However, even if Thunder Shadow had exhausted the strongest ninjutsu in his body with each attack, the invisible wall seemed to absorb the ability, and he absorbed all the ninjutsu released by Thunder Shadow.

And with each status attack of the thunder shadow, the color of the wall’s status will deepen: “What the hell is this!” The angry and corrupted Thunder Shadow released a shadow blade and roared angrily.

And Chirabi came in, knowing that all his resistance was useless, it was better to take the exam well, and then wait for the punishment, and when the punishment was over, he would naturally be able to go out.

So when he heard the voice of Lei Ying next door, he said kindly: “Don’t struggle, this is a monster, he will absorb your ability, and then give it to that kid, you give up, explain the exam well…”

Kirabi said, has begun his exam, cut off all voices from the outside world, and Lei Ying is naturally unconvinced, when his tail beast is transformed, his tail beast has also been released, although it has been deliberately shrunk by himself, but he is a strong man!

So he planned to let his tailed beast and himself break this damn space limit.

The tailed beast was constantly amplified by the status of the thunder shadow, and the thunder shadow was extremely confident in the beast after his magnification.

And the beast also felt the encouragement of the owner to him, and planned to start a big fight.

It’s just that what disappointed the two was that no matter how they resisted, the space limit could not be broken, and with the start of the exam, the two people could also be forcibly separated and enter the exam.

During the exam, all abilities in the body will be temporarily deprived until the end of the exam, and Lei Ying seems to know this rule and slowly give up the struggle.

But when he saw those exam questions, he was still almost about to collapse, his temper was already hot, and he was even more angry when he saw that question.

“What are the four masterpieces of the Celestial Empire? What are the four masterpieces! Ray Shadow looked at the options: A for “Golden Bottle Mei”, “Water Margin”, “Naruto”, “Kill Bill”, and the next option answer was similar in Leiying’s opinion, and he saw “Naruto” and chose it without hesitation.

The next thing that made Lei Ying even more collapsed was that he actually asked what was the sum of the inner angles of the triangle?

“What the devil is this! The messy Lao Tzu is not playing! Thunder Shadow roared in collapse.

The system heard Lei Ying’s voice and kindly reminded in a very gentle female voice: “This is not possible, once the exam starts, you can’t stop, you must finish the exam paper before it ends.” ”

Lei Ying knew that he couldn’t get out, so he had to continue to answer the test paper that seemed like a heavenly book to him.

“This is really my life…” Lei Ying answered the test paper, shedding tears of regret.

I don’t know how long it took for Lei Ying and Kirabi and the little beast to finish the test paper, and the little beast naturally didn’t know anything and clicked randomly.

All three also failed and failed.

So the next status punishment is also very heavy, Lei Ying has to clean up, and the little beast has to fill a large water tank with water… Kirabi is even worse, he wants to go to the Fantasy Forest to find and pick three hundred kinds of fruits…

“This is not fair! System, you give me out! Kirabi roared.

“It’s coming, don’t worry, we are very fair, the punishment is determined according to your grades, the lower the grades, the heavier the punishment, so please don’t doubt fairness!” The system replied in a gentle female voice.

And at this moment, Chirabi burst into tears in his heart, could it be said that his results were worse than that little beast and thunder shadow? It’s better than Thunder Shadow… But he was actually no better than a small beast…

All three of them were exhausted and panting to complete the exam, and when they were about to be teleported, the system suddenly began to speak again: “Congratulations to the three candidates, you have inadvertently triggered the nightmare.” ”

Lei Ying sat down directly on the ground tiredly, and asked with a drop in his chest: “Nightmare? What is it? ”

“This candidate asked well, the nightmare is a bug in the exam system, he will attack you, as long as you defeat him, you can get more rewards than successful exams!”

The system paused and added: “And this time you guys are lucky, this nightmare triggered this time is not high level!” It’s up to you guys next, come on! I wish you success! ”

Saying that, the scene around several people changed, just the scene of the classroom, now it has become a desolate grassland.

In this desolate steppe, the color of the grass is all yellow, and there is also an unusual smell, which is full of dangerous smells.

The three of them did not have time to rest, their whole bodies were vigilant, and black qi not far from the grassland had rushed from all directions.

And although those black qi are not dark in color, they all feel the terrifying power contained in it, and at this moment, they dare not underestimate the enemy.

The three knew that they were very passive now, so they didn’t wait for those black qi to come, so they took the initiative to kill the past.

Only to find out in the past did those black qi have entities, they are not simple black qi, but have condensed into shape!

The spirit of the three people who knew this was shocked, which greatly improved their guarantee of success! If the entity is eliminated, there will be no more, and the non-entity will gather again, that is, drag, all three of them will be dragged to death.

So with this understanding, the confidence of the three people increased greatly, and coupled with their already good strong ability, the black qi of the nightmare was quickly dispersed and retreated.

“Congratulations, three have won! Next, the system will give three corresponding rewards! The system’s beep sounded slowly.

And the three of them were tired and speechless at the moment, and they also thought that the reward was nothing more than something they didn’t care about, so they didn’t take the words of the system to heart.

After a while, the system had already distributed rewards on them and sent the three people out of the examination space.

Li Yuan had been waiting outside for a long time, he naturally knew the situation inside, and the three of them came out embarrassed and knew that they would not have a good life inside.

“You three are still okay, you actually survived the nightmare.” Li Yuan’s voice carried a hint of approval.

Answering Li Yuan was the gasps of the three people who were already tired and paralyzed to the ground.

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