David Watson wakes up in a medical bed.

A man who looked like a doctor was working nearby. The other person pulled out various electrode patches on his body, and then said to him: "Congratulations to Sergeant Watson, you are now a Wolf Warrior."

After his body adapted slightly, he was guided by medical staff to a treadmill to test his cardiopulmonary ability, followed by grip strength and boxing tests, and then various tests such as arm strength, jumping, and endurance.

Then they injected a bunch of things into his skin to verify whether his body had any abnormal immune responses after being modified.

After half a day of testing, everything about him was very good. The doctor said he was as strong as a cow.

Finally, he was taken to the "Transformation Project Section", where he finally saw his second form and fully understood why this special operations force was named "Wolf Warriors."

He turned into the legendary werewolf, with a long wolf snout, gray wolf fur all over his body, and sharp claws on his hands and feet - he was almost an upright giant wolf.

The sight didn't frighten David; in fact, he was excited about it.

David was born in Hampshire and grew up near the "New Forest". His father was an archaeologist and an outdoor adventure enthusiast. He often took David deep into the forest when he was young. He learned a lot of jungle life skills from this, and also made him full of emotions about the forest.

Now transformed into a wolf, he seemed to feel closer to nature.

Therefore, during the first outdoor training session, he forgot about the range of activities mentioned by the instructor, rushed into the depths of the forest, and started hunting like a real wolf.

He missed the time to return to camp and wanted to spend the night in the forest, but the instructors found him.

A young man wearing a strange robe appeared with a burst of space distortion, and then several instructors tied him up in wolf form with a large net, and then used that strange space travel magic to bring him back to the camp. He was then hung outside the camp for a whole night.

The guy in the robe became his teammate.

His name is Draco Malfoy, and he is said to be a wizard.

Yes, wizard.

David Watson now knows a lot of things. It turns out that this world has an energy that is called "void particle" by scientists, but is habitually called "magic" by ordinary people.

It was this energy that transformed him into a werewolf.

Wizards are masters of controlling magical energy. Unlike werewolves who can only borrow magic potions to transform into wolves, wizards can shape magic according to their own ideas and use their weapons - which is a small stick called a wand. , unleashing a dazzling spell.

Therefore, the wizard is the absolute core of the team.

There were seven people in their team, and except for Draco, the other six were werewolves.

They then received a lot of training, which was different from what David thought. In addition to being familiar with the werewolf's body, it was more routine training on tactical coordination and familiarity with firearms.

But those firearms still opened his eyes. Lock guns that can automatically aim at a target and shoot, rain guns that can copy one bullet into ten rounds, etc., all of them shocked his outlook.

In addition to these, they also need to take a "magic disaster general knowledge course", which is taught by several wizards. From it, David gets to know many strange creatures and how to deal with them - David is very interested in this course. I'm not very good at it, just remember that usually just sifting through them with enchanted bullets is enough.

After three months of training, Team Draco received a mission to assist a team of pure wizards in dealing with magical disasters.

They completed their mission ten minutes after arriving at the scene: using the Rainstorm machine gun to sieve a group of five-legged monsters.

Afterwards, they officially joined the team and became the twelfth team of the Wolf Warriors, a rapid reaction force under the Countermeasures Bureau.

Their tasks are not onerous, and usually come only once every two or three days, and most of them are very simple. Sometimes they are not even required to directly participate in the battle. Sometimes the wizard leading the team can call in aerial firepower, which is enough to eliminate the enemy.

But such pleasant days ended in a mission.

They encounter a chimera.

That thing was as big as a heavy-duty truck, and it was extremely smart and cunning. As soon as they entered the forest to search, it killed one of the team members in a sneak attack.

David watched helplessly as the giant beast tore off Zat's head, and then used its tail as thick as a tree trunk to smash Rooney more than ten meters away.

David subconsciously pulled the trigger on it, but the bullet that could easily penetrate the thin steel plate only caused a circle of water-like ripples when it hit the giant beast.

"It is protected by magic! Use magic-breaking armor-piercing bullets..." As soon as the captain Yulian shouted these words, he was burned into coke by the flames that seemed to be sprayed from the mouth of a giant beast.

"Retreat! There's something wrong with this Chimera!" Vice-captain Samira grabbed Draco, but the latter's spell was also of no avail to the giant beast. "Retreat, use the Portkey Talisman!"

"Damn it, how could the Chimera be so strong?" Draco kicked the trash can away angrily, "It's more than twice as big as the book says!"

"We are too careless. We should have applied for magic satellite detection before entering the forest. If we knew it was a Chimera beast, we would be more careful!"

"Zach, Captain...and Rooney..."

"This is wrong, we must report this situation." Vice-captain Samila said, "Have you noticed the way the giant beast defends against bullets? It doesn't just defend through its fur, it seems to be able to use protective magic, and it can also spray Fire. This was not mentioned at all in the original information, which is very abnormal."

"Is there a wizard secretly helping it?" someone said.

I heard that many wizards from other countries are dissatisfied with British wizards. Maybe this is their fault?

"It doesn't look like it. If it were a wizard, our door key might not be usable," Samira said.

"Evolution." David said suddenly.


"In other words, it's recovery." David murmured, "Didn't those scientists say that the level of magic is increasing? The scale and number of magic disasters are increasing, so we are needed."

"Draco also said that it is easier to learn and use magic now than before, right? Is it possible that the same is true for those magical animals?"

"Chimeramon, isn't it a very powerful monster in mythology?"

"My father told me the legendary story of Bellerophon killing the Chimera when I was very young. The Chimera in the story was created by Typhon, the ancestor of all demons, and Echidna, the basilisk. Sheng is a mythical creature."

"Now, maybe they're just regaining some of their original strength."

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