He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 558 Can this fire-breathing dragon be bred?


A red light flashed, and another fire-breathing dragon appeared in front of Xiaozhi, standing side by side with his fire-breathing dragon.

First of all, there is a gap in height. Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon is half a head shorter, and the overall body size has shrunk by a circle.

In terms of skin color, the skin color of the red charizard is also deeper, different from the usual orange red, his one is dark red like magma, which is particularly special.

It's just that when it came out, it didn't make the characteristic roar of the fire-breathing dragon, and it looked quite gentle.

Chi Pen had already passed the age of youth and frivolity, and clapped his ears with his sharp claws.


Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon hurried up and said hello.

That day in the Wuhai Lighthouse, it was still a little charmander, and it saw the power of this big senior, and it had a dream of flying into the sky.

The scale of the battle with that huge fast dragon that is also extremely powerful, I am afraid that it is difficult to insert it even now.

At that time, the fire-breathing dragon made up his mind and has been working hard for it.

Sooner or later in the future, this senior will be washed away!

But now, there is still a gap, so it greeted it as if showing weakness.


Chi Teng also replied, but he seemed to be in a bad mood, twisting his neck and looking around, looking sluggish.

Why are there so many fire-breathing dragons here?

The so-called one mountain cannot accommodate two dragons, and the fire-breathing dragon does not have much affection for its kind.

"Oh, fire-breathing dragon, Brother Chi asked you to spray fire on that stone."

Xiaozhi quickly reminded.

Huoli Stone is rotten in the fire-breathing dragon valley, and there is a new one not far away.


Hearing this, Chije nodded, and walked over there with heavy steps.

It has also passed the rebellious period, the age when it likes not to listen to the commands of weak trainers. Xiaozhi and Chi Qi are the same, so it doesn't matter whoever commands.


Seeing this, Xiaogang Xiaoxia next to her was calm.

They already knew that Xiaozhi still had Brother Chi's Pokéball with him, but they were curious about what level Brother Chi's fire-breathing dragon could reach...

"Huh? A second Charizard?"

And Ji Ke is confused, now it is still popular to bring two fire-breathing dragons?

Are you an old Charizard fan like her?

And this fire-breathing dragon obviously has a strong exotic atmosphere, it doesn't look like a local fire-breathing dragon at all...

Even when Ji Ke recalled the several areas she had been to, there seemed to be no such crimson-skinned fire-breathing dragons, right?


And although this breath is very restrained, Ji Ke can feel the terrifying power contained in it...


Ji Ke's breathing became heavy, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat, always feeling that today might witness a miracle.

Several people quickly followed up...



The next moment, Chije spewed out a group of intense flames, the color of the flames was dark red.

The energy was extremely solid, like a ball of old phlegm spewed out, and landed on another firestone.

When the flames dissipated, the fire stone also burst open, and several broken stones flew out.

Several people hurriedly counted them carefully.

"One, two...seven, eight, nine, it's nine dollars!"

"Hiss, there are actually nine segments!"

It was Ji Ke's voice, full of shock.

"Hiss, there are only nine stages!"

This was the voice of the three of Xiaozhi, also full of shock.

They thought that if it was Brother Chi's main Pokémon, why should the top 10 pieces be shattered?

"No, look at this piece!"

Suddenly, Ji Ke noticed a larger gravel, and a crack appeared in the middle of the stone.

It's just that the crack only extended to half of the position, so the gravel was not completely divided into two halves.

"So it's not nine dollars, but nine and a half dollars?"

"Even if it is nine and a half yuan, it has created history here!"

Ji Ke blurted out.

Immediately, her gaze suddenly became extremely fiery and greedy looking at the crimson fire-breathing dragon.

Whether it is the king's fire-breathing dragon here or the fire-breathing dragon crossing, they are all standard nine yuan, and there is no such thing as nine and a half yuan.

If this charizard can be used as a card for their Charizard Valley...

No! I must keep it!

"This charizard dragon's fine paper, I want to order!!"

That's right, the first thought that popped up in Ji Ke's mind was not to let this fire-breathing dragon stay as a card fighter, but to let this fire-breathing dragon leave something to commemorate.

In the Chengdu area, the wind of hatching eggs is prevalent.

Whether it's in Kikyo Gym, or in Charizard Valley...

But when a person recognizes another person's Pokémon, if it is in the Kanto area, it may be an exchange, or even prostitution of this Pokémon.

But the city area is different.

"Can you match a breed?"

This is the first thought of most Chengdu people.



It's just that at this time Chi Teng suddenly sensed something, his originally lazy gaze suddenly became serious, and even his aura became violent.

The coercion that seemed to turn into substance made several people's scalps feel numb, and they dared not move easily.

Immediately Chije nodded to Xiaozhi, then flapped his wings, flew up into the sky soaring into the clouds, and then flew straight towards the fire-breathing dragon valley.

"Hoo hoo!!"

The speed is extremely fast, and it has disappeared in the realization of everyone in the blink of an eye.

After a few seconds of delay, a few people came to their senses with puzzled looks on their faces.

"Mate is walking...!"

Ji Ke was so angry that he could only watch this handsome fire-breathing dragon go away...


"Brother Chi, your fire-breathing dragon has escaped."

Xiaozhi couldn't help thinking in his heart.

"Don't worry about it, it seems that you have found an opponent..."

Chi just nodded casually, without any fluctuations.

The administrator woman also said that there is a king's fire-breathing dragon here, and she probably went to fight.

But the qualification of nine and a half yuan is a bit interesting...

Eight yuan is the qualification of a heavenly king.

Nine dollars should be the aptitude to be able to step into the ultimate realm.

And ten yuan, needless to say, is to step into the terrifying realm above the ultimate.

Even the current Chi can't say that he has fully mastered this power.

Like the perfect freedom of the Iron Armor Chrysalis before, it is a coincidence of the superimposition of various factors.

"Nine and a half dollars is reasonable."

Chi nodded. At present, his fire-breathing dragon is indeed in this realm. It has surpassed the ultimate realm, but there is still a distance from the ultimate.


Back to reality.

Now that the level test is over, Xiaozhi is ready to take his fire-breathing dragon to fight.

Of course, he didn't plan to go directly to the strongest one, but he planned to clean up the miscellaneous fish fire-breathing dragons around him first, and then fight with the strongest fire-breathing dragon step by step.

"The strongest fire-breathing dragons should be on those peaks, right?"

Xiaozhi raised his head and looked at the four peaks in the valley in the other direction.

The other three towers are about the same height, but the one in the middle is particularly tall, and it is also the direction Chije is flying to.

"Is that nine-stage charizard king over there...?"

Xiaozhi took a deep breath, leveled his raised eyes, and stared at a wild fire-breathing dragon that was closest.

The king fire-breathing dragon, he should not be an opponent now.

But don't bully the young and poor, sooner or later, no matter whether it is the king's fire-breathing dragon or the fire-breathing dragon of the red brother, he will overwhelm him.


The fire-breathing dragon also stood beside Xiaozhi, spewing out a ball of flames, and its momentum was high.

"Xiao Gang, help me prepare the blue orange fruit at any time, the charizard and I will fight ten!"



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