It is breakfast time in the hall of Hogwarts.

Except for those who count the seconds and stay in bed, most people are eating breakfast in the hall.

The atmosphere in the hall today is also very strange.

To be precise, the students at the other three long tables kept sneaking glances at Slytherin.

"Did those little snakes take the wrong medicine? They lined up to eat. Are they under the Imperius Curse?"

"That's nothing. What's more outrageous is that a little snake greeted me politely just now."

"Tsk tsk, look at their dining etiquette, it's more awkward than before."


The people in Slytherin were actually quite awkward, but after looking at Shaw who was sitting in the first seat and eating meticulously, they continued to eat honestly.

In their hearts, they recited what Shaw taught them: As long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Shaw did not make any strict terms. The small meeting just now was just to clarify the supervision tasks of the prefects.

In general, the purpose is to make these lazy students better. As for the concept, it has to be done subtly.

He can't really turn Hogwarts into a military school. If he dares to do that, Dumbledore will probably be the first to disagree.

At the long table of Ravenclaw, Harry sat down to chat with Hermione and couldn't help whispering.

"Is this the change that Shaw said? The speed is really fast."

Now Hermione is also eating breakfast imitating Shaw's elegant movements in the distance, and she can't help but admire him when she hears it.

"Yes, Shaw is really amazing. He conquered those people in just one night."

Harry subconsciously imitated the elegant movements, but it was a little awkward.

Hermione suddenly thought of something and turned her head to ask in surprise.

"Where is Ron who was with you? Why is he gone?"

Harry was a little embarrassed and sighed again.

"He's still sleeping. He dragged Seamus to play wizard chess until late last night. I called them when I got up early, but it was useless."

Hermione pouted.

"Harry, you should go to Slytherin. At the very least, you can come to Ravenclaw with me. Ron and the others are not motivated at all, and they will affect you."

Harry didn't express any opinion, but a trace of pity flashed across his face.

Hermione handed a universal spell book to Harry.

"This is a family heirloom book lent to me by Shaw. I have memorized all of it. It is indeed much more detailed than the Standard Spells. You can take it and read it. If you don't understand, you can ask me. If I don't understand, hehe, we can go and ask Shaw together."


Harry didn't refuse. He took the book solemnly and looked up at Slytherin.

Especially when he saw Draco, who was in high spirits beside him, he felt uncomfortable. Obviously, they knew Shaw at the same time.

Draco and Alice sat on Shaw's left and right.

Alice took a sip of milk and said softly.

"Shor, my grandfather told me that he has persuaded the eight school directors not to trouble you for the time being, but some pure-bloods have already complained to the Ministry of Magic. Should we be more restrained?"

Shor swallowed a steamed bun and looked at Alice confidently with burning eyes.

"Minister Fudge is still the headmaster's yes-man. There is no need to worry about the Ministry of Magic for the time being. Next year, I will make those pure-blood families have no time to care about me. At most two years, I will not be afraid of anything."

Alice blushed a little when Shaw stared at her. She knew that this was not admiration, but pure worship.

"Well, I believe you, but I'll let my grandfather keep a closer eye on you."

Draco nodded hurriedly on the side.

"I, I will also try to convince my father."

Shor glanced at Draco and thought that you might be disappointed.

At this moment, a group of owls flew in from outside the hall. They kept circling above the hall, and swooped down after finding the target.

For a while, the hall was in chaos, but the experienced people had already eaten.

The same was true for Slytherin, but everyone was too busy to pay attention to their own desks.

Because there were too many owls in front of Shaw, and these owls did not bring gifts, but howling letters!

Dozens of howling letters automatically floated from the feet of the owls into the air, and at the same time automatically opened to become an anthropomorphic blood-red mouth.

These letters were densely packed and quite scary.

Draco and the others looked at them in horror and quickly covered their ears, but Shaw smiled disdainfully and just waved his hand lightly.

A group of rotating water flow appeared out of thin air, wrapping the letters in the water, and the roars that had not yet been made were blocked by the heavy water wall.

Then a ball of fire appeared out of nowhere in the hollow water, and quickly burned all the roaring letters.

Everyone in the hall looked atLooking at Shaw's smooth movements, Draco didn't know how to evaluate them for a moment.

After a long while, Draco gave a thumbs up.


Originally, several bruised senior students were waiting to see the joke, but when they saw Shaw deal with the howler letter so neatly, they said something in their hearts, but they didn't know whether to say it or not.

After there was no more excitement to watch, everyone started to sit down and open their gifts.

At this time, Marcus ran to Shaw breathlessly and shouted arrogantly.

"Shor, the dean asked you to go over, haha, you're done."

Shor was not in a hurry. He took the napkin and slowly wiped the corners of his mouth before standing up, and stretched out his hand to signal other students who wanted to stand up with him to sit down.

Only then did he look at the person who went to tell tales with a smile on his face. Marcus was really a very useful chicken.

Marcus felt a little uncomfortable being stared at, and said in a timid manner.

"What are you looking at? The dean will take back your appointment as the chief in a while. You won't be so arrogant for long."

Shor turned and walked towards Snape's office in the basement, leaving only one sentence.

"Bucktooth chicken, enjoy the good time this morning. The rest of your life will be full of nightmares."

Draco quickly picked up Shaw and his textbooks, glared at Marcus who was telling tales, and chased in the direction where Shaw left with two followers.

Marcus and others scratched their heads.

"What does Shaw mean? Why are you so calm?"

Monta, who had just sat not far from Shaw, sighed and explained.

"Is your head really a giant? The dean didn't do anything to Shaw last night, and he won't do anything to Shaw today. Although I don't know what he showed the dean, it doesn't matter. You just wait to be hung on the wall lamp all night. No one will save you tonight."

Walking in the dark basement, Shaw thought about why Slytherin people like this dark environment.

Maybe they enjoy loneliness.

Arriving in front of Snape's office, the door opened automatically without waiting for knocking.

Shaw smiled and stepped in.

The smell in the room was very strange, and the temperature here was quite cold. The shelves along the walls were full of bottles and jars, and some of the jars were soaked with the remains of some animals.

With this dim environment, it can be used directly without any decoration for shooting a thriller.

But Shaw knew that the materials and potions on those shelves were all priceless, and it was easy to exchange them for tens of thousands of Galleons.

One of the two super invisible rich people in Hogwarts is here.

Well, it's a good place to get wool.

The owner of this room is standing at a workbench and brewing potions. Even with his back to him, you can see that he is skilled in his movements. If it weren't for his greasy hair, he would still be quite elegant.

"Do you know why I called you here?"

Shaw said frankly while looking at the good things on the shelves.

"The dean asked me to come here to praise me."

Shor's shameless words almost broke Snape's defense. He turned around and glared at Shaw and said coldly.

"Hehe, this is really the funniest joke I have heard this year. Tell me, why should I praise you? I hope your dog mouth can be as extraordinary as your face."

Shor took a few steps forward and watched Snape brewing a golden potion.

He was familiar with this, the Felixir, Snape is worthy of being a potion master.

An idea flashed through his mind and he said it.

"Slytherin gives people a very bad stereotype. It is a hotbed of dark wizards in the eyes of some people. Didn't the dean suffer from it in his early years? So it's time to change."

Snape looked at Shaw fiercely with cold eyes, as if he was choosing someone to bite.

"What do you know? Did your father tell you? Or did Sirius, that idiot?"

Shor looked Snape in the eye without fear and answered the question irrelevantly.

"Dean, let me discuss something with you. Do you want Harry's ugly photo? When the Felixir is ready, let me have a few drops."

Snape felt that he had seen something new. The Black family was indeed full of weirdos.

He waved his sleeves and continued to question.

"You seem to have corporal punishment on students? The headmaster doesn't seem to have this right, how should this be explained? Aren't you afraid that the parents' yelling letters will fill your doghouse."

"Oh, I have just burned dozens of yelling letters, and the students were not injured. How can it be considered corporal punishment? At best, it is called loving care."

Snape was choked and turned around to continue brewing the potion, saying in a faint tone.

"You are such an arrogant kid. The power of the pure-blood family is stronger than you think. You will be expelled."

"I am not arrogant, and I believe in the principal. He will help me with it."

"Hey, your shameful tricks again?"

"Everyone has their own needs, right?". "

Snape thought he was already very good at making fun of people, but he didn't expect to see it today, so he said impatiently.

"Go away! Don't cause me any more trouble!"

"Okay, Harry's ugly photos must be delivered next week, and the dean must support me."

Shor took a bottle of energy potion from the shelf, and then walked out with his hands behind his back.

This action made Snape laugh.

Shor came to the corridor outside and saw Draco and the other two squatting in the corner.

Seeing that Shaw still walked out with a calm face, several people couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Shor, the dean didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

Shor took the lead and walked to the third floor, stretching out his hand to show the bottle in his hand.

"How could that be, the dean is actually a good person, and he gave me a bottle of energy potion and asked me to do a good job. "

Draco couldn't believe it. He knew the temper of Professor Snape who often came to his house.

But seeing that Shaw didn't seem to be lying, he couldn't help but want to worship him.

Several people walked towards the Charms classroom. This morning was the Transfiguration class, and they were studying with Gryffindor.

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