Shaw was a little confused. He would be jealous if the gap was similar, but would only envy if the gap was too big.

He didn't look down on Ron. He was just too different from him.

"Shor, sit down. Do you have any questions about Transfiguration?"

You know what, Shaw actually had some questions about Transfiguration to ask.

"Professor, I've read a lot of books about Animagus, and I'm confused why I can't transform into magical creatures."

McGreg was stunned.

"Your learning progress has reached this point? This is something that only happens in the sixth and seventh grades."

Then the professor became serious again.

"Shor, although I believe you have reached the point of learning Animagus, I want to warn you that you must not try to practice privately."

Shor said sincerely.

"Professor, don't worry. I won't try it without a clear understanding and full preparation. It's still the same question as before, why can't wizards transform into the Animagus of magical animals."

McGreg looked at Shaw's expression carefully, but couldn't see the reason, but still explained carefully.

"This involves the difference between ordinary creatures and magical creatures, and the difference between wizards with magic and magical creatures with magic."

Next, Mag explained the differences between the three in detail. If he explained it in detail, it would take several thousand words.

Simply put, it is the difficulty of biological simulation construction that produces magic, and the difficulty of conversion between different magic.

In history, many transformation masters have tried to transform into magical animals, but most of them failed due to inadequate magic simulation conversion, and became half-human, half-animal monsters.

However, these people still found a practical suggestion, that is, animal magic affinity and body magic.

In fact, the magic contained in large magical animals, such as dragons and phoenixes, giants and monsters, is very high, even dozens of times higher than ordinary people.

But because of their wisdom, they cannot reasonably use their own magic, which is why they are enslaved by humans.

And many great wizards are restricted by the shackles of the body and cannot be promoted to legends. After all, the upper limit of magic cannot break through the limit of human beings, so these people have made many magical transformations of the human body.

The most famous one is Salazar Slytherin.

When Shaw heard this, his heart moved. The reason why the noseless old Voldemort became half snake and half human was probably similar.

He only had the magical skill of "soul-sucking", but was also limited by his physical fitness.

Seeing Shaw in deep thought, Magg warned him again.

"I tell you this not to let you try, but to tell you how difficult and dangerous it is."

Shaw immediately became a good student and learned.

"Don't worry, professor, I will never try it."

Magg has been teaching for many years and knows how strong the curiosity and thirst for knowledge of these little wizards are. The more talented they are, the more so. After thinking about it, he stood up.

"Sit here for a while, I'll find you some books."

Shaw's eyes lit up. He was still hesitant about how to get Magg out of the way. He didn't want to wait for the two idiots over there to finish their confinement.

"Thank you, Professor."

When McGonagall went to the small study in the compartment to look for books, Shaw stood up and went to the two little wizards buried in the papers.


Shore did not go directly to Ron. It was more appropriate for such a thoughtful little brat to give him a warning first and then scare himself to death.

Neville had not yet evolved into a sword master, so he was startled like a little animal, and then looked up blankly.

"Deputy, deputy dean."

Shore glanced at Ron, who was even more guilty, and gave Neville a reassuring smile.

"Don't be nervous, I'll ask you a question."

Neville stuttered.

"You, you ask."

"Are you jealous of me? Jealous of my glory and prestige, jealous of my strength."

Neville was stunned.

"I, I'm not jealous of the deputy dean."

"Then do you envy me?"

"Yes, a little."

"Then are you jealous of Harry?"

Neville is an honest child. He answered questions quickly and said almost all of his true thoughts. But when asked about Harry, he was silent.

Shor understood and patted Neville on the shoulder.

"Don't feel ashamed. Jealousy is human nature. It's better to say it out loud than to hide it in your heart. Only those who dare to face their own darkness are true warriors."

Shor said this and saw that Ron, who was looking down, had begun to shake violently, and many beads of sweat dripped on the test paper.

He didn't pay much attention to it and still looked at Neville steadily.

"Like me, although I seem to be stronger than ordinary little wizards, I am also jealous of big figures like the headmaster. This is not something difficult to talk about."

Neville looked at Shor in disbelief, his lips closed several times, and he stood up suddenly and said with courage.

"Yes, I'm jealousHarry, I'm jealous of his talent, jealous of him having a friend like you, but actually, I hate myself for being so stupid. "

This time Neville didn't stutter, and he spoke more and more fluently.

Shor was quite relieved, he really liked Neville.

But he was too busy recently, and he couldn't take care of Neville's affairs. Today, he tried to enlighten him.

"Neville, you are really brave."

Neville was a little embarrassed, secretly reaching out to rub his knees, he just stood too hard and hit his knees on the seat.

"Yes, is it? But grandma always said that I was cowardly, and I felt that my heart was really dirty, I was jealous of Harry, he helped me a lot. "

Shor said earnestly.

"Neville, don't blame yourself, everyone has jealousy, the low-level logic of jealousy, to put it bluntly, is people's dissatisfaction with their current situation and lack of confidence in changing themselves. "

"But I see that you are trying to change yourself in you, even if it is slow, it is still worthy of praise, so you are excellent."

Neville was stunned, and his eyes became more and more energetic.

Affirmation from outstanding people of the same age is often more effective than affirmation from elders.

Shor continued to enlighten.

"There are three types of jealous people. Smart jealous people often see their own shortcomings and try to change themselves. Neville, you are one of them."

"Mediocre jealous people only say what's the big deal, isn't it this, isn't it that?"

"And stupid jealous people either frame the jealous people, or do crazy things to show their extraordinaryness. Ha, Ron, do you think you are that kind? "

Shor said, and suddenly turned his head to look at Ron who was peeking at him.

This sudden question scared Ron and made him fall off the stool.

He was sweating all over his head, and he loudly denied the rumor.

"I'm not jealous of you, I'm not jealous of you, I don't want to be in the limelight, I didn't mean to go to the fourth floor... "

Shor leaned over and looked down at Ron, and looked into his panicked eyes.

"Ron Weasley, I know you, you have five excellent brothers above you, and a sister who is loved by the whole family below you. You have been a little transparent since you were a child, and your family is really not rich. "

"Growing up in such a living environment, it is indeed easy to understand that you have some dark thoughts. "

"But you are a Gryffindor, what about your courage, is it difficult to admit your weaknesses? Look at Neville, his family environment is even worse, and his parents are still lying in St. Mungo's! He is much braver than you! "

Looking at Ron who was getting more and more cowardly, if it wasn't for the mission, Shaw wouldn't want to be a babysitter and counsel people all day long. His voice became colder and he shouted louder.

"Stand up, don't let me look down on you!"

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