The first week of June is the final exam week at Hogwarts.

The written exam, also known as the magic theory exam, starts first. All subjects except the flying class will be completed within two days, and the next three days will be the practical exam.

In order to prevent cheating, no one is allowed to take Bafey Brain Awakening during the exam. It doesn’t matter if it is used as an aid to study, but it is definitely not allowed to be used to cheat in the exam.

As for the more advanced Felixir, this thing that is banned in high-level competitions, it is not included in the prohibited items this time, but no one should drink such a luxurious thing as Felixir in the final exam.

In addition, there is no need to bring your own quill pen and ink, they are available in the examination room.

The first exam is the theoretical knowledge of Charms, and it will be supervised by Professor Flitwick himself.

“Mr. Donahue, I think you should go change your clothes, what do you think?”

Abbot Donahue, a first-year Gryffindor student, had just arrived in the classroom with a group of little lions. Before he sat down, he was called by Professor Flitwick.

“”Sorry, I’ll go right away!”

Abbott Donahue, with a red face, hurried out of the classroom.

His wizard robe was covered with notes written with invisibility potion. As long as he took advantage of the professor’s invigilation and used magic to stimulate it, he would be visible. He thought it would be foolproof, but he didn’t expect to be discovered before it even started.

Ethan could only say that Professor Flitwick’s temper was still too good. If it were Snape, he would definitely lose the qualification to take the exam, and he would also have to deduct house points.

Although the current Gryffindor house points have recovered a little after Quirrell came back to class, it is still the last among the four houses.

With Abbott Donahue as a living example, all the students were trembling with fear, fearing that they would be caught out.

But after Professor Flitwick turned around, none of them escaped.

The special glasses can show the answers. In the eyes of the wizards, this was brought back by senior students in Hogsmeade.

Compared with Ethan’s Buffy brain wakener, this one doesn’t need to be studied hard, just wear it during the exam, but it can only fool first-year students.

Because the five students who wore this glasses were caught, you are not Harry Potter with a hammer in the eyes, and this thing can be confiscated every year in recent years.

There are also some more advanced ones who use Transfiguration to turn Xiaochao into a decoration on their body, which did not escape the eyes of Professor Flitwick.

As a senior professor who has taught in Hogwarts for more than 20 years, he has seen all kinds of methods. These first-year wizards are still too childish compared to those senior ones.

They use these things that can be seen through at a glance.

The senior wizards, those are all kinds of magic There were endless potions and alchemical props, and there were all kinds of strange ways to convey answers, such as codes and gestures. Someone was even caught taking the test for someone else using Polyjuice Potion. If it weren’t for his unsatisfactory disguise, it would have been hard to tell.

With Professor Flitwick’s proofreading, the next few subjects were much more honest, especially Potions, where no one cheated.

As for the subject of History of Magic the next day, Ethan looked through it and found that more than half of the young wizards were cheating, and the process was quite simple and crude.

Defense Against the Dark Arts was not much better, and Quirrell didn’t care about it at all.

Astronomy, Ethan really had no interest in it, so he didn’t learn it very well, so he referred to Cassandra’s answers.

Two days passed in a flash. He took four exams on the first day and three on the second day.

Next came the more difficult practical exercises.

For the written test, if you don’t know how to answer the multiple-choice questions, you can guess.

If you can answer the essay questions, the professor will give you some points.

But if you don’t know how to answer the practical questions, you can only laugh.

In the Transfiguration test, when Ethan and others entered the classroom, there was a golden snitch on the podium.

The content of the test is to turn a teacup into a golden snitch, and the score is based on the degree of completion.

Compared with the match turning into a silver needle at the beginning of the school year, this is much more difficult.

You know, whether it is a round body or wings, the golden snitch is covered with fine lines.

It is not easy to perfectly replicate it.

Ethan thinks that this is Professor McGonagall pointing at Gryffindor.

Who let McGonagall be a Quidditch fanatic, but Gryffindor is really not good this year.

After losing to Slytherin and Hufflepuff, they only won the Ravenclaw women’s team (most of them are girls) by a slight margin.

The following little wizards can join the Quidditch team next year.

They are fresh blood.

One by one, take it seriously.

Gryffindor really has nothing to lose.

Everything was normal before, even if it was strange, it was still a change.

Only when Seamus came on stage, everything changed, and Professor McGonagall was on high alert.


As expected, there was still an explosion, and golden fragments were scattered all over the classroom.

At least the color changed, which shows that Seamus still has a certain talent for Transfiguration, but his talent for explosion is too high, which overshadows his other talents.

When it was Ethan’s turn, there was no problem at all, and he easily got an O.

In the Potions class exam, the shrinking potion that needed to be brewed this time was quite difficult.

In the past, it was a group of two, but during the exam, one person operated alone.

Daisy roots (chopped), shrinking figs (peeled), caterpillars (sliced into thin slices), a drop of rat bile, and a little leech juice.

Although this was a potion that had just been brewed a few weeks ago, the entire exam scene was still a bit chaotic, and all kinds of questions were varied.

After all, you have to kill rats to get rat bile, squeeze leech juice, and cut caterpillars yourself.

For those clumsy little wizards, this is a nightmare.

But this is no problem for Ethan and his roommates, who are the fastest to finish.

Although Snape did not grade in class, O should be a sure thing.

When it came to the assessment of the spells class, Professor Flitwick took everyone directly to a classroom with a small arena.

As a former duel champion, Professor Flitwick’s assessment was quite hardcore, and he directly pulled them out for a fight.

Actual combat brings true knowledge.

He doesn’t want his students to be useless and fail at a critical moment.

This is not acceptable.

Harry was the first to go on stage.

His opponent was Draco Malfoy.

The two guys were equally matched, but Harry finally won the final victory with his Expelliarmus.

Next was Ron vs.


The two were a bit funny.

They actually dropped their wands while fighting and played free fighting.

Professor Flitwick’s face turned green.

He was the professor of Charms, but these two unlucky kids were fighting with fists during his Charms exam.

Doesn’t this mean that spells are no longer useful than fists? Indirectly saying that my teaching level is not good? Professor Flitwick immediately waved his wand to separate the two and drove them away without saying a word.

The results of these two people can be imagined.

After two more groups, it was Ethan’s favorite part, women fighting.

It was a pity that there were no hair pulling, slapping, and clothes tearing, which made the watchability lower by more than one level.

“Hermione Granger vs. Cassandra Wallace~!” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Professor Flitwick quickly read out the names of Hermione and Cassandra.

Now it was all Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, and these two houses were the most serious in the fight.

And Professor Flitwick also divided the groups based on their daily grades, trying to choose two with similar grades as much as possible, so that he could see what was going on.

“Torn into pieces!”


“There are so many obstacles!”

“Flocks of birds!”

“Imprison him quickly!”

“”Stop the spell!”

The strength of the wizards we saw was much higher than that of the previous groups of young wizards. Most of the time, it was Cassandra who launched the attack, while Hermione dodged or used protective spells.

Professor Flitwick also nodded repeatedly. This was the student he had educated. What were they before, especially those two embarrassing things?

“”The front teeth are like clubs!”

Seizing the opportunity, while Hermione was dodging, Cassandra threw a beam of white light at a tricky angle and hit Hermione’s head.

In the surprised eyes of all the little wizards, Hermione’s front teeth grew at an alarming speed, growing over her lips towards her chin, until they reached the collar, and then stopped.

(Normally, the chin should be pushed off, but in the original book, the teeth protruded.

The setting in this book is that unless you have a deeper understanding of this magic, you can change the direction to achieve lethality.

) With the front teeth growing like this, it is natural that you lose the ability to chant spells, and Hermione can’t cast silently, so she can only retreat.

But before leaving, Hermione’s eyes wanted to kill Cassandra, and it was the front teeth again, this…���People don’t know anyone else except their front teeth.

Although Ethan had guessed the result long ago, he did n’t expect Hermione to end up like this. I just don’t know whether Cassandra did this on purpose or accidentally.

Hermione’s actual combat skills can only be considered average.

Although she is a top student and can quickly learn various spells and potions, she is still a little lacking when applied to actual combat. She is a classic theoretical player.

And Cassandra’s talent in actual combat is beyond doubt. This time she didn’t try hard at all. She was not as serious as the last time she fought with Ethan.

I watched a few more rounds of girls fighting. In the end, Gryffindor had three more little wizards (Nuo Zhao Zhao). The two little witches had no opponents. There was no way that the number of Gryffindor people was greater than that of Slytherin.

“Neville Longbottom vs. Ethan Adrian!”

Ethan cast a puzzled look at Professor Flitwick.

Professor, are you serious?

I fight Neville?

Professor Flitwick looked at the ring and ignored Ethan. For his favorite student, the genius of Ravenclaw, who can’t be defeated in seconds?

If the score is given normally, Ethan’s opponents are probably T. (Very bad)

And Professor Flitwick also knew about Neville. He has studied very hard, but because he was hit by the Oblivion Curse when he was a child, his brain is not very bright, and he is much slower than others in learning magic.

I guess he can only get a P or D in the end. (P is failing and D is very bad)

So when fighting Ethan, he can’t give a normal score. It’s better to give this opportunity to Neville. At least he can say that it’s because the opponent is too strong, so he can give an A.

Looking at Neville, whose legs are still trembling across from him, Ethan sighed.


A red light accurately hit Neville’s wand, causing it to fly into him.

This was the only way he could do. If he really used Expelliarmus on Neville, his current state would be no different from being hit by a truck.

After all, the disarming spell also had a knockback effect.

【Thanks to big brother fuhon for the ticket, thank you big brother! 】.

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