On the sofa in the corner of the Ravenclaw lounge.

Shaw, Hermione and Qiu Zhang, who was invited, sat opposite each other.

Qiu Zhang is already in the third grade this year.

A pretty little witch with a round face, dark and bright eyes, gentle temperament, and long black hair.

It fits the Western perception of Eastern beauty.

But in Shaw's eyes, this "fellow countryman" is not in his aesthetic point.

"Chief, no, I wonder what you want from me?"

Seeing Qiu Zhang a little embarrassed, Shaw smiled.

Not every young lady in Ravenclaw is so loving.

Although Qiu Zhang grew up in the UK and is very tough in Quidditch, she still has some Chinese graceful personality.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to ask you about food."

Qiu Zhang didn't know what he thought of, and looked panicked, and quickly denied it.

"Ah, Chief, I don't have any blood pudding!"

Shor's gentle expression almost couldn't be suppressed, and Hermione couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh.

"You, huh, it's not about pudding. I want to ask if your family in China has any way to get authentic Sichuan peppers for hot pot."

Qiu Zhang was stunned when he heard this explanation, then he showed an apologetic expression and quickly made up for it.

"Chief, I'm sorry, um, um, my father works in the International Affairs Department and often goes back to China. He should have a way in this regard. How about I write a letter to ask?"

Shor has been helpless about his demon legend. Although the troublemaker has been eliminated now, the aftereffects are still there, and it is unknown how many years it will disappear.

Shor stabilized his mentality and spoke to confirm whether Qiu Zhang really knew what he was looking for.

"Student Qiu Zhang, are you sure you know what I'm looking for?"

"Yes, Chaotian La, Xiao Mi La, Er Jing Tiao, are they these?"

Hearing Qiu Zhang pronounce several pepper names in Chinese, Xiao Er was basically relieved.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

At this time, Xiao Er's corner had gradually attracted the attention of others. He didn't dare to stay any longer and quickly fled the scene.

Hermione and Qiu Zhang looked at Xiao Er who had disappeared and blinked.

At this time, Qiu Zhang immediately recovered his carefreeness.

"Hermione, the chief is not as scary as I imagined. Those senior sisters kept scaring me. I thought the chief had drawn me tonight and was going to be whipped."

"Hehe, these are all rumors."

Hermione laughed and then gossiped.

"I heard that one of the best students in Hufflepuff is pursuing you? Is it true?"


The invisible Xiao Er came out of the lounge and suddenly heard a voice of mixed sadness and joy.

"Woo, ah? I succeeded, I succeeded."

Shortly, he dodged a little witch with tears on her face and watched her staggering towards the lounge.

He went outside in confusion.

He saw a strange sight. Many little eagles were holding onions from the kitchen, weeping, and muttering some miserable lines.

What last look, dying with eyes wide open, etc.

Are the little eagles really going crazy because of the pressure of studying?

Shore shook his head and sighed, "What a poor kid!" Then he went downstairs with his hands behind his back.

He went back to the kitchen and handed a ton of spider meat to the elves. Since the hot pot was not ready yet, he could only cook it in other ways.

As soon as Shore left the kitchen, he was blocked by the little badgers with many eyes and ears.

A group of drooling little badgers stared pitifully at a snake to eat, which was always creepy.

Shaw sighed inwardly, feeling lucky, and quickly pointed to the kitchen.

"The spider meat has been delivered, and we can have it at dinner."


The badgers heard this great news, drooling and letting Shaw go, swarming into the kitchen.

Shaw held his forehead and walked towards the library, ready to find some relevant books.

Except for the badgers who were crazy happy at the dinner, nothing happened in the following days.

Two potions classes just ended that afternoon.

Draco and Harry tried to drag Shaw to the Quidditch field to practice.

Although Shaw is the captain of the team this year, he is really busy.

He didn't even have time to personally explore Lockhart's background and find time to trick Snape into working for nothing.

Where is there time to practice?

"I have something else to do, you guys go, wait until I'm done with these days..."

Before he finished speaking, a weird voice came from behind him.

"Heh, the arrogant Black has become the head of four colleges. Sure enough, he has no interest in the glory of Slytherin, just like his shameless uncle who always betrays his position."

Shor's scalp numbed, and he quickly adjusted his expression. Then he turned around and saw Snape looking at him like he was looking at shit.

Shor quickly startedNonsense.

"What are you talking about, Dean? I will defend the honor of Slytherin! Ahem, actually, I practice Quidditch secretly every night, just to prepare myself as a secret weapon to catch Gryffindor off guard! Kill them and make them lose their armor!"

Snape didn't believe Shaw's nonsense at all. He was in a bad mood today, and the headmaster assigned him an errand at noon.

He just deducted ten points from Harry in class, and he didn't feel relieved.

So he kept nagging.

"Really? Well, I'm free. Let's go to the Quidditch field together and let me see the quality of your secret weapon."

Shor looked at Snape speechlessly. Did he take the wrong medicine today?

Where's the tacit understanding?

What kind of Quidditch did you practice secretly?

Shaw's mind raced, and he quickly thought of an excuse.

Snape didn't urge him, and watched with interest what outrageous excuse Shaw could come up with.

Harry, Draco and other little snakes were trembling and dared not speak.

The little lions had already run away.

But at this moment, Lockhart slowly walked out from the corner and said to Snape warmly.

"Hello, Professor Snape, what are you doing? By the way, Shaw, I have a project on Defense Against the Dark Arts that needs your help. Are you free?"

Snape looked at Lockhart, who was wearing a lavender classical robe and walking calmly, with a bad look.

He hated this kind of hypocrisy and refused Shaw directly on his behalf.

"Lockhart, Shaw is not free now."

Lockhart's expression did not change, he moved forward and whispered something to Snape.

Snape's expression immediately tightened and he stared at Lockhart.

"I hope you didn't lie to me."

Then he waved his sleeves, and walked out in a black robe, his steps were very hurried.

Lockhart turned around and continued to invite Shaw warmly.

"Shor, are you free now?"

Shor was not very happy without Snape's trouble, because a bigger trouble came to him.

Although Shaw had no time to contact and test Lockhart in person in the past half month.

But I have been asking people to test this new professor, sneak attack, hit porcelain, and even spread rumors.

But the results were all easily resolved by the other party, and they could not test the details of this person at all, and the other party did not even intend to explore the whole story.

This made Shaw very confused.

It was not until today that he would take the initiative to invite himself.

But he was not afraid, and it was a good opportunity to investigate it himself, so he nodded and agreed.

"I am honored to help the professor."

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