North Rim of the Grand Canyon.

On a dead tree, a group of crows were having a meeting.

Except for Murphy, the British witch crow, everyone present at the meeting were all relatives and friends of the American crow, Miss Quack.

"Cuckoo" is actually a transliteration. If the name of this American crow is translated into human language, it probably means: "Bests are delicious."

"Gua, insects are delicious. Where did he come from? I saw that he looks different from us. He is not good-looking and ugly." Gua Gugu's eldest cousin "Gugaji" commented, "I I don’t approve of this marriage.”

Miss Gujigu went up and plucked out a few hairs from her elder cousin's neck, "Guji, go away, you are ugly!"

"Gu, what a wonderful bird from afar," an old crow said with an Indian accent, "Why are you looking for that scary big reptile?"

When Murphy heard this, he said, "Hey, dear old bird, I have a reason to find it. This is related to my painful past, and I have never spoken about it. But in exchange for your help, I am willing to tell you my story."

"Gua, my mother and my father once lived on this land. They hunted in the jungle and soared in the sky. They were highly respected hunters and singers."

"But one day, they accidentally broke into the reptile's territory and woke up the sleeping monster."

"It first turned my mother into stone, and my father vowed revenge with grief and anger, but in the end he just left a wound on the reptile's nose and fell asleep forever."

"Gah, my uncle witnessed all this with his own eyes and told me the last heroic deeds of my parents. I vowed to make that reptile pay with his blood."

"Gu, we thought of many ways, but that reptile was too powerful. My uncle was also killed in a raid. Since then, I have been alone in this world."

"Gugu, you are so pitiful." Miss Gugugu was so moved by Murphy's story that she almost shed tears.

"Guji, no, I'm lucky. At the moment when I was about to despair, I met a smart hairless ape, which called itself 'Guji', and it had the strange ability 'Moga'..."

Guji is the "wizard" and "Moga" is the magic.

There is no way, the crow's mouth is not as good as that of humans, this is the closest sound he can make.

"It can communicate with me through 'Moga'. It heard my story and decided to help me get revenge. It taught me 'Moga', and now I am extremely powerful!"

As he spoke, black smoke suddenly rose around Murphy, and he rushed towards the "big cousin" in an instant, took away the branch in its mouth, and suddenly returned to the tree. Then he flicked his mouth and said, "Pop ", the small branch accurately pinned a desert lizard to the ground.

"Gah, I have learned a lot. Gu! It's time to seek justice for my parents! Dear old bird, please tell me the location of that reptile."

"Cuckoo..." The old crow was shocked. He had never heard such a story with such ups and downs in his life that shocked the bird's heart!

Although this story is full of loopholes, with the wisdom of the crows, they can't see the flaws yet.

"Gu quack..." The crows were also shocked. The skill Murphy showed just now was so powerful, it was like a divine bird descended from the sky, unrivaled!

Finally, the old crow recovered from the shock, "Cuckoo! A wonderful bird from afar! The bird is impressed by its power! To be honest, we, the cuckoo clan, have suffered from the reptiles for a long time!"

"The reptile is so domineering that all the birds that invaded the vicinity of its nest were killed and frozen into stone ice, unable to move. But it occupies the best water land. In order to drink water, every year, we have several Only the little bird was killed by it.”

"A good bird from afar, I once traveled far away, but my parents were born here, and they may also be relatives of our Guguagua clan!"

"I will tell Xie the reptile's lair. If Xie can really avenge Xie's parents, we, the Guguagua clan, will make Xie the king!"

Auror Command.

"You mean, Murphy went to the United States?" Kingsley asked as he listened to a report from a team member beside him.

"Yes, one of our informants in Knockturn Alley said that he asked someone for a door key to the United States, as if he was going to find a basilisk." The team member said, "He also had people search for basilisk before. Lizard venom, we don’t know yet what he’s trying to do.”

Does he want to escape?

It wasn't impossible, but he got the news too quickly.

Maybe someone from the Auror Command tipped him off... Judging from Murphy's current level of penetration into the Aurors, it's unlikely, but it's not completely impossible.

"Notify the United States Department of Magic that a wanted criminal has escaped to them and ask them to help capture him."

Whether he ran away or left temporarily, this incident was not entirely a bad thing for the Auror's next actions.

"Be ready to take action immediately to block all Murphy's related industries in Diagon Alley, Knockturn Alley, and Hogsmeade. In addition, wake up those deep divers. The time has come and show your identity."

Ten minutes later, hundreds of crows flew over a desert valley.

They were either hovering in the sky or covering the branches around the valley.

They are all the crows within a radius of more than a hundred miles.

They had fought many times for food in the past, but today they all gathered here just to witness the birth of a Crow Clan hero.

Or, witness his death.

It doesn't matter, everyone is having fun watching it anyway.

Some crows brought their families to watch the show, and some even brought several caterpillars as snacks. The crows croaked in anticipation of the show starting.

Murphy was also shocked by the overwhelming momentum. Good guys, how much you love watching theater!

But it was quite fun. When he turned around, he saw that the Guguagua clan was cheering him on, and even the crows from the atmosphere group sang a song.

Don't tell me, these old American birds are pretty cool.

Suddenly, "Roar—" a roar that seemed to come from the Jurassic came from the cave in the distance.

The cave was located under a piece of weathered shale and was just covered. Even if he inspected it ten times in the air, it was unlikely that he would be able to find it.

After a while, a huge eight-legged khaki monitor lizard strolled out of the cave.

"Back away," Murphy said, "I will cast 'Moga'. I will fight in the form of a hairless ape."

The crows made room for Murphy, and then they saw Murphy transform into a "hairless ape" in a puff of black smoke.

The basilisk discovered Murphy, instinctively sensed the danger, opened its mouth suddenly, and two streams of venom were sprayed out from its mouth. The venom sprayed very fast, and its range reached more than ten meters. It could hit with this move crow in flight and petrify it.

Murphy had been prepared for a long time, and suddenly he apparated and disappeared from the basilisk's field of vision, appearing directly above it. This was the visual blind spot of the basilisk.


The spell hit the basilisk's head, but it had no effect. The latter still looked around warily.

The thick skin of the basilisk is no weaker than the fire dragon in terms of defense against spells, and ordinary spells are completely ineffective against it.

Well, Murphy didn't really expect ordinary spells to work.

"Veravito!" The stones under the basilisk's feet suddenly transformed into several vines, wrapping around its eight legs several times, and then returned to stone again, binding it in place.

Then Murphy took out a heavy-duty rammer as tall as a person from the traceless stretch bag, let it fall from the air, put it on the basilisk's head, and pressed the switch on it.

The next second, the hydraulic hammer hit the basilisk's head with a bang, causing it to fall into a baby-like sleep.

"Gah! Moga! Moga!" The crows cheered for Murphy's victory, soared into the sky and hovered in the air.

They mistook the "magic" in Murphy's mouth for Murphy's name.

Murphy ignored them, put on a pair of dragon skin gloves, and was about to extract the venom from the basilisk's mouth. Suddenly, at this moment, he heard a sharp roar, and when he looked up, he saw a huge black shadow covering the sky. Day, swoop down.


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