Sure enough, after most of his body disappeared, Ragna panicked. He found that Murphy's will body seemed to be able to receive some kind of supplement. After it weakened to a certain extent, it would immediately return to full strength - that was for Mo. One of the corrupt batteries that provided Fei's psychic magic was drained and replaced with another.

In order to save himself, Ragna began to shrink himself desperately, condensing the remaining half of his body into a ball to slow down the reduction of magic power. At the same time, he began to beg for mercy, "Master Murphy, I admit defeat, I surrender, I can swear an oath Allegiance to you..."

Murphy ignored him. In fact, he didn't have much time.

The Crow Array's frequency modulation of magic power consumes a lot of computing power, and in order to squeeze the brains of corrupt officials in the Soviet Union, the Mind Seed Virus has put their neural networks into overclocking mode. Now each of these guys has been burned to more than 40 degrees. , may faint or even die at any time.

And once too many people died to support the continuation of FM, he would not be able to kill the opponent.

However, there is another way.

Find the other person's identity.

After connecting with the opponent's will, he has mastered the opponent's magic frequency. It is precisely because of this that he can carry out reverse interference.

And knowing the opponent's magic frequency, he can also find out where his body is.

With a thought, Murphy separated part of the Crow Array antenna to form another array. They will form a directional radar to scan for magic fluctuations within a range of three hundred kilometers around it.

This will inevitably increase the computational burden again, but this time he only needs positioning, and the accuracy of the scan does not need to be that high. I hope those Muggles' heads can hold on.

Ten seconds later, the second array was assembled, followed by frequency modulation, scanning, and feedback. In an instant, a coordinate appeared in Murphy's mind.

At the same time, more than sixty Muggles were instantly brain-dead.

But the coordinates have been obtained, and the other party is dead.

His mind connected to the second crow array, aimed at the coordinates, and issued the order, "Avada Kedavra!"

The magic power began to modulate and increase in amplitude again, but this time, the crow array showed a green color of death.

Murphy breathed a sigh of relief, and in the mental space, the magic power against Ragna slowed down a bit.

He couldn't kill all those Muggles at once, it would be very troublesome if things got too big.

But at this moment, Ragnar could finally take a breath and immediately shouted, "Mr. Murphy, I am not your enemy! I am forced! Someone wants me to deal with you, I can help you, please forgive me. I……"

Murphy was stunned, "Who, who ordered you to deal with me?"

Ragnar's appearance is full of doubts. Murphy can't figure out where this guy comes from, nor why he would deal with him.

But the "thorn" in his mind made him feel very uneasy, so he went straight to the door without delaying more investigations.

He thought that as long as he killed Ragnar, the threat would be eliminated, but if he was ordered, things would not end so simply.

"I have never met him, but he woke me up and taught me the magic of mental space."

"He asked me to plant spiritual coordinates on you. He told me that this would lead to a war between you and the goblins, and I would use this ritual to truly resurrect through the dead goblin sperm grandchildren..."

"Tell me, who is that person!" Murphy interrupted him and asked urgently.

The Avada Star Destroyer Cannon has been tuned, and his order has been issued. If it is revoked at this moment, those Lightning Crows will suffer huge magical backlash, and even he may be implicated and injured.

"He is not a human being," Ragnar said. "I only know that it calls itself Mary, and that spiritual coordinate..."

However, Ragnar did not finish his words.

A blinding green light illuminated the entire Oak Mountain.

The next moment, Murphy exited the mental space.

His consciousness returned to himself in the goblin castle, and Weller Longhand in front of him was completely dead.

Winston broke in, "Mr. Murphy, just outside..."

He and other Aurors all witnessed the terrifying magic just now. The huge crow cloud pillar in the sky evaporated half of the Oak Mountain with just one blow.

The sudden return of consciousness made Murphy slightly dizzy. He closed his eyes, calmed himself for a while, and asked, "Where is the location of the attack?"

The previous Crow phased array radar only gave him a relative coordinate, and he didn't know where it corresponded.

"It seems to be the Oak Pit Mine," Winston said.

"Let's go check and see if there's anything left."

Ragnar died so quickly that Murphy didn't even know what happened to that guy.

What is the current state of a goblin who should have lived more than a thousand years ago?

Judging from what he said just now, it seems that he wants to be resurrected through the blood sacrifice of his descendants.

Since he is resurrected, he is probably dead.


Living corpse?

Or...a Horcrux?

However, his words still solved some of Murphy's doubts. Ragnar wanted to provoke a war between the descendants and Murphy, so he controlled the Gulenus to provoke him.

From this point of view, Dumbledore's deal for the Philosopher's Stone should have just happened by chance.

And he should also know that he controls the Ministry of Magic.

No, that's not right, he said that "Mary" told him to do it.

He is just a puppet.

That Mary is her own enemy, and she knows a lot about herself.

So, who is Mary?

How could such an enemy appear out of nowhere?

Ragnar is not weak, although it seems that it is easy for Murphy to kill the opponent. In fact, Murphy used the Crow Array Antenna, the Mind Seed Network, and even sacrificed the lives of dozens or hundreds of Muggles to kill him. Get rid of it.

It can almost be considered that all the cards are out.

And this guy is just a pawn of Maria?

More than half an hour later, the watchmen found half of the battle flag from the mine and gave it to Murphy.

"This thing was left in the center of the attack," Winston said. "It seems to have been destroyed. There is also a very complex rune circle near it, and the mine is full of goblin corpses. They seem to have been destroyed." A very evil ritual is being carried out.”

Murphy unfolded his magic vision, and there was still strong death energy escaping from the battle flag, but apart from that, he still saw a trace of magic power in other colors, which was exactly the same as Ragnar's magic power.

"So, this is a Horcrux..."

Ragnar said that he was "awakened". Probably, he has existed as this Horcrux for the past thousand years?

It is impossible to keep such a big ritual completely hidden. There must be people who know about it among the goblins.

All the goblins in Weller Mansion are dead, but this is not the only stronghold of the Breen family.

If you catch a few fish that have slipped through the net and interrogate them, you should be able to figure out what is going on.

And this matter must be exposed. For such an evil incident, of course the Watchers must give a thunderous blow. Their behavior of annihilating the goblin stronghold is not only unproblematic, but also worthy of praise.

However, these are not important. Murphy thought about these things in his mind, and his attention returned to Ragnar's last words.

He said "that spiritual coordinate." Although he didn't finish his words, Murphy probably guessed that he might want to say that the spiritual coordinate was also related to Mary.

Perhaps the spiritual coordinates were given to Ragnar by Maria. In other words, even if Ragnar is dead at this moment, 80% of the coordinates in Murphy's head have not been removed.

He sensed it, but still couldn't sense any trace of the coordinates.

It seems that it is difficult to detect except during an attack.

Since it is called coordinates, it is used for positioning.

It's too dangerous to be stuck to something that can locate you at any time, not to mention whether it has any other functions. You have to find a way to get rid of it.

In the realm of mind and soul, Murphy knew not many people who were stronger than himself.

Perhaps the shamans of the Su Kingdom can?

After all, they have been talking about ancestor spirits and the like all day long, so they might understand this.

Write another letter to the Queen.

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