He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 533 Brother Aso doesn't like women

After one hour.

Xiaozhi and his party have arrived at an area in the south of Kikyo City.

A rather quaint ashram can already be seen from a distance here, with a brick roof and wooden house materials, which seem to have a certain history.

On both sides are all kinds of high-rise buildings, road cars, and the dojo stands in the middle, which seems a bit out of place.

Kikyo gymnasium, a flying gymnasium in the Chengdu area.

In the Kanto area, the Nibi Gym is the first stop for many newcomer trainers. Similarly, the Kikyo Gym is also the first stop for most trainers in the Joto area.



A few people walked to the vicinity of the gymnasium. In front of the gymnasium was a straight road, and on both sides there were benches with backrests for resting a few meters away.

Xiaozhi also noticed that there were two people sitting on a bench not far away, a man and a woman, with their backs facing each other, but their faces could not be seen clearly.

The man has short blue hair, while the woman has long brown wavy hair, with a few bright red hairs growing in the brown hair as embellishments.

The two leaned together like a couple, looking into the distance, looking very intimate.


Seeing this, Xiaozhi and the others were too embarrassed to disturb the relationship between the couple, so they had to tiptoe past them and approach the gate of the Campanulaceae Gymnasium.

"But the back of this woman, why do I seem to have seen it somewhere...?"

When passing by, Xiaozhi was still muttering secretly.

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Soon, several people stepped up the steps, Xiaozhi took a deep breath, and knocked on the door of the dojo.

After a while, the door opened from the inside, and a few men in white cultivation uniforms walked out, poking their heads out curiously.

"Hello, I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and I'm here to challenge Kikyo Gym!"

Xiaozhi immediately declared war.

This is his first battle in this new region, so don't miss out!

"Oh, it's the challenger. Welcome. Our senior brother is resting outside. Didn't you see him when you came?"

Junior Brother A said with a smile.

"Outside? Is that the blue-haired man?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, remembering the blue-haired man who was sitting on the bench before.

"That's right, haha, so, you guys come in first, I'll help you call senior brother."

Junior brother B said enthusiastically.

"Oh, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, your elder brother seems to be still in a relationship, we can go in first and wait."

Xiao Gang next to him has already answered for Xiao Zhi.

If you are in love with a concubine, interrupting someone else's love at this time is no different from throwing someone's ancestral grave.

Xiaogang hates this kind of behavior!

Hearing this, Junior Brother A was taken aback, and blurted out:

"Dating? Our elder brother doesn't like women."

Junior brother B quickly retorted:

"Don't talk nonsense, didn't senior brother like the purple-haired girl who came last time, the girl with the insect net, and the two of them slept together at that time."

"Idiot, that person is the Gymnasium trainer, man, he is bigger than you!"

Another Junior Brother C came out to refute.

At this time, the first junior brother A spoke weakly:

"That's why I said that senior brother doesn't like women..."

The situation became chaotic for a moment, Xiaozhi and the other three were also taken aback for a while, but they could hear one thing.

The woman with big brown waves outside is not their senior brother's girlfriend.

So the three of Xiaozhi curiously followed the junior brother ABCD to turn back again, and walked towards the previous horizontal chair, with an expression of watching a show and eating melons.

After all, gossip is the essence of human beings.

When they returned there again, they saw a blue-haired man and a brown-haired woman sitting together. The noise of the crowd finally made the blue-haired man turn his head in wonder.


"Hey, why are you all out?"

Ash asked curiously.

Kikyo gymnasium is also a training venue open to the public, and the owner of the gymnasium is their elder brother.

Bird training envoy, Ah So.

The movement also caused the brown-haired wavy woman sitting next to him to turn her head. What caught her eyes was the face of a handsome giant bird, with a sharp beak, and insolent and cool long feathers scattered behind her head, long hair in the shape of a waterfall and big waves.

"Compared to Diao Diao?"

It made a questioning cry.

This is a bird.

The three of Xiaozhi: "?"

"I just said that senior brother doesn't like women! How can he fall in love outside!"

"Don't be embarrassing, big brother's Bi Diao is female..."

Ah Su: "?"



Soon, several people returned to the interior of the gymnasium.

Xiaozhi introduced himself to Ah Suo, and by the way expressed that he was going to challenge the gym.

"Really new town? This is a far away place... Then this challenge, I, Asu, took it."

Aso, who was wearing a high-end Taoist uniform, nodded, and led a few people to continue walking deeper into the interior.

Speaking of a really new town, I seem to have heard of this place recently...?

After a while, everyone came to a competition field.

This is the roof of the wooden house stadium. Although it looks like a completely closed brick roof from the outside, it is actually an open flat arena above.

There are not even any walls and ceilings around it, and the airflow is blowing casually, which belongs to the completely open upper part of the venue.

Household four...Counting the ceiling, it should be called Household five walls.

For a flying gymnasium, the arena must naturally meet the requirements of sky combat.

"The rule of the game is 3v3. The challenger can change the Pokémon at will. Once all the Pokémon on one side fail to fight, the winner will be determined..."

Junior brother A, who is the referee, read according to the instructions.

Looking at Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder, he thought Xiaozhi was a newcomer, so he read out the rules carefully.

And Ah Suo also looked Xiaozhi up and down, the latter didn't look very strong, and he also had plans in his heart.

Even though Kikyo Gym is the first stop for newcomer trainers in the Chengdu area, it doesn't mean that Kikyo Gym is weak.

On the contrary, Aso will adjust the difficulty according to the level of the challenger, and the flying attribute is not a violent attribute, so it is a very suitable place for new trainers to start.

"I see, let's get started!"

Xiaozhi interrupted directly, his eyes were fiery.

Seeing this, Ah Su nodded, most of the rookie trainers' eyes were so fiery, which made him a little serious.

Let the water go, but he will still leave an unforgettable impression on the newcomers!

"Come out!"

Thinking of this, Ah Suo first threw the poke ball, a red light flashed, and a brown-gray bird with a spherical body appeared in front of him.

A pair of big orange-red round eyes, arrow-shaped black eyebrows raised upwards, standing on one foot on the field, looking dazed.

At the same time, Xiaozhi threw his elf ball.

A red light flashed, and a cute Pokémon with light green body, alpaca-like limbs and a big windy leaf on top of its head appeared in front of him.



Next to him, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia slapped her palms, and a clear and clear voice rang out around her.

"Sure enough, it's a chrysanthemum leaf!"

"Haha, I finally guessed it too!"

The two said with a smile, a comfortable look.

Ah Suo and all the juniors: "?"

What is the deep understanding of these two people...?


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