Chapter 13 Martial Arts Myth!

 “I’m sorry for keeping you waiting.”

 Shen Changqing stepped forward and gently supported Zuo Zunshi and the Sixth Elder.

Fifteen years passed in the blink of an eye, and he never stopped practicing in the Holy Fire Cave. This long time almost made him forget the faces of his former companions.

 But the kindness towards Zuo Zunshi and the Sixth Elder has not been forgotten at all.

Without these two, there would be no current Black Lotus Leader!

"I have probably written more than 150 sets of mental techniques and more than 300 sets of martial arts and magical skills in the cave. You can send someone to record them, and you can read and understand them at will."

Shen Changqing's achievements today are inseparable from the cultivation of the Black Lotus Demon Cult. It's time to pay back.

 “Thank you, Master!”

 Many high-level members of the Demonic Sect looked overjoyed, especially the four major protectors.

They are eager to know what amazing magical secrets Shen Changqing has created in the past fifteen years.

 After all, fifteen years ago, Shen Changqing, as Xiao Qi, had already shown his incredible talents.

“In addition, from today on, Lu Chenyu, you can follow me to practice.”

Shen Changqing looked at the young Lu Chenyu. Although he had been in seclusion in the cave, he basically knew what was happening outside.

 “The subordinates are terrified!”

Compared to fifteen years ago, the Sixth Elder was much older. He did not dare to raise his head in front of Shen Changqing. After hearing this, the corners of his wrinkled eyes were filled with tears.

 He ​​didn't seem to have thought that Shen Changqing, who had now become the leader of the cult, still regarded him as an elder, and was even ready to take Lu Chenyu, who had never met him before, as his disciple just after he left seclusion.

“What are you doing standing there in a daze? Why don’t you thank the leader quickly?” Ambassador Zuo quickly urged Lu Chenyu.

Being able to practice behind the leader was purely due to the affection of the Sixth Elder. The bright future of Potian was now in front of Lu Chenyu.

 “Thank you, Master!”

Lu Chenyu knelt down and kowtowed obediently.

Shen Changqing nodded with a smile, pulled the Sixth Elder to the side, returned to Xiao Qi's identity as before, and told him about the difficulties he encountered during the time of seclusion in the cave.

The Sixth Elder wiped away the muddy tears from the corners of his eyes while giggling like a sunset scene.

 The four guardians came to Zuo Zunshi and asked quietly: "My lord, can you see the current strength of the leader?"

 Zun Zunshi pondered for a while, then shook his head with a solemn expression.

"About seven or eight years ago, I was no longer able to sense the specific fluctuations of his internal energy. If I guessed correctly, he had already entered the middle stage of heaven and human at that time."

“Today, I am afraid that I have far exceeded the middle stage of heaven and human, and have reached the late stage of heaven and human. If I continue to practice at this speed, I am afraid that the leader will soon touch the legendary realm.”

After the words fell, the four guardians looked at each other with extremely shocked expressions.

You know, the leader is only twenty years old now!

Looking at all the sects in the world, which of the proud men of heaven can reach the realm of heaven and humanity at the age of twenty?

Whenever the twenty-year-old grandmaster is born, he will cause a sensation in the entire Eastern Wasteland and be called a peerless genius.

 Let alone a great master or even a heavenly being!

"The realm of legends, is that the threshold of martial arts mythology? It seems that only the Nanhai Sword Master who retired from the human world in our Eastern Wasteland has touched this realm?"

 The four guardians looked at each other in admiration.

Time passed again. Shen Changqing, who took charge of the Holy Fire Order and became the leader of the Black Lotus, did not stop his pace of becoming stronger.

As usual, he continued to study in the Holy Fire Cave, hoping to create a technique that was superior to the Seven Ultimate Demonic Techniques.

Day after day, it was still ordinary, except that there was another Lu Chenyu accompanying him.

 A few months later…

“The Langya Mind Method is a mind method that I created on my own. Learning this method will be beneficial to your practice. I will demonstrate it next and you will learn it after me.”

Shen Changqing sat in front of Lu Chenyu and carefully taught her the cultivation method of Langya Heart Technique. Repaying kindness with kindness is Shen Changqing's consistent style of doing things.

Lu Chenyu is inextricably linked to the Sixth Elder by blood, and may be the Sixth Elder’s last relative in this life. Of course, he will spare no effort in teaching.

 However, judging from the past few months, Lu Chenyu's natural ability cannot be said to be very bad, it can be said to be basically non-existent.

No matter what method Shen Changqing used or what teaching techniques he changed, Lu Chenyu could never understand it, and it was difficult to even scratch the surface.

"Master, I'd better copy the secret book... It's been three months and I haven't started yet."

Lu Chenyu sat with his head lowered and spoke weakly, rubbing the corners of his clothes with his small hands, not daring to raise his head to look into Shen Changqing's eyes.

“It doesn’t matter, you can take your time. Copying secret books is also a way to become proficient in mental skills, so go ahead.”

Shen Changqing nodded slightly, but did not insist on letting Lu Chenyu practice.

“One more thing, Master, can I rest for a few days? I’ve been really tired recently.”

 Lu Chenyu felt relieved and continued to copy the secret techniques. After a pause, he asked cautiously.


Shen Changqing agreed that the high-intensity study may have put the child under too much mental stress, so it would be a good idea to relax for a few days.

 “Thank you, Master, for your teachings these days, I can’t thank you for anything in return!”

Lu Chenyu suddenly knelt down and kowtowed twice to Shen Changqing.

This sudden behavior made Shen Changqing laugh and shake his head: "You are connected by blood with Grandpa Six, and you are his last relative in this life, and I was also raised by him."

“It is my duty to teach you. I only hope that you will spend more time with Grandpa Six in the future.”

After hearing this, Lu Chenyu nodded seriously.


 However, at dusk the next day, Lu Chenyu got up early and hurriedly left Mandrill Cliff with his luggage.

 She did not tell anyone her true whereabouts, not even the Sixth Elder who adopted her.

 Looking back at the huge demon sect domain again, there was a bit of reluctance in his eyes.

 She lived happily in the Black Lotus Demon Cult for a year and a half. Everyone here was completely different from what the outside world said.

 Perhaps they are really killing for no reason, because they are so powerful that they make people all over the world very afraid.


Lu Chenyu looked gloomy. They were really kind to him, especially his grandfather, who was related to him by blood, and Zuo Zunshi, who gave him a heavy gift when they first met.

 And, the leader who has never condemned himself.

Even though his martial arts talent is almost non-existent, Shen Changqing has always been patient and taught his martial arts skills over and over again.


Lu Chenyu took a deep breath, knelt down in the direction of the Holy Fire Cave, and kowtowed three times again.

 There were some tears in the corners of her eyes, maybe because she was reluctant to give up, or maybe because she had committed such a serious crime and felt ashamed of the cultivation and trust given to Shen Changqing and her grandfather.

 As soon as she turned around, she left the Black Lotus Demon Cult.

 Outside the field, there was a carriage waiting quietly...

 (End of this chapter)

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