"Brother Fan, there is someone in front!"

"Is there anyone there?" The person next to him, who was wearing black clothes that looked like mourning clothes, looked in the direction the other person pointed.

"It's... it's them! The evil suppressors under that stinky woman Yu Xuanji, I saw them last time!"Xie Jiang has excellent eyesight and saw Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin from a distance.

"Let's go over there, we can use their strength to see if we can get rid of Jian Jiaozi's men." Fan Jian said in a deep voice, thinking of a way to divert the trouble.

The two of them briefly exchanged ideas, and then rushed straight towards Zhang Qingyuan and the others.

While running, Fan Jian shouted loudly:"My two lords, run quickly, we have been discovered by Jian Jiaozi and the others."

Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin heard the shout and felt a little confused, but Zhao Jin reacted the next second.

"Oh no, it's those two guys who offended Senior Yu, they want to drag us down with them!"

After saying that, Zhao Jin rushed out with a whoosh, running faster than a rabbit.

Zhang Qingyuan, who had reacted, didn't care about his aching back from the fall, and hurried away. The broken hand on the ground couldn't react in time, and it flew up into the air, chasing after Zhang Qingyuan and landing on his shoulder.

""Brother, why don't you leave!" Zhang Qingyuan was about to cry.

He had been unlucky recently. He finally managed to escape from Youdu, but he ran into this thing. Now he was being chased like a dog.

"Woo woo woo……"


"a ha ha ha……"

The dark fog behind them was like a sandstorm, sweeping in from the dark soil at a very fast speed, gradually catching up and getting closer and closer.

Xie Jiang and Fan Wujiu looked at each other, and reached out to hold each other's hands in tacit understanding. The two dark energies intersected, and the two of them burst out at high speed in an instant. In just a blink of an eye, they actually caught up with the old man and the young man in front.

""What do you two mean? Do you want to drag us down?" Zhang Qingyuan asked with a dark face.

Fan Wujiu said with a playful smile:"This should be brother Zhang Qingyuan, we are all under Lord Yu Xuanji, and it is only natural for you to help us when we are in trouble, right?"

"Not bad, not bad... We are here for the mission assigned by Lord Yu Xuanji. As both of us are evil suppressors, we should help each other."Xie Jiang also chimed in. The two of them spoke in a high-sounding manner, but Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin were not fools, and they knew it was just an excuse.

No matter what they said, it was too late to beat the other party up, and they could only think of a way to escape.

He took the time to look back, and the dense army of ghosts was like ants passing through the border, which made people's scalps numb. It was estimated that there were hundreds of them, and they were getting closer and closer, less than 500 meters away.

"Senior, do you have any solution?" Zhao Jin frowned and said in a tangled manner:"If it doesn't work, just escape underground, but I'm really afraid that you have escaped to a forbidden area again."

Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years.

Not to mention Zhao Jin, even Zhang Qingyuan now has some doubts that he may not have checked the almanac before going out. It is even more unlucky than a bad year.

Although he had practiced the technique of increasing luck in Youdu before, the luck obtained by that method was not very stable. The moment Tu Bo's severed hand appeared, the last ray of external luck disappeared. He had a clear feeling, but he didn't care about it at that time.

"If escaping underground doesn't work, then try this."

As he said that, a black Yin candle jumped out from his Sumeru Ring.

Fan Jian, who was standing next to him, had been observing the movements of the two people. The moment he saw the black candle, he couldn't help but exclaimed:"Yin Bing Ling Candle? You actually have such a thing, light it quickly, as long as the Yin soldiers can come, we will be saved."

His tone was very urgent, as if he saw the hope of life, and at the same time he was also glad that his strategy of shifting the disaster to the east had actually found a ray of hope for him.

If he was not in danger now, Zhang Qingyuan would never have been willing to save these two things, but now the knife was on his neck, and he had to hold back his dissatisfaction for the time being.

A ball of ghost fire emerged from Zhang Qingyuan's fingers, and he lit the candle. Suddenly, a wisp of dark green flames shot out, supporting a halo, illuminating an area of five meters in radius.

In addition, there were wisps of strange, burning white smoke, which were blown by the gloomy wind and scattered into the underworld.

""Two people from the Wuchang clan and the evil suppressor from the evil suppression department dared to meddle in our affairs. They are really looking for death!" A low threatening voice came from the back.

Among the hundreds of ghosts, there was a guy who looked like a leader, holding a blood-stained sword, looking very brave.

The four people fled frantically, and the candles were lit for a long time, but there was still no sign of the ghost soldiers.

"Bian Fei, Bian Fei, you can't hurt me!"Zhang Qingyuan prayed silently in his heart.

"Here they come!"Zhao Jin, who was running the fastest, suddenly stopped and looked up at a low hill in front of him.

The hill was extremely dark at the moment, but the rows of ghost lights were extremely conspicuous.

Clang, clang, clang... the sound of uniform footsteps came, and there were also hundreds of ghost soldiers who appeared on the hill at some point. They formed a formation and pressed towards them little by little.

Zhang Qingyuan and his companions quickly quickened their pace, and only when they got closer and saw the other party's dress clearly did they really breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's really Yin soldiers!" Zhang Qingyuan came to the front of the Yin soldiers in three or two steps, not caring whether the conspicuous bag in the front was the leader of this group of Yin soldiers.

He grabbed the other party:"Brother, you are here, I know Deng Qigong and Bian Fei among your Yin soldiers, and it was he who gave me this Yin soldier command candle."

Woo woo woo...

A whimpering sound was heard from behind, and the pursuing Yin ghosts also arrived nearby. At a distance of about ten meters, Zhang Qingyuan looked at them very boldly. With the Yin soldiers behind him, he was now very confident.

"Not running away?" The ghost leader holding a machete stood out and asked contemptuously.

"hehe……"Zhang Qingyuan sneered and replied unceremoniously:"In front of the ghost soldiers, do you dare to touch me?"

"I dare not touch you?" A strange look appeared on the face of the ghost with the machete.

Zhang Qingyuan thought that the other party was cautious, and suddenly became bolder. He walked forward and said very arrogantly:"Yes, I lit the ghost soldier's command candle. Among the ghost soldiers, I have a lot of brothers everywhere. If you know what's good for you, get out of here."

The ghost with the machete looked even more strange, and asked back:"Just now these two guys called you sir, so this matter was planned by you?"

"What did I plan?"Zhang Qingyuan remembered the shouting just now, knowing that this was the other party's means of shifting the blame, but now he didn't care at all.

There was no way, we were confident enough

"Humph, what is your identity? Should I tell you?" He directly retorted. Experience told him that at this time, he had to bluff.

"Hahaha……"The machete ghost suddenly laughed out loud, and pointed at the ghost leader while laughing a little breathlessly, saying,"Wu Sha, I didn't expect that you played the role of a ghost soldier so well that even their own people couldn't recognize you."

"Well, it's really good, but only in this way can we hide it from the patrolling ghost soldiers."A response came from behind.

Zhang Qingyuan's movements were stiff, and he turned his head with difficulty to look at the"confidence" behind him, only to see that the other party was also looking at him jokingly.

Zhao Jin next to him was numb, and Xie Jiang and Fan Jian were even more stunned.

This turned out to be a group of fake ghost soldiers!!


The knife on the shoulder fell to the ground, and the ghost with a machete slowly walked over and asked:"Boy, what do you think I should do with you now? Chop off your hands? Chop off your feet? Or chop off your head?"

Zhang Qingyuan stammered, with an expression on his face that was uglier than crying:"That... that, big brother, I admit that I spoke a little loudly just now. Is it too late to change it now?"The damn underworld is really corrupt enough that even the ghost soldiers are impersonated... Zhang Qingyuan cursed in his heart.

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