Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 908 Tom's Multiple Choice Question

The only advantage of being an ancient rune professor is that he has more time than other professors.

After the first day of school, Kyle followed the tradition of this course and disappeared into the castle of Hogwarts.

Except for eating, of course.

The office assigned to him by Professor McGonagall was like a decoration. There was not even a chair in it. It was empty, and Hermione, who came to ask questions, thought she had taken the wrong path.

But this is also an old tradition. After all, when Professor Babel was there, her office was also like this.

It was snowing heavily outside, and there was a banging sound from time to time on the Black Lake... That was the sound of the giant squid hitting the ice. In order to scare the students playing on it, it would do this every day, and it never got tired of it.

In the wooden house not far away, Kyle poured two cups of tea and handed them to the two identical people opposite.

"So, your memory has been restored?" Kyle looked at the two Draco Malfoys in front of him, "I'm sorry to ask, but which of you two is real?"

Kyle had been in the garden before, and only knew that Malfoy had returned from St. Mungo's after receiving the letter from Dumbledore.

Moreover, Dumbledore was very considerate to bring the two people here when he delivered the letter.

"It's him!" The 'Malfoy' sitting on the left immediately pointed to himself on the right, "I just drank the Polyjuice Potion before coming here, and it will probably take more than an hour to recover."

Malfoy didn't say anything, but looked at Kyle with a complicated expression.

"Does our previous deal in Knockturn Alley still count?"

"It seems that you have indeed recovered." Kyle said.

"Yes, I remember everything." Malfoy said. "And I also know that you didn't fulfill your promise."

"What do you mean..." Kyle raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you already in Hogwarts?"

"But this is not your doing, it was the Dark Lord..." Malfoy said, "He found a way to get me back to Hogwarts."

"Do you think that a person who has been confirmed as a Death Eater can return to school just by turning over a new leaf?" Kyle laughed.

"Don't forget, the current headmaster is Minerva McGonagall, she values ​​the safety of students the most, and she is not as easy to talk to as Dumbledore.

"If I hadn't found Professor Dumbledore to help you intercede, even if it was the request of the Minister of Magic, she would not have allowed a former Death Eater to enter the school. "

Malfoy stared at Kyle without blinking, as if to confirm the truth of his words.

Kyle looked calm.

Malfoy's return to Hogwarts was decided after he and Dumbledore discussed it. Dumbledore later persuaded Professor McGonagall. No matter how you look at it, he has a share of credit.

Kyle didn't speak, nor did Malfoy. The scene fell into silence for a while.

"I can tell you the task the Dark Lord gave me." After an unknown amount of time, Malfoy finally spoke, "But you must promise me... No, Dumbledore must promise to rescue..."

"You have no choice." Kyle interrupted Malfoy and didn't let him continue.

"Ever since Mrs. Narcissa Malfoy took you to see Snape, you can no longer stand on the side of the Death Eaters."

"You should be glad that the mysterious man doesn't know what you have done, otherwise, the play he played at the entrance of the Ministry of Magic would have been more realistic. "

Kyle naturally knew what Malfoy wanted to say, which was to rescue Lucius and Narcissa, but he couldn't agree to it, including Dumbledore.

He was sure that Lucius and Narcissa must be closely watched by Voldemort, and it was also a means to threaten Malfoy.

Rescuing them was basically equivalent to going to war with Voldemort.

Even with Voldemort's character, he would probably kill them directly after discovering that something was wrong.

"I beg you, Kyle." Malfoy said, "Even if it's because I passed the message to you, please help me. "

"As long as you agree to help, I will tell you whatever you want to know. I will also ask my father to donate money to the school, even if it is all the property of the Malfoy family..."

Of course he knew that his request was a bit excessive, but now he had no other choice.

The Malfoy family had failed too many times, which had long caused Voldemort's dissatisfaction. If he failed to complete the task this time, Lucius and Narcissa would definitely die.

But that task was not something he could complete... In other words, Voldemort didn't want them to live at all.

To be honest, Kyle was a little hesitant.

But at this time, Dumbledore's voice came from outside.

"I can promise you."

He pushed the door open and walked in, sat next to Kyle, and asked:

"You want to save Lucius and Narcissa, right?"

"Yes, professor." Malfoy said. The moment he saw Dumbledore, he decisively abandoned Kyle, and all his eyes were focused on the greatest white wizard.

"Please, professor."

"I can promise you. "But can you share some news with us? We have been waiting for this."

"The Dark Lord asked me to kill you." Malfoy said without hesitation.

Dumbledore looked calm and not too surprised, as if he had guessed this result long ago.


Kyle raised his eyebrows.

This is not the first time that Malfoy has tried to assassinate Dumbledore, but he failed last time. Why did Voldemort think he could do it this time?

It seems that he really just wants to find an excuse to kill the Malfoy family.

When the three looked at each other, Cedric on the side was on pins and needles.

He found that he had just heard an incredible news.

The mysterious man used Malfoy's parents to threaten him to assassinate Dumbledore, but he turned around and told the news, defected to Hogwarts, and asked Dumbledore to rescue his parents.

And from what Malfoy said, this is not the first time he has done this. He had also passed the news to Kyle before.

Undercover... or double undercover?

But can he listen to such confidential information?

What if he accidentally exposed it?

Cedric kept squirming. He didn't want to listen anymore, but he was worried that it would be a bit impolite to leave at this time.

"It's okay, Mr. Diggory." Dumbledore seemed to see what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "I trust you completely, just like I trust Kyle."

"That's what I said." Cedric sighed, "But some secrets are not kept secret, so others won't know."

Legislatives is not a very advanced spell, and truth serum is even simpler. He works in the Ministry of Magic, and he really can't guarantee that he can keep the secret.

"It doesn't matter, only a few people know your identity as a member of the Order of the Phoenix." Dumbledore continued: "Death Eaters won't care about an ordinary employee who just graduated from the Ministry of Magic."

"This... okay." Cedric hesitated for a moment, then sat down at ease.

And he was really curious about what would happen next.

"Go on, Mr. Malfoy." Dumbledore said, "How are you going to kill me? Tom should know that this is difficult."

"Yes," Malfoy nodded, "So he gave me this."

He took out his wand tremblingly, his eyes full of fear, as if it was a bundle of explosives that could be ignited at any time.


The moment he saw the wand, Dumbledore's face became serious.

He bent down and looked carefully at the wand placed on the table.

"What a terrible dark magic."

Cedric moved closer in a daze. In his opinion, it was just an ordinary wand.

"This is... my wand." Malfoy said tremblingly: "But it has been modified by the Dark Lord... It can cast the Avada Kedavra curse once..."

"That's it?" Kyle wanted to laugh a little. .

It's just a wand that can use the Kedavra curse. It doesn't seem to be a big deal.

Many Death Eaters know the Kedavra curse, but none of them can kill Dumbledore.

The little help Voldemort gave was a bit too casual.

"It's different." Dumbledore pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "If I'm not mistaken, this Kedavra curse will rebound, right?"

"Yes... yes." Malfoy said.

"Rebound?" Kyle asked, "What does this mean?"

"It's very simple." Dumbledore explained, "You can think of it as a combination of the Killing Curse and the Shield Curse. If this spell does not kill the opponent, it will automatically rebound to the caster."

Kyle suddenly realized.

"In other words, if Malfoy does not use this spell to kill you, he will die?"

"That's right." Dumbledore laughed, "Tom's method, he wants me to make a choice, whether to sacrifice myself or watch my students die in front of me."

"And, he deliberately made it very obvious, so I'm sure I can see it." Although Dumbledore was laughing, his voice was colder than the snowy weather outside.

Kyle smacked his lips.

It must be said that Voldemort's move was cruel enough, no wonder Dumbledore was so angry.

Malfoy is a Death Eater, but as long as he returns to school, his identity is still a student. With Dumbledore's character, he can't watch his students being killed in front of him.

So even if he knew it was a trap, he would most likely take the killing curse himself.


"Did the mysterious man forget the phoenix?" Kyle whispered.

Although Fawkes had just been reborn once, this magical animal could not die at all, even if it took the killing curse as food.

At most, the growth cycle would be extended, and it would be a fledgling for one or two more years.

Dumbledore, who was originally furious, was stunned, and the whole person was stiff for a moment.

"Professor, you didn't forget it too." Kyle looked at him suspiciously.

"I, of course not." Dumbledore's voice was a little stiff, "I just... don't want Fawkes to be reborn for me, it's not fair to it."

"Oh, then Fawkes is really lucky." Kyle curled his lips and said with a fake smile.

He can now be sure that Dumbledore has forgotten Fawkes.

When he plucked Fawkes' tail feathers to knit wool socks, he was not polite at all, but now he was polite. Is this reasonable?

"That's right, Tom did forget about the phoenix." Dumbledore changed the subject abruptly.

"He is the most staunch pure-blood wizard, and even looks down on all half-bloods and Muggle wizards, not to mention magical creatures.

"In Tom's eyes, except for snakes, whether it is a phoenix, a dragon, or a caterpillar, they are all classified as beasts."

"Yeah." Kyle said perfunctorily, and didn't say anything else.

"Then let's continue the topic just now." He looked at Malfoy again, "The task given to you by the mysterious man is to use the killing curse on Dumbledore when facing him alone, right?"

Malfoy nodded.

The reason why he thought this task was impossible to complete was that he thought Dumbledore would not sacrifice himself to save him.

Because this is human nature.

If you choose between Dumbledore, Voldemort's only opponent, and Malfoy, an expelled Death Eater, everyone knows how to choose.

Even Malfoy's own answer is not so firm.

In his opinion, this is Voldemort's attempt to kill him.

"Let me ask a question." Kyle said, "Is this really a plan thought up by the mysterious man?"

"I, I don't know." Malfoy shook his head, and then said: "But when he found me, there was another person next to him."

"Who is it?"

"Oren." Malfoy said.

It was him...

Kyle rubbed his forehead.

Ever since he knew what happened to Malfoy, he knew that Oren must be involved.

Look at those people.

Voldemort, his soul was chopped into pieces, Barty Crouch Jr. was controlled and imprisoned by the Imperius Curse for a long time, and most of the rest were tortured in Azkaban for more than ten years.

None of them had a normal brain, and Oren was the only exception.

But... Oren should know that there was a phoenix around Dumbledore.

Kyle rubbed his forehead.

At this time, Malfoy, who wanted to provide more clues, added:

"He is a new Death Eater who joined not long ago, but he is highly valued by the Dark Lord. His status among the Death Eaters has even surpassed my father."

"Now he is a well-known Death Eater, and his status is higher than Lucius." Kyle whispered.

Malfoy opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a while.

It seems to be true, but why do I always feel that something is wrong.

"It seems that the only thing Malfoy can do now is to provide funds to Voldemort." Kyle continued, "When your underground vault is empty, Malfoy will be completely useless."

"No, no, my father just... had to..." Malfoy said.

"Is it also necessary to give Ginny the diary of the mysterious man?" Kyle sneered, "And the attack during the Quidditch World Cup, was it also forced by others?"

Malfoy is fine, but Lucius Kyle really doesn't want to care. If Dumbledore hadn't suddenly appeared just now, he would never have agreed to Malfoy's request.

As he said just now, Malfoy had no choice. He had only one choice after betraying Voldemort, especially after recovering his memory.

Recovering his memory means that he can be seen by Voldemort. Even if he succeeds in completing this assassination mission by chance, Voldemort will never let go of a person who betrayed him.

So Malfoy can't hide it. He can only tell the mission. There is no second option.

What a pity... Dumbledore came at the wrong time.

The scene fell into silence again.

Fortunately, at this time, Cedric's body began to gradually return to its original appearance, breaking the deadlock.

Because Cedric was taller, Malfoy's robes were tight on him, and he looked quite funny.

Dumbledore took the opportunity to make his robes bigger.

"Well, that's all for today." He sighed softly, "I'm glad you can tell us this, Mr. Malfoy..."

"Wait, Crabbe and Goyle should also know this, and..."

He paused, his eyes struggling.

"Anything else?"

"No, nothing." Malfoy seemed to have made a decision, took a deep breath and said: "You'd better keep an eye on Crabbe, he has changed a lot, I feel a little strange, just like those crazy Death Eaters."

"We will, thank you for your reminder, Mr. Malfoy." Dumbledore smiled: "If necessary, I will find you again, but now, you should go back to the castle to prepare for the afternoon class, remember not to be late.

"Oh, by the way, before that you still need to talk to Mr. Diggory, he will tell you what has happened recently."

"I know, professor." Malfoy said.

He stood up and left the cabin, and Cedric hurriedly chased after him.

"I have been pretending to be you recently."

"There are not many things to pay attention to, there is only a little girl who always greets you, but I don't know her, so I pretend not to see her."

"And Crabbe and Goyle, before I came here, they fainted in the Slytherin common room, you'd better think of a passable excuse first... They are really difficult to deal with. "


The two people's voices gradually disappeared.

Kel looked at Dumbledore, "Professor, did you really agree to Malfoy's request?"

"Ah, yes." Dumbledore said, "His request is reasonable, isn't it? And the news he brought is important enough. In a sense, it saved my life."

"No, I mean, it's hard to do." Kyle shook his head, not paying attention to what Dumbledore meant.

It was Dumbledore who promised to save people. It had nothing to do with him, and he didn't bother to care.

"The mysterious man will not let Lucius and Narcissa appear again. We don't know where they are.

"Since you promised Malfoy, it would be embarrassing if you fail to complete it."

"I didn't think of this..." Dumbledore said, "But I have another way, which should be able to save their lives."

"What way?"

"Mr. Malfoy completed the task." Dumbledore blinked, "At that time. Tom should be in great need of manpower, so he will naturally let Lucius and Narcissa go."


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