He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 907: The Red-Haired Maid

The next day, early morning.

Nothing happened, last night was a Christmas Eve.

Xiaozhi and his party walked out of the Pokémon Center, and as soon as they came to the outside air, they suddenly felt a strange feeling in their hearts.

Especially not far away, the streets with seawater flowing between the alleys...

It seems that it is no longer flowing, and even the air seems to be frozen.

Xiaozhi even noticed the seawater on the street corridor... It seems that the height has dropped a lot, and there are still traces of damp on the edge walls.

"Maybe it's here, the tide goes back in the morning...?"

Xiaogang analyzed casually.

But looking around, tourists or locals gradually began to gather lively... probably because they were thinking too much.

As for today's trip...

"Xiaozhi, the three of us plan to go to the wilderness garden you mentioned. Maybe we can meet Latios today."

Xiaogang has already mixed into Xiaoxia and Xiaolan's best friend combination, and said with a smile.

The legendary Pokémon are still very attractive to them.

"Ah, then the two of us will go to that museum."

Xiaozhi bent down and looked at Pikachu on the ground.


After all, they had already walked around the garden yesterday, and today Xiaozhi wanted to change to some new attractions.

Maybe if he went to the museum today, he might meet another patron saint?

What Xiaozhi remembered was that on the stone pillar at the entrance of the Water City, there were two sculptures of Pokémon.

Although similar in shape, they are two different Pokémon.

Xiao Gang: "..."

Hearing this, Xiaogang suddenly hesitated, as if following that side, the chances of encountering the legendary Pokémon are higher...?

So everyone parted ways temporarily, and Xiaozhi took Pikachu and acted alone again.

"Huh? Where did Sister Bilan go?"

Xiaolan looked over her shoulder suspiciously, and found that the Bilan Variety was gone.

But she quickly put it behind her.

There are still a few days left for their journey, Bilan knows the way, and can turn into a Bobo and fly back to the Pokémon Center at any time.

The blue Ditto can not only turn into a human being, but even Pokémon are not a big problem.

Well, it really has completely turned into a monster...


After a while, Xiao Zhi, who left the team alone, came to the museum that several people said.

The location is not difficult to find, it is in the very center of the city, no matter which main street it is, it will eventually converge to the central museum.

This is an extremely large and magnificent building with a luxurious and classical arched wall window on the ceiling, which is fifty or sixty meters high.

On the surrounding walls, there are all kinds of weird characters and patterns hanging and depicting.

The crooked ones are completely different from modern characters, and the patterns are mostly abstract, making it difficult to recognize.

In short, it is more like an ancient building with a long history, and then it was directly converted into a modern museum.

In the early morning, there are not many tourists.


Pikachu jumped to the ground, the floor under his feet was as smooth as a mirror, and the bone fossils embedded below could be seen.

Combined, one can vaguely see the pattern of a fossilized pterosaur.

Next to it, there is a sickle helmet, a fossil combination of a spiny ammonite.

These are all Pokémon in Dr. Oki's backyard. Even though there are only abstract bone fossils left, Xiaozhi is still very familiar with their shapes.

And the center of this museum.

"Is this the machine that Xiaoxia and the others are talking about...?"

Xiaozhi looked around and raised his head.

In front of you are a series of dark golden metal brackets, which together form a huge device like a Ferris wheel.

But there are no neatly arranged passenger cabins on it, but only a few egg-shaped devices, which seem to be accessible for people.

Below, there are metal ravines, drawing mysterious long lines.

Xiaozhi shook his head and sighed.

It really doesn't look like an ancient building... more like some kind of ancient weapon.

Ash even recalls the giant robot that Team Rocket made...



At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly felt as if he was being watched by something, and couldn't help shivering.

Turning his head, he looked subconsciously at the source of the peeping.

At this moment, there are few tourists in the museum, not far away, a figure on the edge of the wall looks very abrupt.

This is a girl Xiaozhi has never seen before.

A head of brown-red long hair, tied back into a slender ponytail.

A white hollow headband is worn on the top of the head, allowing the bangs on the front side to fall naturally.

The hair extending obliquely on both sides seemed to grow a pair of small sharp horns.

Wearing a black maid dress with a red ribbon tied to the lace neckline, the front side of the dress below the waist is covered with a maid white cloth.

Exquisite facial features, revealing a gentle smile.

With a pair of big watery eyes and orange pupils, he is staring straight at Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Who is this guy?

A maid who sneaked out from someone's house?

From the looks of it, he should be a year or two older than me...


Pikachu seemed to sense something, and couldn't help running towards the red-haired maid.

"Hey, wait for me, Pikachu!"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi could only catch up quickly.


Seeing a man and a mouse running towards her, the red-haired maid immediately turned her head and ran away, the slender ponytail on the back of her head fluttering in the air like a tail.

One after the other, the two ran out of the museum just like that...



the other end.

The backside of the entire island of Aldo Mare, that wild garden field.

Xiao Gang and the others climbed over the edge of the fence and entered smoothly. Sure enough, not far away, they saw a large flowerbed full of flowers.

There were also a few chubby bugs flying around, their bodies with round patterns alternated with each other, as if they were dressed in black.

There are curved tentacles on the forehead, and a bright yellow light spot on the tail.

"A Pokémon I've never seen before..."

The three of them were taken aback, while Xiao Lan skillfully took out her illustration book.

"Di, Electric Firefly, Firefly Pokémon. At night, it will light up its tail to communicate with its partners. I like the sweet aroma of sweet fireflies."

"Tick. Sweet firefly, Firefly Pokémon, will emit its own sweet scent to attract electric fireflies and complete the hunt."

Xiaolan's illustrated book is much more serious.

Not only these two kinds of fireflies, there are also many wild Pokémon living around. There are many Pokémon in the Johto area or the Yoshien area, which feasts the eyes of several people.

Boom! !

Not long after the tour, a violent explosion suddenly erupted in the direction of the jungle not far away, attracting the attention of the three of Xiaogang.

The three of them looked at each other, and naturally they hurried up.

They were there to explore.

And as the few people pushed aside the vegetation, what appeared not far in front of them was the blond woman they met last night, who had now changed into a black tights.

It's just that it's still broad daylight, so this kind of dress looks a little curious.

In front of the blond woman was still the big spider with a colorful grimace—— Alidos.

Opposite them before... was a blue and white Pokémon.

Suspended in mid-air, the entire body structure is like a streamlined jet plane. "Latios?!"

The three of them were shocked, and instantly recognized this blue and white Pokémon, which was exactly what Xiaozhi's illustrated book showed them yesterday!

This is fighting?

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