi pulled Senju Tsunade after the breakthrough and went back to the basement. The breakthrough Senju Tsunade needs to consolidate the strength of the residence level, otherwise it is not impossible to fall. After all, learning is like sailing against the current if you don’t advance, you don’t need to.-kun Tianqi said Senju Tsunade also knows, so she too There was no objection, and he went to the basement surrounded by -kun Tianqi, hoping to thoroughly consolidate his cultivation base before the war began.

It’s just that almost everyone didn’t notice that the field where kun Tianqi and Senju Tsunade fought was about two kilometers away. There were two people wearing ordinary ninja vests looking straight at the field where -kun Tianqi and Senju Tsunade were fighting. Senju Tsunade battle position.

“Another person has broken through to the earth level, and he is still the owner of the fairy body. No, it’s not an ordinary fairy body. The fairy body she has has surpassed the owners of previous generations. Only Sage of Six Paths may be able to surpass her. With the son of Sage of Six Paths.” A middle-aged ninja with silver-gray hair stood on the high snow peak and looked into the distance quietly, muttering to himself.

“Isn’t that great? At least one more strength when fighting against him anyway.” A middle-aged ninja with silver-gray hair stood up next to him in a green ninja costume, a hairstyle exactly the same as Might Guy, even when he was talking. The action he made was exactly the same as Might Guy, and the light from his teeth was even more dazzling.

“Still not enough? These people alone cannot threaten him even if they add up, but if it is the little devil named -kun Tianqi, there may be a chance.” The silver-gray middle-aged ninja flickered while his eyes were talking. The cold light bursting from his eyes seemed to be even lower than the temperature of the Xuefeng under his feet.

“Is going to shoot?” The watermelon peel ninja obviously noticed the strangeness of the people around him and couldn’t help speaking. Although he was asking, his tone was full of affirmation.

“Yeah! It’s time to take action after training for so long. Although it’s not glorious to hit the small one and the old one, but Kakashi’s trash is my son no matter what, the son is taught that the father should help?” Silver-gray hair The middle-aged ninja actually broke such a shocking sentence, Kakashi’s father? Then the identity of this person is ready to be revealed? Konoha’s White Fang! ..

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