Nurmengard, Austria.

In a room in the tower, a dozen gray-haired old men were discussing in a low voice.

They were all dressed very respectably, exquisitely and stylishly.

"Nagel, how many people have you contacted?"

"More than a dozen, many old guys are dead, but their descendants are also very idealistic and very willing to join us."

"Well, not bad. Although many of our comrades were persecuted by various magical ministries, they are still doing well now. The most powerful ones have become the director of the Law Enforcement Department."

"When will the master announce his return? Miss Vita doesn't know whether to come, but the master has regained his fighting spirit again."

"Miss Vita said she wanted to give the master a surprise, so she can't come for the time being."

The old man in the lead had a serious temperament and was always thinking, thinking about how to persuade the master to get out of prison.

His name was Abernethy. He was the most capable assistant under Grindelwald back then. He once got to the top of the Magical Congress of the United States and almost helped Grindelwald become the chairman of the Congress.

On the top floor of the tower, the shabby cell that only had a rotten wooden bed before has now changed a lot.

Not only is it filled with various gorgeous and exquisite furniture, but the floor is also covered with luxurious Persian cashmere carpets, and a circular bookshelf is full of books.

Behind the large desk sits an old man with a distinguished temperament. His pair of blue eyes with silver edges seem to be full of divinity.

The old man is Grindelwald, the Dark Lord who launched the First Wizarding War and the leader of the Wizarding Party!

Since the prophecy of the doomed future has changed, this legendary wizard is naturally no longer decadent. Although he is still imprisoned in Nurmengard due to the oath with Dumbledore, he no longer wrongs himself.

Although he has not yet summoned his old subordinates, the loyal saints who have been guarding him nearby are naturally ecstatic when they know that their leader has rekindled his fighting spirit, and all kinds of good things have been sent to him.

Grindelwald is carefully looking at a letter at this moment.

[Dear Mr. Perel, hello.

I am very honored for your love.

As for your question, why I chose to perform magic in the Muggle world, this involves my childhood experience, so I won't go into details. The initial reason can be summarized in one sentence: to fill my stomach.

When I learned to perform magic, I found different fun.

I enjoy the scene of being cheered by thousands of people. When I use grand and gorgeous magic that exceeds the cognition of ordinary people, I enjoy the audience's eyes looking at me as if they were looking at gods.

Yes, to be honest, I am a vain and vulgar person who enjoys the pleasure brought by power and money, and I don't have any noble sentiments.

But I know that human progress comes from desire, so I am not ashamed of it.

As for Mr. Perel's second question, asking me about my views on Muggles, I look at it from two perspectives.

From the perspective of the superior, the people under his rule are not divided into wizards or not, but only useful and useless. A wise leader can put everyone where he should be, even a pile of mud has its merits.

From the perspective of a wizard who has lived in the Muggle world since childhood, Muggles are no longer ignorant and backward, and many advanced ideas are worth learning.

Their so-called technology is already very advanced, and they can do many things that only magic can do, and they have even created conventional weapons that can destroy a city.

On the contrary, I think the magic world is the ignorant party. It has been standing still for hundreds of years. The magical magic has made the wizards complacent and arrogantly despise the Muggles who are accelerating their progress.

It is conceivable that if the status quo remains, within a hundred years, the technology of Muggles will inevitably surpass the magic of wizards. At that time, the situation of wizards will be worrying.

I have gone too far. As a student, what I should do now is to study hard. Recently, I am very distressed about a problem.

My magic has lightning attributes, and all the spells I use are electric shocks. How can I control it freely?


Your dear pen pal Shor Black]

Grindelwald put down the letter, pondered for a long time, and gradually smiled at the corners of his mouth.

"He is quite honest, and has a unique vision and a great vision. He is also a rare elementalist and a natural leader. No wonder he will influence the future."

Grindelwald took out the letter paper and began to write a reply.

After a while, he put the letter away and rang the bell on the table.

More than ten seconds later, a serious man with white hair came in from outside the cell. He bowed respectfully after coming in.


Grindelwald ordered.

"Abernathy, send this letter to that little guy. By the way, find a way to get a phoenix as a gift before Christmas. He always uses owls to send letters, which affects my pen pal relationship.""As you command."

Abernethy took the letter in both hands and did not question how difficult it was to get a phoenix.

As the witch party that swept the world fifty years ago, although it is not as strong as before and is still in a dormant state, its power is still strong.

The witch party is a group of idealistic wizards. Even if the years pass, as long as they are not dead and the leader calls for it, the witch party can make a comeback.

And the phoenix is ​​not exclusive to the Dumbledore family, otherwise so many wands are phoenix tails, and Fawkes's tail must be plucked bald.

And the mascot of the New Zealand Quidditch team Macaws is a phoenix, so a phoenix can always be obtained.

Grindelwald pondered for a moment and continued to give orders.

"Collect ancient books on lightning spells, collect scientific and cultural information from the Muggle world, and collect intelligence from the British magic world, huh? Ask more people to collect, as soon as possible, go."

Abernethy was ecstatic, because the leader's subtext was that he could start to gather his old subordinates with all his strength and make a comeback.

"Yes, sir!"

He bowed excitedly and left, thinking in his heart.

"It seems that I have to investigate the Hogwarts student named Shaw. How did he restore the master's fighting spirit?"

There are no sunny windows in the Hogwarts dungeon, so there is no romance here when you open your eyes with the morning light.

Thanks to his good biological clock, Shaw woke up at 6 o'clock.

He got up and put on a well-fitting green and silver school uniform. After washing up, he saw that the other three people were still sleeping soundly in their beds, so he had to shout loudly.

"Get up!"

But the three people just turned over and were still sleeping soundly.

Shaw sighed, why did he always force him to "conquer people with virtue".

He stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and three fist-sized water balls appeared out of thin air, and then fell on the heads of the three people.


The three people who were poured all over their heads and faces were instantly awakened by the cold water with a little electricity. They trembled all over, screamed and rolled on the ground, and looked doubtful about life.

Shaw passed by them and said lightly.

"Give you half an hour to wash up, and then gather in the common room."

When they came to the dim lounge, there was naturally no one here, even the few thorns hanging on the wall lamp last night were nowhere to be seen.

He was not surprised, took out his wand and used "Flame" to light the fireplace and wall lamp.

He found a sofa to sit down, took out a set of tea sets and a small red clay stove from the ring, and started to make fire and boil tea.

As time passed slowly, Draco and the other two rubbed their sleepy eyes and came to the lounge.

Draco wanted to complain a little, he had insomnia last night, and now he got up so early.

But seeing Shaw's peaceful tea drinking posture and deep eyes, he swallowed his words again and followed Shaw's example to pick up the teacup Shaw handed him.

As time approached 7 o'clock, the number of people in the lounge gradually increased. The first and second graders were the most, all gathered around Shaw. Most of the third, fourth and fifth graders came, and only a few sixth and seventh graders came.

After these people came, they gathered in groups of three or five and whispered, quietly discussing what Shaw was going to do today.

Alice came over. She was obviously dressed up today. Her delicate facial features were slightly powdered, which made her look more noble. She wore a slim school uniform with a few accessories, but she looked elegant in a dress.

Draco gave up his seat very experiencedly.

Alice sat down slowly and said with some worry.

"Shor, it's impossible for everyone to be present. What are you going to do?"

Shaw said indifferently.

"It's okay, my magic power has recovered."

Although his words were calm, they made people's bones ache.

In the last five minutes, the lounge was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. No one was talking, like the silence before a storm.

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