Ravenclaw common room!

Ethan ignored the gazes of his roommates Terry and the other two and walked straight in another direction.

"Senior, can I sit here?"

Ethan came to the sofa with the book"Alternative Spells Transfiguration" in his hand and said with a smile to a quiet girl with black hair and black eyes who was reading.

Generally, when there are no classes, the young wizards of Ravenclaw like to read in the library or the common room, so there are not many empty seats in the common room.

If Ethan had to choose between roommates and seniors, it would naturally be better to sit with the senior.

There is only one Asian in the whole Hogwarts, and it is completely different from the one in the movie, with a fresh and elegant beauty.

""Ah, sit down!"

The senior immediately moved aside to leave more space for Ethan. Qiu Zhang knew Ethan, a hat embarrassment who was assigned to Ravenclaw.

Ethan was not in a hurry to talk, and began to look through the book in his hand, which he had just found from the internal library of Ravenclaw.

Being able to publish a book and pass it down, it can prove that he has his own understanding of Transfiguration and that someone recognizes his point of view.

On the other side, Terry, Michael, and Gene were worrying about the parchment, because the Transfiguration paper was due in class this Wednesday.

Although in class, after listening to Ethan's explanation, the matches of the three people changed without turning into charcoal, but the three of them had not figured out how to write the paper.

They just wanted Ethan to come over and listen to his opinion, maybe they could get some ideas. Unexpectedly, this guy went to hook up with the senior again. Now the three of them have seen Ethan's true nature.

"Don't you do your homework?"

Qiu Zhang closed his book and pointed at the little wizards beside him, asking Ethan curiously.

Ravenclaw students never leave their homework overnight, and usually finish it on the same day, which is completely different from Gryffindor.

"Actually, I don't really need to write it, because I have completed today's Transfiguration task."

Ethan smiled slightly and gave an answer that Qiu Zhang did not expect.

She was a sophomore who had just been promoted this year. Last year, no one in her class could complete the transformation of a matchstick in the first class. She knew how difficult it was.

For her, it was the second week, that is, the third class, when she perfectly transformed the matchstick into a needle. Her progress was quite fast. As expected of a little wizard who was embarrassed by the hat, even the Sorting Hat was entangled. This talent was really high.

"Senior sister is planning to fake the Quidditch college team selection."

Ethan also saw the book"Flying with the Artillery Team" in Qiu Zhang's hand. Just by looking at the title, he knew it was related to Quidditch.

"Well, the Quidditch tryouts will start in a few days, and I don't know if I can be selected. Now I want to learn more about Quidditch skills."

Qiu Zhang nodded. She likes Quidditch very much, and her goal is to be a seeker.

"Senior sister, there will be no problem."

Ethan said with certainty. In the original novel, Zhongqiu Zhang was a member of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team.

"I hope so, Qiu Zhang!"

The senior sister stretched out her right hand with a smile on her face.

"Ethan Adrian!"

The three roommates who kept an eye on Ethan from time to time looked at this scene and couldn't help shaking their heads. They started chatting so quickly, are the seniors so easy to flirt with?

They all began to doubt Ethan's suspicion of entering Ravenclaw. They heard from the senior that as a hat-jerk, he has the characteristics of multiple colleges, and Ethan came to Ravenclaw among Ravenclaw and other colleges. Maybe it's because the quality of the seniors in Ravenclaw is the highest.

This is recognized by all Hogwarts. After all, which college receives more love letters than Ravenclaw?


The afternoon class was History of Magic. After the public execution in the Transfiguration class in the morning, Harry and Ron finally did not arrive late.

Because before Ethan came, the two of them had already had a fight with Draco Malfoy. If it were not for the wrong occasion, they might have fought.

Because of Ethan's intervention, at this point in time, the grudge between them was even greater than in the original book.

Before sitting down, Ethan also greeted Hermione and Cassandra.

Cassandra nodded as a response. Among all the Hogwarts classmates, only Ethan could be her opponent, which led to her treating Ethan differently from others.

If other people greeted her, they would probably be ignored by her.

Hermione responded with a puffed face. She remembered that when she got up early this morning to eat breakfast, Ethan and the female head of Ravenclaw were talking and laughing together, and at noon, they were replaced by an Asian girl.

Obviously, I came first!

As a result, every time we meet, I am either the one with the big front teeth or the one with the big front teeth.

The bell rang, and a ghost who looked very old floated in.

I finally understand why the History of Magic is the most boring course. Professor Binns' voice is deep and hypnotic, and he neither asks questions nor cares what the students are doing below. He just reads the lecture by rote.

Less than ten minutes into the class, at least one-third of the students have already laid down. The rest are either whispering or playing wizard chess games with their deskmates on parchment. Anyway, few people listen to the class seriously.

History is very interesting, not to mention the fantasy history of wizards.

For example, the process and adventures of the four founders of Hogwarts in building the school, the major events of Hogwarts in the past thousand years, the development of the wizarding world, the impact of the anti-witch movement in the Middle Ages on wizards, and so on.

It's just that Professor Binns made the History of Magic boring.

Ethan also lay directly on the table with his eyes closed to rest, preparing for tonight's night tour.

When the class was over, Professor Binns left the classroom on time, and did not forget to leave homework.

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