Chapter 7 is up!

 “No signal…why no signal?”

Shen Miaoke ran away in a panic, his face extremely pale.

 She didn’t know the origins of the two people who suddenly appeared and why they were fighting with Uncle Li Wen.

 But Li Tongtong is in danger now and seems to have been kidnapped?

 The only thing that can be done right now is to leave this place as soon as possible and contact the outside world immediately.

 “Still no signal.”

Shen Miaoke gritted her teeth and looked around.

 The fog was thick and she had completely lost her direction. This seemed to be no way back.

 “What to do, what to do.”

 A deep feeling of helplessness flooded into Shen Miaoke's heart.

In this wilderness, it was like being shrouded in a huge haze, and a suffocating horror swept through the whole body.

She could only keep running in one direction, trying to get out of the fog.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Shen Miaoke suddenly felt dizzy.

This mist seems to be poisonous, and inhaling too much will cause confusion.

 Looked at the phone again, there was still no signal.

“I can’t be trapped here. Li Tongtong needs help from adults. Dad is still waiting for me to reunite with him..."

Shen Miaoke gritted her teeth, stubbornly pushed her body up, and walked forward step by step.

 But as her breathing became increasingly difficult and her physical strength was consumed rapidly, at the age of only eight, no matter how determined her mind was, she could not help but feel the fear that she might die in the fog.

  Having not gone very far, I finally stumbled and fell to the ground.

 “I can’t get out, I can’t get out…”

She broke down and cried loudly, and her cry was very conspicuous in the silent mist.

 After a moment, she took out the Book of Heroic Spirits from her arms and summoned her father.

Shen Changqing's heroic figure slowly emerged, still with his eyes tightly closed. He lowered his head and sat cross-legged on the ground, as if he had fallen into a long sleep with no sign of waking up.

Shen Miao knew that this should be the last time she could talk to her father.


She wiped the tears from her eyes and crawled over, wrapping her arms tightly around Shen Changqing's neck.

There was no temperature, but it was like a warm sun that dispelled some of the fear in Shen Miaoke's heart.

  While mumbling to himself, his consciousness gradually became blurred.

“Grandma Wang said that you are a very kind person and have never had conflicts with others in the village. They said that you don’t like fighting, but you like to make fires for cooking, farming and fishing, and watching the sunrise and sunset with your mother...”

"They also said that it would be great if I had a son-in-law like you, so they took care of me for a long time and regarded me as their granddaughter..."

“Dad, I’m dying. Can you open your eyes and look at me?”

 “Dad, I’m so cold.”

 Shen Miaoke's arms tightly holding Shen Changqing's neck gradually tended to hang down weakly.

The poisonous effect has spread throughout her body, and her consciousness can no longer carry it.

 In a daze, she seemed to see a tear falling from the corner of her father's eyes.

Is it an illusion?

 Did dad hear what he said?

 Can heroic spirits also shed tears?

 She could not know the answer and completely lost consciousness.

Jingle Bell…

The sound of bells was heard in the mist, and the old man from the Ghost Slave Sect walked slowly and stopped quite far away from Shen Miao.

“She was just a hair away from touching the edge of the cave.”

 Under the mask with green face and fangs, there is a pair of deep and turbid old eyes.

At this moment, Shen Miao was looking with a little fear in the direction a hundred steps behind her.

 Then he stared strangely at Shen Miaoke and Shen Changqing, who was sitting cross-legged with their heads lowered.

This little girl must be less than ten years old, right? Have you actually contracted a heroic spirit?

Although in terms of condition, this heroic spirit is only at an ordinary level and is too weak to be vulnerable, it is considered unique for being able to awaken its talent at such a young age.

“It’s a pity that the Ghost Slave Cult needs real geniuses.”

 The bell in the green-faced old man's hand swayed in the wind, and the two tall evil spirits behind him had also walked over.

 “Kill her.”

 The green-faced old man spoke indifferently and gave the order.

 But for some unknown reason, these two evil spirits were slightly hesitant.

When looking at the silhouette of the heroic spirit sitting cross-legged, he hesitated, as if he smelled an aura that made them feel uneasy.

“You are evil spirits, why are you afraid of the catacombs?”

The green-faced old man frowned, thinking that these two evil spirits were afraid of the abyss crack behind Shen Miao.

 But then, he realized that was not the case.

After looking at Shen Changqing carefully, I found that his tightly closed eyes were slowly opening and closing while trembling.

Even though he only narrowed his eyes a little, there was golden light shining directly!

There is also an indescribable ancient wave that continues to leak from his whole body.

 “Is Haoran upright?”

 The green-faced old man quickly understood, and his brows furrowed even more.

The Book of Heroic Spirits in his hand was given by the leader of the Ghost Slave Sect, which is enough to enable him to summon ghosts and monsters from ancient times, as well as unspeakable monsters and so on.

 But these summoned evil spirits, no matter how powerful they are, all have fatal flaws.

They cannot see the light, and they will instinctively feel timid in front of those heroic spirits who are filled with awe-inspiring righteousness.

 Li Wen's previous victorious generals possessed a certain degree of awe-inspiring righteousness.

 But that is a heroic level after all, how come there are also ordinary level heroic spirits? What did he do during his lifetime?

 “Kill her!”

The green-faced old man stopped thinking too much and shook the bell in his hand with a loud shout.

The two evil spirits, while restraining their timidity, finally picked up their giant axes and killed them.

 Suddenly, a dazzling golden light swept over.

 Shen Changqing's eyes suddenly opened!

 There is a sense of depression, traces of vicissitudes of life, and... murderous intent!

At this moment, he is no longer the modern Shen Changqing who likes to make fires for cooking, farming and fishing, and watching sunsets and sunrises, but Qingyunzhai Laozi!

The violent aura of righteousness overturned the fog, and the dazzling golden light drowned the two evil spirits.

The smell of decay burst out, and in two frightened screams, they were instantly torn into pieces.

The green-faced old man's mind was like five thunders hitting his head, and he looked at Shen Changqing who suddenly changed in disbelief.

Behind Shen Changqing, a hundred-foot halo suddenly appeared, forming a huge full moon wheel!

 “Golden Wheel of Merit?”

The green-faced old man’s pupils were shaking and he screamed.

It’s not like he has never seen heroic spirits that can gather merit, but a golden wheel of merit that is a hundred feet wide is unheard of!

What kind of sage was this ordinary heroic spirit during his lifetime?

In a daze, he seemed to see the appearance of thousands of lives behind Shen Changqing.

 There seemed to be countless figures in white robes kneeling down and kowtow!

This mind-numbing sight was shattered in just an instant, but it frightened the green-faced old man out of his wits. He turned around and ran away with his face turning pale.

“I made a mistake. This little girl’s talent far exceeds that of Li Tongtong! Who did she summon?”

The green-faced old man was filled with boundless fear. He had no way of knowing where Shen Changqing came from in the Xuanhuang Realm and which era he was from, but he was definitely not an ordinary heroic spirit.

With his violent and awe-inspiring righteousness, he instantly shattered the two evil spirits.

 The golden wheel of merit behind it is the testimony of an entire era and the condensed faith of countless people.

There is also the illusion of worship for thousands of lives. This kind of existence has completely subverted his imagination!


That must be a saint!

 (End of this chapter)

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