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“Sister, do you know our family’s Mu Duan?” Naoki asked Tsunade in front of him.

This is the training ground of their Senju clan, and all the training facilities in it are available, and I have to say that the starting point of the clan is much higher than that of ordinary ninjas.

“Mu Duan, that’s the blood succession limit of our Sen no Senju clan as a proud one, it’s just that my sister can’t awaken it, and I can’t calm the war like my grandfather.” Tsunade showed a longing look, and said with pity.

She has seen her grandfather’s Mu Dun ninjutsu, it can be said that it is extremely powerful, the all-powerful blood succession limit, every aspect is very strong, although her own talent is very good, but she has never been able to awaken Mu Duan, that is, Chakra is more active than others, even then her medical ninjutsu is very strong.

“Why did you suddenly remember this, rope tree” Tsunade remembered that his younger brother also did not have the ability to make a wooden escape.

“That, sister, I feel like I remember Mu Dun seems to have awakened.” Rope Tree said with some uncertainty, at that time, he felt that something had awakened in his body, and what saved him at that time should be the so-called power of Mu Duan, the powerful blood succession limit that controlled life.

“Really, Rope Tree, wait, you haven’t tested your Chakra attribute yet, I’ll go get the Chakra test strip.” Tsunade ran out in a hurry, and if his younger brother really awakened Mu Duan, then the Senju clan would shine in the ninja world again.

Chakra test paper is a ninja used by all ninjas to test their Chakra attributes, everyone has different Chakra attributes, although many powerful ninjas will have ninjutsu of each attribute, but powerful ninjutsu has no way, all ninjutsu involving attribute changes can only be performed if they have attributes.

Chakra with different attributes will have different reactions to chakra test paper, fire will burn, wind will split the paper from the middle, thunder will make the paper wrinkle, water will make the paper wet, and soil will shatter the paper.

“Just pour your chakra into this piece of paper” Tsunade returned and handed a piece of light blue paper to Ropetree, with an extra scroll in his hand.

Although it feels incredible, with the memory of the previous “rope tree”, coupled with the most real personal experience, the rope tree really perceives the chakra in the body.

Using the method in memory, Chakra slowly gathered into his hand and spread to Chakra test strip.

“Well, the three attribute changes of water, earth and wind, I can’t imagine that the rope tree has a very good talent, even rare wind attribute changes” My younger brother is of course happy to have such a talent as a sister.

Although the attributes of Chakra are not as many as possible, this also represents how far a ninja can go, the more changes in attributes he masters, the more ninjutsu he will have in the future, and the stronger the combat effectiveness will correspondingly.

“There are already changes in the attributes of soil and water, and there is a foundation for Mu Duan, which is the blood succession limit of the combination of water and soil, but I don’t know if you have Mu Dun now.” Tsunade said with satisfaction that even if the rope tree did not have a wooden dun, it could become a powerful ninja.

“This is the scroll left by my grandfather, all of it is a wooden secret technique, it is a very powerful ninjutsu, oh, it has been kept here with me, you can find one to see if you can use it” Tsunade casually threw the scroll to the rope tree.

“It’s a very precious scroll, just throw it to me casually, sister.” Rope Tree caught the scroll and looked helplessly at Tsunade’s indifferent look.

“Well, although it is a very important scroll, except for those who have the Wood Blood Succession Realm, they cannot use the ninjutsu recorded above, even if I make a seal, there will be no change, and” Tsunade suddenly burst into a smile brighter than the sun, “You are my sister’s rope tree, and everything my sister has is yours, Rope Tree.” ”

After speaking, Tsunade found that Ropeki’s face suddenly turned red, and he also found that his speech was too amazing, and he was also a little shy, but how could she show it as a strong woman.

The resurrection of his younger brother Rope Tree has changed Tsunade’s mentality a lot, it turns out that he has the deepest feelings for Rope Tree, and the rope tree that has changed a little makes Tsunade have a desire to protect and love, leaving only his younger brother in his eyes, and he can’t tolerate anyone in his heart, and the change of Rope Tree makes Tsunade also have a little strange feeling, completely unaware of the existence.

“Sister really.” Although his actual age may be older than Tsunade, Tsunade is much stronger than himself in all aspects, so it is reasonable to call him “sister”.

It is not unreasonable that Mu Dun claims to be the strongest dunjutsu, after proficiency, basically all ninjutsu only need to form a seal of the sun, except for the powerful secret art between the grandfather’s thousand hand pillars, it has basically become shunfa ninjutsu, of course, the current rope tree is still far behind.

With his previous memories, he made a good seal, but because the first time was very slow, Tsunade thought that Rope Tree was cautious, and he shouted in his heart that he was his cute younger brother.

“Mudun: Mu” I saw a wooden strip stretched out from the rope tree’s hand and tied Tsunade, “I did it, sister!” The words revealed joy that could not be concealed.

“Well, you did it, Ropeki” Tsunade looked at his younger brother, who smiled for the first time after that, and smiled happily, in every sense, it was the first time that the siblings felt so happy.

At this time, Konoha also had other voices because of the resurrection of the rope tree.

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