In the tower of Nurmengard, you can often hear the cries of crows.

In the tower, a thin old man stared at the screen and the name on the screen.

What is this? Is it some new torture introduced by the Ministry of Magic?

Why is Dumbledore's name on it!

These people have already exiled him, why do they still use this thing to torture him?!

The furious Grindelwald grabbed a branch, even though his wand had been taken away long ago.

But he still used the branch to cast a spell on this thing.

""Shattered into pieces!"

The tip of the wand stabbed out a blue flame and sprayed it on the screen.

But it was useless.

As the last magic in Grindelwald's body was drained, the screen remained the same.

Grindelwald was shocked.

This creature has such a solid shell! It can actually block his magic!

Fudge, that idiot, definitely can't have such a genius.

This thing can only be made by one person.

Thinking of that person, Grindelwald immediately calmed down.

"Well, since it's yours, I'd like to take a look."

""After so many years of teaching, your magic hasn't deteriorated at all."

He stared at the screen, which kept displaying a person's name.


Grindelwald had no impression of oriental names, but he was very curious.

The wizard who could be chosen by such a magical instrument must not be simple.....

At the same time, in the rain forest of Baxi, Newt poked at the screen in front of him and said to the girl next to him:

"Tina, come and check it out!"

"What is this?"

Tina pushed aside the bushes and walked to Newt's side. After taking a look at the screen,

Tina said seriously:

"Looks like some kind of LCD TV, but a bit bigger."

"As for the magic above, I can't tell where it comes from."

Newt wiped the screen in front of him excitedly. In the three months trapped in this lonely rainforest, he had long been accustomed to boredom and waiting.

It was definitely a great pleasure to have something new to see, and the adventurous spirit engraved in Newt's bones was completely stimulated.

At this moment, the screen suddenly flashed, and a name appeared in the center of the big screen.

Newt immediately greeted Tina excitedly.

"A name! Anton? It seems to be the Dragon Country language."

"Is this someone you know?"

Tina shook her head decisively.

Then, a large number of names flashed across the screen.

Newt read out these names excitedly.

"Harry Potter, this is the savior they call"

"Oh my god! It's Snape! He's not easy to get along with."

"Professor Dumbledore is here too!"

"Wait, why is Quirrell's name so weird?"

"Wait a minute, there's another name."

Newt looked at the last name with an expression of disbelief in his eyes.


"Isn't he in Nurmengard, his own prison?"

At once, both men drew their wands.

Newt nervously stared at the screen.

"Be careful Tina, this might be his trick."

Tina nodded

"But I am more curious, who is this unknown Anton?".......

In the Gryffindor common room, Hermione held her head in frustration

"Harry, Ron, we have to find a way to save Anton."

"What on earth is going on?"

The development of this day made Hermione, who had always been rational, exclaim outrageously.

Her friend who fell from the sky was suddenly identified as the reincarnation of Merlin.

And this weird big screen was also quite strange.

Moreover, what made her most curious was the mysterious past of her friend who fell from the sky.

Harry nodded.

"Anton, he'll be fine, Dumbledore is here"

"But I am more curious, why is Anton considered to be the reincarnation of Merlin?"

Hermione said unhappily:

"Merlin can't be reincarnated, Harry."

"Have you ever read A History of Magic?"

"According to the seventh paragraph of page 231 of the History of Magic, no wizard may be resurrected by any other means."

"Otherwise, the followers of the mysterious man wouldn't be called Death Eaters."

After being rebuked by Hermione, Harry stuck out his tongue and looked at Ron.

He made a helpless expression.

Hermione felt helpless.

Compared with the quiet and mature Anton, these two boys were just like children who hadn't grown up.

Just when she was helpless, Ron suddenly shouted

""Harry! Hermione! Look here!"

The two hurried over and saw a large screen across the middle of the common room.

Ron pointed at the name on the screen excitedly and said:


"We are also in the live broadcast room"

"With this, we will definitely be able to understand Anton’s past!".......

Just when everyone was busy dealing with this strange screen that had fallen from the sky, a name appeared in the middle of the screen.

However, this name was more dazzling than all the previous names.

The name was as bright as the stars and as bright as the night.

It seemed to contain endless magical support.

As this name appeared, the entire screen began to burst into bursts of golden light.

【Anton joins the chat group】

【The chat group is recruiting people and has been closed! 】

For a moment, everyone was curious about Anton's identity.

The chat group began to become active.

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