Ron didn't want to see Shaw showing off, so he dragged Seamus to stay in the dormitory with him.

Crouching Dragon and Phoenix were practicing spells quietly at this moment, ready to show those who looked down on them that I am also a genius!


Well, Seamus was blown into an afro again.

Ron looked at his blackened clothes and swallowed his saliva.

Seamus murmured after spewing a mouthful of black smoke.

"How about we still recite it the way Miss Know-it-all taught us? Wingardium~~Leviosa?"

Ron was still worried about his ragged robes becoming more torn, and when he heard Seamus' words, he immediately said with red eyes.

"No, that big front tooth is in cahoots with Shaw! We have to prove that we can do it without them!"

Seamus pouted, Ron was too stubborn, and Dean was so angry that he didn't play with them anymore.

If it weren't for the fact that the explosions he made were always likely to harm innocent people, he would also have no friends.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be struggling with Ron here.


A more violent shock and explosion sound came through the dormitory door. The two were startled, looked at each other, and came to the door and opened a crack.

Shaw's cold voice sounded through the crack of the door.

"Gryffindor prefect, report the actual number of people in each grade!"

"Seventh grade 27 people, actual attendance 27."

"Sixth grade 30 people, actual attendance 30."


"First grade 31 people, actual attendance 29."

When Ron and the others heard this, they suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"I originally thought that Gryffindor was too brave, to the point of being mindless and reckless."

"But these defeated people on the ground are not shameful, at least they chose to die standing, but I didn't expect that there would be cowards in Gryffindor."

"Very good, deserters on the battlefield will be hung on the mast as sacrifices!"

Ron hurriedly closed the door and chose to continue to be a turtle.

But the next moment, a stream of water drilled in from under the door, like a vine, entangled him and Seamus.

The two immediately felt like they had epilepsy.

"Ah, ah, it hurts."

"Numb, numb."

The water stretched out a tentacle to open the door, and dragged the two out backwards.

Ron moved forward with his back close to the ground, and his head hit the door frame, and a big bump appeared, but he didn't feel any pain at this time.

After entering the lounge hall, he was directly hung on the wall lamp.

The paralysis effect of the electric shock slowly wore off. Ron felt a pain in his forehead. He twisted his stiff neck and looked around. There were about seven or eight people hanging up.

He looked down again and saw more than twenty people lying on the ground, and those little snakes were roughly pouring potion bottles into the wounded.

This was not the worst.

His two brothers were receiving electrotherapy in a water dungeon at the moment, their limbs twisted so much that they were already foaming at the mouth.

Ron understood how Shaw conquered Slytherin. His scalp was numb and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

This time, he was afraid that he would lose a layer of skin if he didn't die.

Shaw looked at the wounded on the ground who recovered quickly, and couldn't help but sigh that Snape's potion level was really good.

He glanced at the eight people hanging on the wall lamp, then ignored them, and began to walk back and forth slowly in front of the crowd with his hands behind his back, his leadership temperament was obvious.

"Professor McGonagall asked me to rectify Gryffindor's study style, just three o'clock!"

"In the future, refer to Slytherin for morning and evening self-study! Percy will supervise and record any violations."

"In the future, Slytherin will send people to teach Gryffindor about the etiquette of walking, sitting and lying! Those who do not cooperate will be severely punished."

"In the future, those who make mistakes will be punished with a 100-inch long confinement in the sea of ​​questions at the lightest. Those who resist today will be confined in a while."

"In the severest case, look at the two brave teenagers who have rolled their eyes over there. These are the special objects that Professor McGonagall has specifically instructed. They will receive one hour of loving care for the next three days."

The little lions dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

After all, the most capable fighters have just calmed down at this moment, and the most noisy ones are still being tortured.

However, they also began to consider whether to write letters to their parents or form a resistance army against tyranny.

Shaw looked at their performance and knew that it would not work to suppress them blindly.

"Oh, there is one last item. From now on, I will organize a duel between Gryffindor and Slytherin every month. The top three in each grade will compete against each other, and the total score will be counted to determine the winner."

This time, the little lions who were just dissatisfied immediately became energetic again.

Kenneth staggered out and looked fiercely at Victor who had just roughly drugged him.

"There will always be rewards and punishments for winning or losing."

Shaw touched his chin, and the ten little snakes behind him were also ready to fight, so he smiled and said.

"Then the losing house will wash the winning house.One month of smelly socks and pants! One pair of fixed service. "

Everyone was shocked!

"Oh, Merlin's fingernails, my God, this, this, must win!"

"This sour reward and punishment system is really exciting."

"But winning seems to be really satisfying."

"I decided to wear this pair of socks on my feet for a month! I love self-study! I want to become stronger!"

Shor was very satisfied with the reward and punishment system he came up with on the spur of the moment.

Then he waved his hand and continued to give orders.

"Everyone stand aside. Tonight is the first evening self-study. Let's start with etiquette. Alice, take people to teach them well, and the rebels just now will start confinement in the sea of ​​questions."

The little snakes behind him immediately laughed maliciously.

"Hehe! "

Before Shaw could say anything, Alice immediately cast a petrifying spell on the girl who laughed the loudest, stopping her laughter.

Then she scolded coldly.

"Telvi, where are your manners? Is this worthy of being taught in etiquette?"

The other little snakes immediately stopped laughing and looked at Alice in disbelief.

Shor ignored Alice's authority and handed Percy a pile of test papers from Professor McGonagall, and instructed.

"You may not be welcomed at the beginning, but don't be afraid, you still have Professor McGonagall and me behind you, and they will definitely be grateful to you in the future. "

After seeing Shaw's thundering methods, Percy really admired this young man.

He used to be obsessed with power, thinking that he could have everything if he had power, and he could change his embarrassing family life and not let his younger brothers and sisters wear old robes.

And now, Percy has the idea that violence seems to be a better solution to everything.

Percy bowed slightly and said solemnly.

"Shor, don't worry, I will strictly supervise and record."

Shor patted his shoulder without hesitation and continued to fool him.

"Remember, you are creating a new Gryffindor, go ahead."

Percy's eyes were fanatical, his back was straight, holding the papers, and he went to do the most annoying job with vigor.

Harry saw that Shaw was finally done, and walked over and asked in a low voice.

"Shor, how are you going to deal with Ron and the others? "

Shor looked sideways at Harry and his accidentally exposed electric scar.

He seemed to be a little confused, so he reached out and pretended to rub Harry's head, feeling whether he could directly absorb the fragments of Voldemort's soul.

But he said some vague words in a warm and gentle manner.

"Harry, if people make mistakes, they must accept punishment. Ron and others don't even have the courage to face failure, so I must at least let them know what shame is. Well, let's hang in shame for a night. "

Harry felt Shaw's gentle palm covering his forehead, and suddenly felt cared for by his brother.

So he agreed unconditionally without thinking.

"Ron and others should indeed be taught some lessons and be warned. "

"Ding, an evil soul detected. "

————The dividing line of all evil————

"Small Theater"

Shor was wearing a moonlit nightgown, meditating in the dormitory, looking as ethereal as a fairy.

Draco suddenly ran in in a panic and fell on the end of Shaw's bed.

Draco looked up at Shaw and said anxiously.

"It's bad, Shaw, Slytherin has lost a lot of points for some reason. It was 900 points yesterday, and 170 points were deducted today."

Shor narrowed his eyes slightly, but was not panicked. He stretched out his hand to smooth Draco's messy platinum hair and said gently.

"Don't worry, maybe a little snake was caught by Professor McGonagall or Filch during the night."

Draco's emotions were slowly calmed down, but he still said unwillingly.

"But the college score is the result of your rectification of the school spirit. I am unwilling to lose it like this. "

Draco said, and immediately stood up and said excitedly.

"I will go to gather the Slytherin throne members, and we will work harder next time."

After Draco left for a while, Shaw heard a boiling voice coming from the lounge.

"Throne owners, follow me to fight for the five-star honor! Let the school score break nine again!"

(Ahem, the sound of a big man who understands the little drama.)

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