He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 555 Crossing the Connecting Cave


"Haha, I seem to have completely screwed up..."

Chris rubbed the back of her head, blushing, and apologized to several people.

Ever since she suddenly acquired a lot of professional knowledge in her mind, her heart has also swelled.

"Well, professional knowledge is important, but emotional communication with Pokémon should be the prerequisite."

Next to it, Xiaoxia spoke, quite instructive.

Chris has just turned ten years old this year. No matter how much professional knowledge she has in her head, she has never experienced the path of a trainer who has traveled.

It's like a kindergarten kid with a machine gun in his hand. Strong is strong, but if he can't control it well, he will hurt others and himself.

"I see, sister Xiaoxia~"

Chris nodded with a smile, but she didn't feel lost for long, and her expression quickly returned to the previous high-spirited expression.

Then she nodded to the other two, and asked:

"Where are you going next? I plan to go to the north of Kikyo City. It is said that there is a Pokémon that looks like a tree but is not a tree. I plan to take it down."

Chris no longer intends to tame this riding dragon, and has a new goal instead.

"Of course, this time I will also investigate the real situation of that Pokémon in advance before making a move."

She stuck out her tongue and smiled.

learn from mistakes.

"Then we are not on the way." Xiaoxia replied.

Next, the three of them will continue to pass through the connecting cave and go to Junpi Town on the other side.

"Okay, then we can only separate here~"

Chris didn't procrastinate, and threw an elf backhand.

A red light flashed, and a big silver bird covered in steel armor appeared in front of her. Its eyes were sharp, and its body shone with a silver-white streamer. The feathers on both sides seemed to be made of steel. It is blood red.

A Pokémon that looks very capable and sharp.

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, this is a Pokémon he has never seen before, and he took out the illustration book with his backhand to scan.

"Didi. Armored bird, disgusting Pokémon, the whole body is made of steel, extremely fleshy, doesn't like to attack in battle, and likes to use its super patience to grind the opponent to death, what is the trainer who owns the armored bird I don’t even know the ingredients.”

The picture book suggested.

Chris: "?"

What the hell is this picture book?

She also has a picture book she got from Dr. Kongmu, so how can there be such a mess of descriptions! ?

Seeing that every person and bird looked at his illustration book with unfriendly eyes, Xiaozhi quickly put it away, and explained with a smile:

"Hehe, this illustration book uses a pirated charger, don't worry about it..."

Hearing that Chris didn't pay attention to the illustrated book any more, she supported the back of the armored bird with her palm, and her slender thighs easily collapsed, just sitting on the neck of the armored bird.

"See you next time, everyone~"

Saying that, the armored bird fluttered its wings and flew up to tens of meters into the sky in the blink of an eye.


She wasn't going to walk there.


"Then let's go on."

The three of them watched as Chris' figure gradually disappeared in the sky, and then they also turned and walked towards the connecting cave.

The flying technique is convenient, but it ignores all the beautiful scenery and experiences along the way. It is a shortcut to reach the destination at a fixed point, and it is not the taste of the three of Xiaozhi.

Maybe in the future when Xiaozhi visits the whole world, he will also fly around in Bidiao...

Entering the connection cave, there are already several management personnel in uniform in the cave at this moment, including the old man from before, who is cleaning up the garbage.

After a while, they will go deep into the cave and salvage the garbage in the lake.

Creating a scenic spot is also of great benefit to their entire city area.

The three of Xiaozhi walked on the main road of the cave.


At this time, a beautiful and melodious song echoed in the cave, causing the three of them to stay in place for a while, closing their eyes and listening quietly.

It is indeed the sound of nature...

This is the singing blessing that Chenglong sent from the depths when he sensed that the three of them were leaving.

"By the way, Xiaoxia, don't you feel sorry for leaving like this?"

Xiaozhi asked suddenly.

A water attribute Chenglong with mutated characteristics, Xiaoxia should love it very much in her heart.

However, Xiaoxia just nodded, then shook her head, and replied softly:

"In the world of Pokémon, it's not just subjugation."

This Chenglong likes the environment of caves and lakes, and likes to sing here, how could Xiaoxia break other people's quiet life.

"But maybe when I'm about to leave the city, I'd better come over and ask..."

Xiaoxia thought secretly, she was really reluctant.

Accompanied by the beautiful and melodious singing in the background, several people slowly walked out of this connection cave...



Another exit connecting the cave is a bare red rock Gobi.

There are reddish-brown rocks everywhere, except for a flat mountain road on the main road, there are various irregularly protruding mountain cliffs on both sides, with a strong primitive atmosphere.

And looking forward along the mountain road in front of them, they could already see a dense forest in the distance, one foot away from the edge of the town surrounded by jungle.

"You can see Juniper Town!"

The few people were overjoyed, and they were about to speed up their pace and move in that direction.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared on a high rock platform in front of them.

Xiaozhi looked up, but saw that the person who came was a woman in her twenties, tall and slender, with thick green hair tied into a big ponytail, her facial features were heroic, and she was staring straight at the three of them, her eyes were sharp and her expression cruel.

Wearing a set of dark red, tight leather-like shorts and cropped short sleeves, and holding a long whip in his hand.

At this scene, Xiao Gang immediately blushed and his breathing became short of breath.

Before Xiaozhi could speak, the woman spoke first, with a direct tone.

"Hey, three trainers, are you trainers with fire-breathing dragons?"

Hearing this, the three of them looked at each other, secretly surprised.

How does this person know that Xiaozhi has a fire-breathing dragon?

But soon, Xiaozhi was the first to react, and couldn't help asking:

"Are you my fan?"

He hasn't used a fire-breathing dragon in the city area yet, so this woman most likely knew that she had a fire-breathing dragon through his performance at the Quartz Conference.

So I also started to have fans? !

Xiaozhi was secretly happy.

"Well, I don't know you..."

The green-haired woman just raised her eyebrows and explained:

"My nose can smell the smell of fire-breathing dragons, and you smell very strongly of fire-breathing dragons."

With that said, the green-haired woman jumped in front of the three of them, a smile finally appeared on her cold face, and she introduced herself:

"Hello, my name is Ji Ke, and I'm looking for a trainer for the eternal fire-breathing dragon."


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