He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 942 Doubles match, vs rich men and women! (superior)

Out of the Orange Forest.

"Brave trainers...it's urgent, I have to go first."

After the researcher gratefully shook hands with Xiaozhi and the three of them one by one, he held the briefcase tightly in his hand, as if he was going to leave first.

"When the three of you arrive in Kanaz City, please be sure to come to our Devon company."

Before leaving, he did not forget to remind.

After leaving the Orange Blossom Forest, you will not arrive at Kanaz City right away, it still belongs to the category of Route 104.

It also has a comfortable and open jungle environment, and there is a large mirror-like lake in the middle, with beautiful scenery.

Seeing that the researcher took the first step, Xiaozhi and the three slowly walked towards Kanaz City.

They are not in a hurry, things like travel have to be taken slowly.

Until the three of them came to a small field shop on the shore of the lake.

There are colorful potted flowers planted at the entrance of the small shop, which looks like a flower shop.

Seeing this, the three of Xiaozhi just wanted to ask for a glass of water.

"Clang clang~~!"

At this time, the door of the flower shop opened suddenly, and with the sound of bells hanging on the door plate, two figures came out.

On one side was a handsome brown-haired boy in a suit, with black sunglasses on his face.

On the other side was a black-haired girl in a luxurious dress and a sun hat, with double ponytails and delicate makeup, holding a small sun umbrella in her hand.

These are two obviously rich kids, even if they are walking in the wild jungle, they wear sparkling light spot filters around their bodies.

"Whoa~ It's Pikachu!"

The eldest lady Gina first noticed Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder, and immediately leaned on it with fiery eyes, intending to reach out and knead Pikachu's cheek with her pretty hands.

"Wait a minute, my Pikachu doesn't like raw..."

However, before Xiaozhi finished speaking, the eldest lady had already succeeded in stroking Pikachu.


Pikachu just made a shy sound and let the latter caress.

Xiaozhi: "?"

"Electric rats, it's really rare in the Yoshien area..."

Dexio, the rich young master next to him, couldn't help reaching out and grabbing Pikachu's other cheek, making a wrinkle.


This action caused Pikachu to explode in an instant, and the violent electric current exploded in an instant, electrifying Xiaozhi and the two rich boys and girls together.

Xiaogang and Xiaolan had expected it a long time ago, and they have already reached a safe distance, so there is no big problem.

That's exactly what Pikachu is.


After some electrotherapy, the two rich boys rested for a while before recovering.

"What a powerful electric shock..."

"I feel like my soul is going to be overwhelmed..."

The two couldn't help feeling a little afraid of Pikachu.

At this time, the two looked at each other and seemed to have a plan.

"How about it, the trainer with Pikachu, would you like to have a doubles match with us?"

The son Godekxio sent out an invitation to battle.

"We are looking for a powerful trainer to fight~ as a seasoning for a sweet travel vacation~"

Gina added with a smile.

The grade of the two is only about 15 or 16 years old, and they are already on their honeymoon.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi agreed immediately.

It can be used as a warm-up battle for the next challenge to the Kanaz Gym.

But if it's a doubles match, should I choose Xiaogang or...

"nonono~ I heard that the doubles rules in this Yoshien area are not two people playing two people~ but two people playing one person~"

Miss Gina quickly explained.

From the tone of voice, it seems that he is not a local.

Of course, Pokémon still uses 2v2.

This is relatively rare in other regions, but it is very popular in the Hoen area.

For example, in the Green Ridge Gym in Luling City, the challenger uses two Pokémon to challenge two gym owners at the same time. This rule has been going on for many years.

"Will you fight against two people at the same time...then I will follow!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, it was a bit like he was playing against the Rockets.

So everyone came to a bush on the shore of the lake and pulled away.

"The rules of the game are doubles. Both sides can only use a total of two Pokémon. When one side completely loses the ability to fight, the winner will be determined!"

Xiao Gang became a temporary referee.

"Then please, my sweetheart~"

"Come out, my ace!"

The two rich brothers and sisters were the first to throw their elf balls!

boom! boom!

A red light flashed, and standing in front of Dexio was a small upright Pokémon.

The body is brown-gray, waving small fists, with a slender and pointed nose, and a green leaf grows on the forehead like a chrysanthemum leaf.

In front of Miss Gina is a Pokémon with a lotus leaf on its head, slender arms, and a green body.

Eyes squinted, rather depressed, with a red flat mouth like a duck.

It was the first time seeing Pokémon, Xiaozhi quickly took out the illustration book.

"Didi. Long-nosed leaves, mischievous Pokémon, grass-type and evil-type, will use the leaves on the head as grass flutes, most of the long-nosed leaves like to tease their trainers, so the nose will become longer."

Hearing this, Dexio couldn't help poking his head out, and looked suspiciously at his nose with long nose leaves.

It is indeed quite long.

Long Nose Leaf: "?"

It is called a long nose leaf, can the nose be short?

Intimacy -10.

"Didi. The boy with the lotus hat, a hearty Pokémon, with water and grass attributes, has a mischievous personality, and will suddenly appear from the river, taking pleasure in scaring people."

The eldest lady Gina was taken aback for a moment, as soon as her lotus hat boy evolved, it was like suffering from depression.

Are you telling me that you are naughty and mischievous?

But on this point, the illustrated book is really not lying, the general Muggle illustrated book information is like this.

"Is it the second-stage evolution of Lotus Leaf Boy and Acorn Fruit...?"

Xiaozhi put away the illustration book, looked at the two Pokémon in front of him, and looked up and down.

He suddenly discovered that the Pokémon in the Fangyuan area seemed to have a mysterious similarity.

For example, Fire Chicken, Acorn Fruit, Mushroom, Lotus Leaf Boy... These Pokémon have no hands in the first stage, basically only a head and crude lower limbs.

Even a fire chicken... immature little wings, basically can't do anything.

But once they evolved to the second stage, they all gave birth to complete and slender limbs.


"If that's the case, then it's up to you!!"

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi threw two elf balls at the same time.

boom! boom!

A red light flashed, Huozhiji and Mushougong landed in front of Xiaozhi respectively.



It was the first time for the two to fight together, and they subconsciously looked at each other.

It is worth mentioning that the voices of the two are somewhat similar.

Although the three Yusanjia are not in the same group... but they are equal in status, Huo Zhiji and Mu Shougong both have a secret desire to fight in their hearts.

The battle begins!

"Kid with lotus hat, use high fives to attack!!"

"Long Nose Leaf, we also use high-five surprise attacks!!"

At the beginning of the match, the two Pokémon rushed up at the same time, and gave a clear and crisp applause in front of Huozhiji and Mushougong!

Snapped! Snapped! !

This made the two of them tremble, and stopped in place, unable to use any moves for the time being.

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