
Getting colder!

It was as if a new death had surrounded him again.

Zhang Qingyuan ran out of breath, his feet felt like they were filled with lead, so heavy that he could hardly lift them.

The soul was originally light, and this was a feeling of heaviness that Zhang Qingyuan had never experienced since his death. It was as if countless hands were pulling him under his feet, trying to drag him into the ground.


He seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and could not help but look down, and suddenly his soul was scared.

At this moment, the yellow mud road had turned into a blood red color. Countless thin, flesh-like, living flesh-like muscle texture tissues were wrapped around his feet, constantly slowing down his speed, trying to bind him in place.

Zhang Qingyuan raised his foot hard, trying to tear off the flesh threads on his foot, but this thing was not only very tough, but also really had the elasticity of muscle texture tissue, and he could not get rid of it at all.

He was fixed in place, as if he was trapped in a quagmire, and his constant struggle was in vain. Moreover, as time went by, these flesh threads continued to grow, climbing towards his body, and they had spread to the position of his calves.


A light breeze blew from behind, and Zhao Jin's figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and he laughed with some gloating:"Hey, kid, I asked you to run so fast, are you stupid?"


"Senior, please think of a solution quickly!"

Zhang Qingyuan was sweating profusely, although as a ghost he could no longer sweat.


Zhao Jin said seriously, then drew out his magic sword and slashed it towards the ground. The sword flashed and the silk on his foot broke. Zhang Qingyuan took the opportunity to pull hard and finally pulled his foot out.


Zhang Qingyuan only felt that there was space under his feet. He was grabbed by the collar by Zhao Jin, his feet were suspended in the air, and he ran towards Fengdu City.

At this moment, he noticed that Zhao Jin's feet were covered with a layer of green light, which blocked him from stepping directly on the yellow mud road.

Or at this moment, it should be called the blood mud road.

""Senior, what's going on now?" Zhang Qingyuan finally had time to ask after being dragged by someone.

"How would I know, but it should be related to the Buddha's death. This is a major event that can shake the three realms and six paths, and it will definitely cause drastic changes."Zhao Jin said very seriously.

Half an incense stick later, the tall gate of Fengdu City was already in sight, and the bloody mud road under his feet was like a bleeding stream at this moment. Blood actually trickled on it, and a layer of blood mist floated in the air. Neither of them spoke again, and an invisible sense of oppression enveloped their hearts.

Even ordinary people like Zhang Qingyuan knew that the road under his feet, or in other words, the land of bliss, was undergoing some unknown and terrifying changes.


Just as Zhang Qingyuan was observing the changes in the bloody mud road under his feet, a drop of liquid fell on the back of his neck without warning, and it felt a little warm.

He stretched out his hand and wiped it, and a faint trace of blood appeared on his palm.

——It's blood!

Where did it come from?

Zhang Qingyuan looked up at the sky. Unknowingly, the Buddha's light that pierced the darkness of the underworld had dimmed a lot, and the dark clouds in the sky turned dark red.

Patta, patta...

Raindrops of all sizes fell from the sky. In a moment, he was dyed red. The blood rain poured down, and the whole world instantly became a bloody world.

"Before, Senior……"

"Don't talk!" Zhao Jin frowned, then took out a talisman with his backhand, slapped it on his leg, and shouted:"Godspeed!"


The two of them accelerated instantly, crossed several miles in just a few breaths, and appeared at the gate of Fengdu City.

At this moment, the two huge city gates were slowly closing, and the two rushed into Fengdu City at the last second before the city gates closed.


A dull sound came from behind, and the city gates more than ten meters high closed. The various evil beasts carved on the door seemed to come alive at this moment, making a low roar, and their eyes became extremely smart.

Zhang Qingyuan felt that he was stared at by countless pairs of eyes, and he felt a tingling sensation on his scalp

"Naturally, Fengdu City would certainly be closed to avoid accidents. Fortunately, I returned at the last minute, otherwise……"Zhao Jin said with lingering fear.

But before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they heard the sound of uniform footsteps around them, and then a cloud of mist came, and hundreds of ghost soldiers appeared in front of them in an instant.

""Who is breaking into the city?"

With a loud shout and the sound of swords being drawn, Zhang Qingyuan raised his hands in surrender. Zhao Jin was also tense and did not dare to act rashly.


A ghost soldier who looked like a general rode a ghost horse and came towards the two of them. He had a two-meter-long Guandao slung across his hand. He was imposing and his cold murderous intent enveloped the two of them.

""Who are you?"

Yin Jiang pointed his knife at the two and asked.

Facing the question, Zhao Jin took out a certificate from his waist and said,"I am a disciple of Zaoge Mountain. I went to do some business outside Fengdu City. When the sky changed drastically, I had a premonition that something big was going to happen, so I hurried back. I just happened to enter the city before the city gate closed. It can't be considered as breaking through the gate, right?"

He handed the certificate over calmly. The latter checked it, nodded and returned it, then pointed the knife at Zhang Qingyuan and asked,"Then who are you?"

"I am……"

Before Zhang Qingyuan could explain, someone from the underworld army shouted in front of everyone:"General……"

Then a ghost soldier came out trotting, approached the ghost general's horse and whispered something.

Seeing this person, Zhang Qingyuan breathed a sigh of relief. It was Deng Qigong.

After Deng Qigong finished speaking, the ghost general nodded and said,"Well, in this case, then Old Deng, take them back and don't let them run around. The rest of you follow me to the duty. All the souls who run out of the house will be detained and not let go." After the voice fell, the ghost turned his horse's head and led the ghost soldiers to leave in another direction.

The remaining Deng Qigong came over and asked,"Brother Zhang, what's the matter? Why did you leave the city? Fortunately, you came back in time, otherwise you might be in big trouble."

Zhang Qingyuan glanced at Zhao Jin and said helplessly,"There is no way. Master Zhao took me to deal with some troubles. Who knew that I would encounter such a thing. But, Brother Deng, what's going on now?"

As the three walked, Deng Qigong explained,"I don't know either. Half an hour ago, the Jade Edict from the sky went straight to the Emperor of Mount Tai.……"

"Jade edict? Is it the Jade edict from Heaven?" Zhao Jin interrupted.

Deng Qigong glanced at him and said without hiding anything,"Yes, it is the Jade edict from Heaven!

The kind that hasn't been seen in hundreds of years.

When the Jade edict was issued, the Emperor of the Palace ordered the Ten Palaces of the Emperors.

Finally, our city defense soldiers received the order to close the city and impose martial law.

Any ghosts who are not allowed to go out without permission are not allowed to move around, otherwise they will be arrested and the resisters will be thrown into the eighteen levels of hell.


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