Hidden Corners

Chapter 131 131 Coincidence? One (Thanks to the devil will also shed tears lord)

Zhuang Yijing was really tempted.

So she quickly put aside her original thoughts, and seriously asked Li Chengyi for advice on how to be as tough as he was just now.

For an ordinary person, Li Chengyi's previous performance was already very exaggerated.

Although it is indeed as Li Qingpeng said, the gun cannot be blocked.

But masters like them can't stop the gun when they fight face to face, but they can prevent you from firing the gun.

You can even dodge quickly if you're far away.

And if he wears bulletproof equipment, he is a real little Superman, rushing on a rampage, except for super soldiers or cyborg soldiers, there is no threat to the rest.

After her heart beat, Zhuang Yijing suddenly thought of the scene where she and Li Chengyi practiced against each other.

Unconsciously, there is a slight anticipation in my heart.

But this time because of other distracting thoughts, the intensity was not high. Only contributed a little lust to Li Chengyi.

After the two exchanged Feiyu numbers (a social software account), Li Chengyi listed some things and items that needed to be prepared for her, and then asked the master prison dragon in front of her to see if it could be done.

Prison Dragon naturally didn't care. He heard the genius student say that he had found another genius. Although he didn't believe it, he also had a glimmer of expectation, and he agreed with the test date.

After a lot of tossing, the people who came to the party were very satisfied and got surprises that they didn't expect.

Maybe some people are frightened, but no one cares about a few people.

Li Chengyi took a taxi to go home with his family, but when he was on the way, he found that his sister Li Chengjiu was missing.

I heard from my parents that I left early before.

He doesn't care, this time the harvest is very good, the combination of my sister and Zhuang Yijing made him evolve the Titan Sunflower for the third time, and the evil thoughts increased to 21%. It was only single digits before, but now it is full. one fifth.

This is still a sustainable weakening method.

Sitting in the car, Li Chengyi was full of expectations for the future.

'By the way, there's also Marianne Western Union. She is also a strong person with mental problems, and she filled up the evil thoughts of evolution once. '

Li Chengyi listed these good materials one by one.

He plans to build another garden of evil thoughts. Complementary to Destiny Garden.

Of course, this is just his imagination for the future, at least for now, he doesn't have the capital to attract these materials close to him.

That is to say, Zhuang Yijing's starting point is just an ordinary person, so easy to fool.

After the party, Li Chengyi also began to personally investigate the endless stairwell that Skittles said.

He went to the hot spring hotel she said the next day in person, looking for clues.

But it didn't flash.

Apparently, the prototype isn't here, and no one's in a dead end anywhere near here.

If it is not near the prototype, then in other places, the blind spot must be continuously open before flashing in.

four days later.

November 3rd.

Forever botanical garden.

All the people in Destiny Garden gathered together.

Skittles is playing games with a handheld game console to relax her nerves.

Big Bear is on the phone for new medical equipment to be delivered here.

Da Hei and Xiao Brown are confirming that the surrounding monitoring and detection systems are normal.

They also have to monitor the endless stairwell prototype information searched by AI.

Li Chengyi

He was oiling the two skeletons.

"." Skittle Candy played the game for a while, then looked back at Li Chengyi.

Just in time to see him reach out and gently straighten Itherine's skull.

"Brother Cheng, do you have any suggestions for this blind spot?" She couldn't help asking.

"No danger has been found for the time being, but it doesn't mean there is no danger." Li Chengyi turned his head. "The stairs you are on go down all the time, there is likely to be a temperature change, and the temperature will gradually drop. If you need to speed up, you can take a downstairs machine to go in."

"I'm ready for this. There are ready-made ones." Xiao Zong raised his hand. "It's not difficult to change the design of the exoskeleton."

"Well, then prepare enough food and oxygen. I'm worried that you may stay inside for a long time." Li Chengyi nodded.

"I understand." Skittle Candy nodded earnestly, looking at the companions gathered around her.

Compared to before, only myself and Daxiong are facing dead ends.

Parents at home can't help too much.

The huge contrast between before and after made her suddenly feel that having such a team seemed like a good choice.

"Although I haven't found the prototype yet, I got some rules from another channel." Li Chengyi said softly at this time.

His source of news is naturally from Boss Syndra.

It has to be said that relying on the power of Baixing's capital group to investigate dead-end information.

It's much better than them fighting alone.

The boss said that three days would be three days, and immediately gave clues.

"What rules!?"

These words immediately attracted the attention of several people.

Li Chengyi paused and said in a deep voice.

"In the dead end, there is also a prototype from the white star called the spiral staircase.

It is an endless staircase that spins forever like a spiral.

Once people enter, they will never be able to leave.

In 21 years, five people entered this blind spot, and two survived. The remaining three died. But instead of dying of exhaustion and starvation, he encountered a special monster. "

"What monster!?" Rainbow Candy became vigilant.

"People going upstairs and people going downstairs." Li Chengyi replied.

"In the stairwell on a certain floor, a door will suddenly appear.

The door will be pushed open from the inside out, and a phantom of a person going up or down the stairs will come out of it.

People in the dead corner cannot be approached by people upstairs and downstairs, otherwise there will be fatal danger. "

Li Chengyi gave a brief introduction.

"Of course, what I'm talking about is another blind spot. The situation here may be different."

"Did you mention how to deal with it?" Skittle Candy asked. Obviously she was worried.

"Using strong light can make it disappear temporarily, but next time it will appear faster and more. After that, the information will disappear." Li Chengyi said, "Because the last blind spot has not been cracked, the escape method has not been found, and all the people who entered died."

"I haven't been able to find a way to escape many times in a row. It seems that the firearms are useless." Dahei said in a deep voice.

Don't think about it, the dead man in this example is definitely not a novice. So many people are gone, which means that they have probably used all methods.

"Forget it, wait now, everyone. When Skittles enters, we will immediately look around and try to flash. It is best to go in and collect clues yourself." Li Chengyi said in a deep voice.


Several people responded at the same time.

Make a rough plan.

Li Chengyi stepped aside, took out his mobile phone and checked the balance of the deposit.

The botanical garden has been losing money. He didn't have much money left before, but he didn't get any money during this period, and there was only more than 10 million left in his account.

The money is enough for the time being, but the key is that if he continues to lose money like this, he will have more places to spend money in the future, which is not worthwhile.

Even if the industry can't make money, it shouldn't lose so much.

He looked at the accounting report sent by the botanical garden's finances before.

Assets and liabilities, profit, cash flow, etc.

For a small botanical garden, the so-called liabilities are the expenses owed when purchasing goods, but there are a lot of assets. But all need various maintenance and supplies.

For the entire Forever Botanical Garden, the normal monthly expenses alone cost at least 300,000 yuan.

Personnel plus security plus transport drivers, and several out-of-town business, temporary expert consultants, intelligent system maintenance personnel, etc.

There were more than thirty people scattered here and there.

And because the previous shipping channels were seized by other planting farms, the profit of the botanical garden is now very low.

'If things go on like this, my little money won't be enough. If I need to buy some expensive flowers, it's true and I can't always rely on me to support them. '

Li Chengyi began to think about how to turn the industry into profit.

He thought for a while, and felt that he needed to find professional people for professional matters, so he asked Da Xiong and Xiao Brown who were in charge of logistics.

The two gave similar opinions.

"Our family is relatively simple." Da Xiong smiled, "We hired a few very powerful executives from outside, and distributed their shares and dividends, and then just wait for the profit with peace of mind."

"Look for professionals for professional matters, and hire outside talents to help you manage it. The problem with botanical gardens is that they are a bit bloated, and they need to reduce expenditures and reduce expenditures. To reduce expenditures, let managers help you. Open source, you have to talk about business, think of ways, and study the market. Needs. After determining the general direction and profit point, it is enough to form a team and solve the problem.” Xiao Zong gave a serious answer.

"But will this be ignored by outsiders?" Li Chengyi worried.

"Then change it. Brother Cheng, are you still afraid that someone will trip you up?" Xiao Zong smiled. "Everyone has only one life."

"That's true." Li Chengyi also smiled.

"Success! Then recruit people!" After careful consideration, he decided to seek external force.

"Profitable Words"

Li Chengyi frowned again.

How are his flowers different from those in other farms and botanical gardens? Which ones can be profitable?

How do other botanical gardens make money?

Tickets for tourists, selling specialty derivatives, etc. Tourists come for sightseeing, then set up shops in the botanical garden, rent space, collect rent, sell their own specialties to get a share, and build their own unique brand

A bunch of ideas flashed in his mind. After all, he himself has visited many botanical gardens these days, and he has already subconsciously remembered these processes in his heart.

'But these are too homogeneous. Even if they can make money, they can only make a small amount of money. If I want the industry to become my legitimate income pillar... then I need some unique and strong competitiveness points. '

While thinking about it, Li Chengyi walked slowly, leaving the lobby where Skittle Candy and the others were, and slowly came to the open-air area of ​​the botanical garden.

It's November.

Pots and pots of white chrysanthemums are arranged neatly, and their branches and leaves are being transformed into a unified simple and beautiful shape under the big scissors of the groomer.

Li Chengyi nodded his head from the old master, who waved his hand back and continued to work.

He walked up to a pot of white chrysanthemums, knelt down and examined them carefully.

Surrounded by dark green leaves, the white chrysanthemum is like a fluffy white mop strip.

The center is light green, surrounded by strips of slender petals.

Li Chengyi stretched out his hand and touched it.

'White Ju: also known as Qiu Ju. Perennial herb, flowering period from September to November. Clearing away heat and detoxification, clearing the liver and improving eyesight, commonly used to treat dizziness, red eyes and sore throat caused by wind-heat and cold. It is cool in nature and sweet in taste. It is not suitable for people with spleen and stomach deficiency. '

'Flower Language: Eyes of Sorrow (Facing the remnants of the dead, you can trace their life information according to your own consumption. The more energy and energy you consume, the more information you can trace back.)'

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