On the second floor of Hogwarts, Ethan walked into the Transfiguration classroom.

The first thing that caught his eye was the tabby cat lying on the podium. The tabby cat had a circle of patterns around its eyes, just like the glasses Professor McGonagall wore.

Ethan didn't dare to look at it any more, and hurried into the classroom.

Several of his roommates were sitting and chatting, and when they saw Ethan coming, they quickly greeted him.

"Ethan, we didn't see you after we woke up. Where have you been for so long?"

"Get familiar with the environment of Hogwarts with the senior sister."

Ethan sat down directly next to Michael and did not hide anything about it.

"Senior Penelope?"

Terry guessed the answer at a glance.

Judging from yesterday's situation, Senior Penelope treated Ethan and other freshmen Ravenclaw students differently.


"You are so lucky!"

Terry was a little envious.

It was almost time for class. All the Ravenclaws had arrived, and Ethan was the last one.

Looking around, the classroom was almost full, and it seemed that there were still a few people missing from Hufflepuff and Gryffindor.

His eyes collided with Cassandra, but the next moment she immediately turned her head away. Ethan found that Cassandra was sitting alone in the Slytherin group and did not choose to sit with others.

Hermione had a deskmate, and the two were still chatting. Now they looked harmonious. It should be her roommate!

After observing Ethan, who was chatting with his roommate in the classroom, he suddenly noticed that a little wizard's movements were a little weird.

There is fun again!

Ethan immediately perked up and sat up straight, looking in the direction of the podium without blinking.

A little witch from Hufflepuff She was approaching the podium cautiously, with her hands in her pockets, as if holding something. Ethan remembered her name was Crossan Pullman.

On the side of the podium, in order not to alarm the tabby cat, Crossan slowly took out the contents of her pocket, which were dried fish.

Carrying snacks with her, she was worthy of being a Hufflepuff.

With one hand holding the dried fish, she slowly approached the tabby cat, and the other hand was suspended in the air, ready to pet the tabby cat while it was eating.

She had a Maine Coon cat with the blood of a knave at home, which she had raised since she was a child. If it weren't for Hogwarts, where only owls, mice, and toads could be brought to school, she would definitely bring her own cat. She hadn't petted a cat for two days, and the addiction had long been there. Now that she saw a very cool cat, how could she miss it.

If she could use the food she brought with her, If she could lure it back to Hufflepuff, she could openly raise a cat. After all, she didn't bring it here herself, it was a native cat of Hogwarts. Just when the dried fish was about twenty centimeters away from the cat's mouth, another group of Hufflepuff students walked in from outside the door.

One of the girls quickly stepped forward, grabbed Crossanne's hand, and pulled her back.

Just now she was telling her friends on the way that 'Professor McGonagall might turn into a cat to test us.' As a result, she was just one step late, and this friend who she just met yesterday almost fell into the trap.

When she was about nine years old, her sister enrolled in Gryffindor House of Hogwarts. At her request, she wrote some interesting stories about Hogwarts for herself, and mentioned this incident. 'A group of little witches from Hufflepuff surrounded Professor McGonagall before the first Transfiguration class. Professor McGonagall wanted to touch the cat she had turned into, but she was scared to death.

Ethan could clearly see that the tabby cat glanced at the little witch.

It was obvious that the old cat lady was really fishing for law enforcement, and the little witch ruined Professor McGonagall's good deeds.

Soon, the bell for class rang, but Professor McGonagall still did not appear.

Although there was no teacher, no one dared to play around in the classroom. Who made Professor McGonagall leave a serious and rigid impression on the little wizards yesterday?

If you dare to make trouble in her class, it is obvious that you will not get a good result.

About ten minutes later, Professor McGonagall still did not arrive. Some of these little wizards could not sit still and began to whisper.

One by one, they were all guessing why Professor McGonagall was late. Ethan even heard several little wizards talking about whether Professor McGonagall forgot to go to class because of a date.

Ethan was frightened when he heard this. They really dared to guess one by one! It was not until the door of the classroom was suddenly pushed open that the scene became quiet.

Ron and Harry made a brilliant appearance.

The two of them looked around the classroom nervously at first, and when they found that Professor McGonagall hadn't arrived, they were obviously relieved.

If they hadn't been caught, they wouldn't be considered late.

Ron even said to Harry excitedly:

"Can you imagine how ugly old McGonagall's face would be if she knew we were late?"

Ethan heard all this clearly, and he just wanted to say one sentence, what a trick!

No matter how old a woman is, she doesn't like to hear the word"old".

Sure enough, as Ron's voice just fell, the tabby cat in the lecture jumped down from the stage, and his body began to twist and deform. Before landing, he had turned into Professor McGonagall's appearance.

Ron, who had just shown a lucky smile because Professor McGonagall hadn't arrived, his face froze immediately.

Although Professor McGonagall's face was not good, she finally achieved her goal.

In the first Transfiguration class for freshmen every year, Professor McGonagall would use the Animagus form to lure the law enforcement. The goal was to highlight the power of Transfiguration while attracting the interest of young wizards and shocking them.

"That's amazing!"

Ron complimented, hoping to avoid punishment.

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Weasley."

"Perhaps it would be better to turn Mr. Potter and Lee into a pocket watch, and then you would understand the meaning of being on time."

It is clear that Professor McGonagall is still bothered by the phrase 'Old McGonagall'.

"We are lost!"

Harry was a little worried about being late for the first class, and the head of his own house, so he quickly explained.

"Then it will become a map!"

After all, Professor McGonagall did not make things too difficult for the two of them:

"You don’t need a map to find your seat!"

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