Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin

Chapter 224: 222 Rewarding myself hard on weekends

Chapter 224 222. Reward yourself severely on weekends

"That man is really here to kill Harry Potter!"

Similar voices began to circulate in Hogwarts.

In the eyes of all the little wizards, Sirius is a complete lunatic and murderer. He is Voldemort's loyal servant and his right-hand man. Twelve years ago, he even blew up a street with a spell, killing ten three people.

If his previous attack on the Fat Lady could be explained by other things, his breaking into the Gryffindor common room and messing with Harry's bedroom this time can only explain one thing

He's after Harry Potter!

And that day he even sent a 'Firebolt' to Harry Potter!

The fact that Harry handed in the Firebolt also caused quite a stir, because the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, Wood, wanted to borrow a Firebolt from Harry after learning that he had it for the Gryffindor team. used.

For three whole days, the young wizards at Hogwarts were discussing this matter.

Gryffindor thought it was too exciting and celebrated for two nights.

Ravenclaw was analyzing Sirius' intentions, but nothing came out of it in the end.

The Slytherins thought it was a conspiracy, and Sirius must be planning some ulterior secret.

As for Hufflepuff, they thought it was too scary, and they didn't dare to act alone at ordinary times, and at the same time, they almost doubled their appetite.

Midnight Slytherin Gathering

"Black is really bold to openly challenge Mr. Potter."

In Slytherin's view, the 'Firebolt' was Black's provocation to Harry, a letter of warning, which represented a declaration of war.

There must be an extremely vicious curse cast on the Firebolt, and it would explode as soon as Harry dared to sit on it.

Otherwise, who is full enough to give you a 'supercar'?

"Do you think Mr. Dursley will make a move?" Some young wizards asked curiously.

Another little wizard immediately shook his head: "A mere Black is not worth Mr. Dursley's shot, but Mr. Potter is enough to deal with it."

Just after he finished speaking, someone raised a different opinion: "Not necessarily, don't forget. Mr. Potter has been hiding himself."

Harry's practical lessons were basically passed with full marks, but when it came to theoretical questions, he would take a step too far, which seemed clumsy to the Slytherins.

But there is one thing that the Slytherins agree on - 'Black is dead'.

But like the previous attack on the Fat Lady, Sirius disappeared again after making a fuss at Gryffindor.

In this way, the time came to the weekend, and almost every little wizard above the third grade was looking forward to the arrival of this time.

According to Hogwarts regulations, little wizards can go to the wizarding village-Hogsmeade every weekend.

The premise is that their parents or guardians sign.

It goes without saying for Dudley, and of course Harry was able to get the signature smoothly, but Dudley and the others were busier on weekdays than in class, and they basically chose to spend time at Hogwarts. For Hogsmeade Village, none of them showed much interest, after all, they could go there anytime during the holidays.

It's just that the professors need to patrol this week, looking for traces of Sirius, and no one will give them private lessons, so naturally they are free.

"I think we should take a break this week. How about going to Hogsmeade to relax?"

After Hermione said this, she fell silent instantly, and everyone's eyes turned to her in unison, their faces full of disbelief.

It's hard to imagine that the offer would have come from her.

Take a break, take a break, this is still the time to hang 'there is not much time, we should hurry up and study', 'If you don't study now, what's the use of learning when you are old', 'there are XX days until the final exam' Hermione on the lips?

Shouldn't it be replaced by Sirius?

Looking at the expressions of her companions, Hermione knew what they were thinking, and said angrily: "Proper rest can help improve the efficiency of study."

"Although wizards have always looked down on ordinary people, what they say sometimes makes more sense than wizards."

"We must master the scientific learning method."

Honest boy Neville asked: "What is science?"

"A system not inferior to magic."

Dudley answered Neville.

Neville honestly wrote down these contents. Dudley told him that a good memory is not as good as a bad pen, not to mention that Neville's memory has never been very good.

Dudley continued: "Actually, I also plan to let everyone relax this week, and I have something else to announce."

Neville was surprised when he heard the words: "Could it be that you and Hermione are getting married?"

As soon as this remark was made, Ron, who was stealing snacks, choked, and directly sprayed Harry, who was closest to him, in the face.

Draco on the side said with extremely exaggerated body movements: "Oh, brother D, thank you for using your charm to conquer our study committee, discipline committee, life committee and labor committee."

Those were the words he had heard from Dudley.

"Oh, no, you are not yet of marriageable age." Neville said slowly as if he had come to his senses.

Hermione's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she couldn't speak a complete sentence.

Seeing that the topic was getting more and more crooked, Dudley said angrily, "If you don't want to, continue studying this weekend."

Several people instantly turned into good babies and said in unison.

"We have no comment."

Even those who love learning have time to rest.

This school year has passed for several months, and Harry and the others have never been to Hogsmeade even once. They only study and study. This perseverance alone makes other young wizards admire them very much.

No wonder they are so good

It is true to say so, and they understand the truth, but if you want other little wizards to learn from them, that is absolutely impossible.

It is impossible to study. Usually, the studies are already heavy enough. On weekends like this, we must play hard and reward ourselves hard.

On the weekend, several people made an appointment to meet on the only way to Hogsmeade.

When I came to Hogsmeade, I didn’t go to Honeydukes, which is a favorite of little wizards. Instead, I went directly to the Three Broomsticks, ordered a glass of refreshing butter beer at Ms. Rosmerta, and enjoyed it.

This time Harry didn't ask for baking soda, because there was no small umbrella on top of the baking soda this time.


Ron drank more than half of it in one breath and let out a long, full belch.

"Tsk Robin Hood, you are so rude. Hiccup."

Draco had just opened his mouth to laugh at Ron, but unfortunately he hadn't finished speaking, and he hiccupped involuntarily.

Looking at Ron's half-smile eyes, Draco was embarrassed for a moment.

Fortunately, Dudley had saved him.

"Remember the pocket money project I told you about at the end of last semester?"

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