He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 951: Big Bird’s Mega Evolution Stone

As for the fossils...

Xiaogang thought for a while, and then he actually took out a fossil from his backpack.

In the middle of the fossil, one can vaguely see the existence of a plant rhizome.

It's just that this fossil is not complete, and it is broken from the middle, accounting for only about 1/3 of the complete fossil.

"It really is a root fossil!!"

Hikawa Saki hurriedly took the fossil, looked it over carefully, and pretended to take it away, helping to resurrect a rare Pokémon.

"Wait a minute, I actually know it's a rhizome."

Xiao Gang interrupted the latter and scratched his head.

Last time in the Shining Pokémon Contest in Nibi City, Xiaozhi won the item, the Shining Talisman, as the champion.

As the third runner-up, he got this small fragment of fossils in the end, and the source was naturally the Nibi Museum, which is backed by Nibi City.

Cold knowledge, this museum also has fossil resurrection technology.

However, 1/3 of the fossils were far beyond the limit of their abilities, and were eventually judged by the Nibi Museum as an ornamental fossil without any practical significance.

"Hmph, what do museums know? We are the professionals."

Hikawa Saki just sneered, and when it came to his profession, he seemed very aggressive.

The limit of their Dewen company's fossil resurrection is 1/3, and he is very confident in restoring it perfectly!

"Thank you so much!!"

Hearing this, Xiaogang's expression brightened, and he agreed to temporarily entrust the fossil to Zuo Shou for safekeeping.

"That Xiaona, come here~!"

Hikawa Saki even called a colleague to help take Xiao Zhi and the others upstairs to meet President Zivuqi.

"I'm going to help you revive the fossil now. The time is about two hours. Remember to come to the second floor after you talk with the president. The time is just about the same~!"

After finishing speaking, Hikawa Saki hurriedly held the fossil fragment and ran to his studio.

"Then everyone, please follow me~!"

On the side, a woman named "Xiaona" bowed slightly, and took the three of them to the elevator.

This is a woman with healthy, wheat-colored skin, probably a few years older than the others, and said politely.



Soon, the elevator came all the way to the top floor, and the iron door opened.

"Then three, the president is already waiting for you inside."

Xiaona didn't move on and just stayed in the elevator.

She is the private secretary of President Zvoki, and she has already mentioned this matter to her before.

The top floor of this building, the entire hall is the president's office and reception hall, and she doesn't need to lead the way.

Only then did the three of Xiaozhi poke their heads out suspiciously. The resplendent hall made the three of them breathe carefully.

Until the very front, a huge desk.

On the opposite side of the desk, there is an old man with silver-white hair in his early 50s sitting.

Wearing a neat blue suit, with a smile on his face, he looked quite approachable.

"Are you really Xiaozhi from Xinzhen? I've always wanted to meet you."

Seeing the three approaching, the man stood up and walked slowly to Xiaozhi.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Zifuqi Mujin, and I am the president of Devon Company."

This is the real place, the three of them didn't dare to be careless, and quickly responded to the greeting.

"Haha! I've heard rumors about you from Da Che a long time ago, and seeing you today is really extraordinary!"

President Zvoki laughed extrovertedly.

"And Xiao Gang from Nibi City, and Xiao Lan from Zhenxin Town, I remember your names correctly."

He did not forget the other two.

Dache is the nephew of President Zivqi and Dawu's cousin.

When he was sent to Jinhuang City in the Kanto region to establish a branch of the Devon Company, he was suppressed by the Rainbow Group and the progress was not smooth.

Later, Xiaozhi Xiaolan Xiaomao's Zhenxin Town Sanxiong jointly attacked and completely drove the Rainbow Group out of Jinhuang City. Only then did Devon Company officially take root and complete the docking cooperation with Silver Company.

Since then, Dache often called his uncle across the ocean to tell him what an incredible trainer he had met, and told him to make good friends with the latter.

At that time, President Zivqi didn't care about it. After all, a child repelled the Rainbow Group, and it was nonsense to think about it.

He is still willing to believe the official information.

Champion Du made a surprise attack on Rainbow Group overnight and made great achievements.

It's just that when I saw the video of the Xiaozhi Tianwang Challenge sent by Dache, this time Zvokki was not calm.

At a young age, he was honored as a trainer of the Heavenly King...and that dark Rogia.


Even President Zvqi, who is used to seeing big rivers and waves, couldn't help but gasped on the surface of the video tape.

After hearing that the latter would go to their Fang Yuan area next, Zvokki had been waiting.

Unexpectedly, it was fate, and these three little guys also unintentionally helped their employees.

"Counting the time last time, I have to thank the three of you very much..."

Zvokki sat back in his seat, thinking about what kind of props he should give back to the three of them.

It's fine to win over or something, after all, to become a Heavenly King trainer is already a member of the official alliance, so let's just treat it as simply befriending three trainers with extraordinary qualifications.

Moreover, their Dewen company still has a thug Dawu outside to support...

This is the guy who suddenly resigned from his valuable league championship position 2 years ago in order to study stones.

This incident made Zvokki very angry at the time.

But the problem is not big, Dawu can still act as a top mascot, no one dares to touch them.

And his nephew Dache is also a business genius.

With the support of these two brothers, there will be no changes in the Zvokki family for at least 50 years...


"By the way, President Zvoki, can you take a look at this for me?"

Just when the latter was still struggling with what to give to the three of them, Xiaozhi suddenly took out the precious stone that he had obtained before,

Precious, precious, precious...

Even the name of this bead stone is like a riddle.

"This is...?!"

Zvokki took the stone suspiciously, looked it up and down, his eyes gradually changed.

Finally, he gave an answer in a deep voice.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be a Dabibi's mega evolution stone..."

Bi Diao is the name of the Kanto and Johto areas.

In the Fangyuan area, the people here prefer to call Bi Diao Dabi Bird.

"Bi Diao's mega stone?!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, this is something he can use!

He now has the keystone that Dache helped build, plus this precious stone, Xiaozhi now plans to call Bi Diao back directly and start practicing mega evolution.

Just let Aoguyan learn from the old man how to be a successful family bird.

"Wait a minute, I'm not done yet..."

Zvokki interrupted Xiaozhi's thoughts, and continued to say:

"But the active energy of this mega stone has been completely drained, and it can no longer support mega evolution. It is just a pure ornamental stone."

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