106 Threats Tsunade “Ask for a monthly pass, a reward”

For -kun Tianqi’s right hand Raikiri and left hand Rasengan Orochimaru is just a little surprised. After all, he has been receiving the blows of -kun Tianqi for many years, and he has developed a never-changing mentality, so even if -kun Tianqi says he is Sage of He would also believe in the incarnation of Six Paths, because this would give Orochimaru a little comfort.

“Now it’s just the beginning! The Hand of Death!”-Kun Tianqi yelled coldly, and a layer of bones glowing with metallic light formed a moderately hard glove that completely surrounded his left hand, squeaking! The speed of Rasengan’s sudden rotation, which had only made a slight flowing sound, was even more terrifying. Although it was not as good as -kun Tianqi’s Heart-piercing Dragon Diamond, it was not much worse.

The Rasengan in his hand started to make a sharp whistling sound while spinning at high speed, as if the air was torn by a gale. It was very sharp. After hearing it, I only felt a bit of toothache. I saw Rasengan suddenly shrunk a circle, and all four sides stretched out at the same time. The sharp sharp corners, as the core rotates, the four sharp corners quickly take shape. In the end, Rasengan finally becomes a Rasengan shuriken. This is the first time that -kun Tianqi has used Rasengan shuriken in front of others. Use the body to display.

“Sure enough, as I thought, Naruto’s strength simply doesn’t want to correspond to his own Chakra. It’s like an ordinary person suddenly becomes a first-rate master of internal skills, and he can’t control the internal strength at all, but my Chakra is one step at a time. The footprints are refined, the strength of the body corresponds to the Chakra in the body, and I am handy in control. The Rasengan shuriken did not hurt my meridians. As expected, the exquisite control of Chakra is the main factor in the use of super advanced ninjutsu. .”

Feeling that the bones of the hand of death that wrapped his wrist were not damaged at all, the Rasengan shuriken-kun Tianqi, who tried his best to control the terrible power in his heart, almost called out without excitement. The reason is that, as expected, only those who have cultivated themselves are talented. It really belongs to you.

“This is!!!” After Rasengan’s shuriken was formed, Orochimaru, who was already dumbfounded and looked like I didn’t care, also focused his eyes on this ninjutsu. His eyes were full of horror and dread, because from this ninjutsu They already felt the threat of death, if they hit them, they would definitely be dead.

“This is the culmination of the perfect combination of Fourth Hokage’s Rasengan Nature Transformation and form changes. Originally, this ninjutsu was developed for his own son, but it is a pity that Konoha’s mediocre talent is still the soft egg of Third Generation that allows his son to live. It’s so miserable, haha, so many years have been wasted.” -Kun Tianqi’s voice is unabashedly mocking, but neither Orochimaru nor Tsunade can refute it. After all, -kun Tianqi is not taught by his talents. Through fumbling out Chidori and Rasengan.

Now the upgraded version of Chidori Raikiri and Rasengan Shuriken have been completed. Compared with the strength displayed by -kun Tianqi, Konoha’s so-called genius is really far behind, mainly because it is too short-sighted.

“Senju Tsunade, Orochimaru and you are classmates and comrades-in-arms, so many years of friendship will not do you any good, but Orochimaru owes his life, if your choice disappoints me, then your fate…” -Kun Tianqi didn’t say anything behind him, but directly threw the Rasengan shuriken in his hand at a building in the distance.


Compared with the sharper whistling sound that was transmitted to everyone’s ears, if the strange power that Tsunade burst just made people’s eyes tighten, then the damage caused by Rasengan’s shuriken at this moment is shocking. A huge deep hole has been formed, and there are countless very small holes in the deep hole. It can be said that all the soil is forcibly cut into nothing by the Rasengan shuriken.

-Kun Tianqi turned around and left after doing all this. There is so much he can do. After all, Senju Tsunade is Orochimaru’s friend for many years, and he can’t be too shameful for Orochimaru. Of course, if Senju Tsunade’s decision is still the same as the original. Then it’s no wonder that I was cruel, thinking of this-Kun Tianqi’s eyes flashed with a cold murderous aura.

-Kun Tianqi and several people found a hotel nearby to live in while waiting for Tsunade’s reply while preparing for the worst. Although Tsunade hadn’t fought for many years, he also had panic attacks, but once overcome, he fought with a Sannin Tsunade’s strength will continue to recover. After all, it is not difficult for her to recover her fighting skills as a medical ninja.

“Orochimaru, I think you should prepare for the worst. Jiraiya has come. If Tsunade falls to Konoha, then we will face Jiraiya in its heyday and a Tsunade, although Tsunade has Panicemia is not to be afraid of, but the world is unpredictable. It is difficult to guarantee that Tsunade will not overcome the panicemia. Then we will face two of Sannin. Now you can’t use ninjutsu. How much strength can you exert.”- Kun Tianqi knows very well that even if the wings of his own butterfly are very good, many things are done in the same way as in the original book.

So -kun Tianqi wants to prepare for the worst, so at this time he took the initiative to tell Orochimaru the worst. After all, Orochimaru has lived for so long and has gone through so many battles. Yes, his opinions often play a pivotal role.

“Impure World Reincarnation, have you learned?” Orochimaru did not directly answer the -kun Tianqi question. Instead, he opened a pair of yellowish-brown snake pupils and looked towards the sky outside. A flash of nostalgia was obviously reminiscing with Jiraiya and Tsunade. During the days of fighting and living together, it’s a pity that everything has become a reality. It can be said that Konoha who caused the three of them to part ways had to pay a lot of responsibility. After all, at that time, Sannin and Konoha had too much prestige.

And Sannin is a disciple of Third Hokage, and the chance of inheriting Hokage is very high. In addition, they are too powerful, powerful and prestigious, so Konoha’s senior management, especially Danzo, will never allow this kind of thing to happen. After Konoha was betrayed and died, and in the end, all kinds of things about Sannin’s differentiation appeared. Didn’t Jiraiya, Tsunade, or even Orochimaru know about it? They didn’t know, but they had no choice, so Jiraiya left Konoha. Orochimaru hated Konoha, and Tsunade’s feelings for Konoha were the most complicated. He hated Konoha but at that time two grandfathers, younger brothers and others paid for it. A place where life is guarded.

Love Konoha, but it is because Konoha’s people and others will fall into such a tragic collection. Eight colors died, and the three of them left one after another. They all received a large degree of income. Therefore, Tsunade was very concerned about Konoha. Both her hatred and love are very complicated, it just depends on how she chooses to fall to that side. ..

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