Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 462 457 We are here to negotiate, not to fight.

Chapter 462 457. We are here to negotiate, not to fight.

"Dudley, are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?"

Outside the guard's hut in the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid shouted.

Logically speaking, as the Professor of Magical Creatures, he could sleep in the professor's dormitory inside Hogwarts Castle, but on the one hand, he was used to living in this cabin, and on the other hand, it was convenient to look after him near the Forbidden Forest. ’s younger brother Graup.

"Hagrid, don't forget that I am as familiar with the Forbidden Forest as you are."

For Dudley, who went to the Forbidden Forest to purchase potions in his first grade, the Forbidden Forest was actually not much different from the lawn in his backyard.

"I knew you must have sneaked into the Forbidden Forest."

"You can't accuse me wrongly. I have never gone in secretly. I go in openly every time."

Hagrid wanted to scold Dudley in the harshest tone, but unfortunately he thought for a long time and couldn't come up with any famous words.

"Forget it, I'm not a person who can tell any great truths."

Hagrid said angrily: "Dudley, centaurs are not easy to talk to. They very, very much reject wizards. I think it's better for me to accompany you. At least I can still say a few words."

"No, Hagrid."

Dudley rejected his kindness again: "I have helpers."

After saying that, Dudley entered the Forbidden Forest without looking back.

"He has helpers. Where did he get his helpers?"

After Dudley left for a long time, he was still thinking about this problem.

"Is it Graup?"

This is the limit that Hagrid can think of.

"Come out, poison horned beast."

"Come out, Charizard."

"Come out, Pixie"

Not long after entering the Forbidden Forest, Dudley kept throwing red and white balls from his pocket.

At the same time, he began to call out to other animals he had raised in the Forbidden Forest, such as fire dragons and basilisk monsters. Soon a large group of magical creatures followed behind him.

A huge team is heading towards the habitat of the centaurs.

Along the way, we passed the territory of many magical creatures. Most of the magical creatures chose to hide in their lairs after sensing the auras of the beasts. Of course, there were also some who were more stubborn and thought that they were robbing him of their territory, so they chose to fight directly. Come up.

For example, a five-legged monster appeared out of nowhere and an extremely ferocious Chimera.

However, these two dangerous creatures, both at the 5X level, have now joined Dudley's team.

As soon as they appeared, they saw five fire dragons of the same 5X level, and after being 'moved' by Dudley and taught by 'reason', they successfully joined.

Well, now they have their own red and white balls.

The Forbidden Forest is really magical. It will automatically 'refresh' new magical creatures every once in a while, but they are quite powerful, which perfectly meets Dudley's needs.

At present, Dudley also wants a poisonous leopard. According to legend, it requires the cooperation of a hundred wizards to capture the top magical creature. It is also considered to be the most dangerous creature in the world because the breath it exhales is highly poisonous. And it can cause fatal diseases. Unfortunately, this creature only inhabits the African savannah, and the chance of seeing it elsewhere is very slim.

I hope that the Poisonous Leopard can be ‘refreshed’ in the Forbidden Forest next time.

Of course, it would be better if the 'Phoenix' could be refreshed.

"Aragog, how long do we have?"

Dudley stood firmly on the basilisk's head, followed by huge and extremely dangerous behemoths such as manticores, snails, and poison horns, as well as unicorns, cornwalls, etc. There are creatures from animated stories such as Elf, Sniff, and Goblin, and there are even five fire dragons and a thunderbird hovering in the sky.

"In about sixty minutes, my children are almost within their territory."

Aragog, the leader of the Acromantula, said tremblingly. He and his descendants were exploring the way ahead. They were very sensitive to the scent of natural enemies and did not dare to follow Dudley.

Even if the basilisk doesn't mean to harm them, they will be frightened to death just by standing there.

Aragog dares to appear here because he has been domesticated and 'raised one level'.

Even so, it was still wary of the basilisk.

The mutual interaction between magical animals is very powerful.

Even if it is as strong as the Millennium Basilisk (Abo monster), it is also very afraid of a magical creature called a rooster (not the current rooster), which is almost extinct today. As long as they hear that kind of cry, they will die.

"Restrain your children and grandchildren. We are here to negotiate, not to fight."

The intelligence of magical creatures is higher than imagined, and they can even understand the human concept of time. The ten minutes Aragog mentioned refers to the speed at which Dudley and the others are traveling.


After Aragog finished speaking, he hurriedly left and stayed next to a basilisk, making it feel extremely uncomfortable.

Centaur territory.

The tall centaurs were having a heated discussion.

"Those Acromantulas are coming for us."

A reddish-brown horseman said loudly. His upper body was exposed, revealing his strong muscles, and he was carrying a huge bow and arrow behind his back.

"This is war! We must take up arms to defend our homeland."

The centaurs do not have magic wands (no one will sell a centaur a magic wand, and the centaurs disdain to use human creations), but they are very good at magic healing, divination, archery and astronomy. It can be said that every centaur is an archer. Master.

"The trajectory of the stars tells us that we will be fine and not to resist needlessly."

Another group of centaurs with melancholy expressions said.

Every Horseman is a master of divination. They can judge what will happen in the future through the trajectory of the planets.

However, the Centaurs are so obsessed with this observation that they over-trust the trajectory of the planets and ignore many things.

This is because they are good at divination but not good at prediction. Although they can see the future, they can only see the results in a small range. This is limited and one-sided, and it is judgment rather than certainty. They cannot be as big as humans. The prophet makes accurate predictions, even less than Grindelwald's ability to see fragments of the future.

Just like now, they speculate that the centaurs are fine, but they don't know what happened in the middle, and they don't know whether all the centaurs are safe.

The theory is that only the last centaur can fit into the future they see.

"The stars won't tell you that we can live in peace without doing anything."

"A few years ago, I asked you to help the unicorn herd. You didn't. The year before last, I wanted to help treat the injured manticore, but you still didn't agree. Last year, those poisonous horned beasts had no food and needed help, but you still didn't. We chose to ignore it, now it’s our turn, doesn’t this make you sober?”

Another horseman said loudly, Firenze, the alien among horsemen.

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