He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 520 Chi: Be careful Ajin

"Be bold, or we will all subdue it!"


The two people next to him even patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement.

After all, in the Kanto region, Xiaozhi and the other two subdued all the three god birds, which means that Suicune and the others are not incapable of subduing them.

Then be more courageous and catch them all.

Even Xiaoxia was eager to push Xiaozhi down, and Suicune asked her to come.

However, Xiaozhi just shook his head and said calmly:

"One is enough, I'm not greedy."

He is not the kind of trainer who is keen to use the power of the gods. In comparison, he still prefers to train ordinary Pokémon until the strength of the ability rivals the legend.

The beast man is crumbs.

"As for these three, let's forget about Lei Gong, I have Pikachu, the god of thunder, and if it's Suicune, I think Xiaoxia will always borrow it from me... It seems that only the last one is more suitable..."

Xiaozhi is thinking about the goal, and then he can start collecting information during the travel process, so as not to be in a hurry.



At this time, the hat hanging from the hem of Xiaozhi's jacket suddenly moved out of thin air, as if it could levitate, it jumped directly to the top, and buckled on Xiaozhi's hat backwards.

This is the red brother's hat.

"Brother Chi, do you have any new understanding?"

Xiaozhi asked seriously.

Naturally, he wouldn't think that it was Brother Chi who wanted to jump out and reprimand them, and he had to be in awe of the gods, etc...

It can be said that among the four of them, the one who has the least reverence for the gods is Brother Chi, right?

"No time, just want to remind you."

A deep voice sounded in the minds of the three of Xiaozhi at the same time.

Having obtained a new body, Chi has now mastered the ability of group telepathy and can communicate with the three of them at the same time.

Several people quickly held their breath, and even Brother Chi had to jump out to remind him himself, fearing something terrible...!

"Actually, there's nothing particularly dangerous. It's just that I accidentally attacked someone in that electronic world before."

There were some other emotions in Chi's voice.

He was about to step into the first city, so he felt it was necessary to mention it.

At that time, in the final battle of Silver Mountain, he and the player Ajin launched the final battle of fate.

And after he was defeated by Ah Jin, his body exploded into dazzling white light, blinding the latter's eyes on the spot, and Chi's soul escaped and witnessed everything.

As for the movement of Ah Jin rolling his head in the snow while screaming, it was by no means a short-term visual stimulus...

Must be completely blind.

Several people:"?"

"This character is very powerful. If I can break through the barrier of the electronic world and come to this world, maybe he can too..."

"At that time, he may be against you..."

Chi said slowly.

This is not a random guess. In that world, he and Ah Jin had the fetters of the battle of fate. In this world, his counterpart, Xiao Zhi, may also have this kind of metaphysical fetters.

In addition, he blinded Ah Jin's eyes...

It's just a short contact. Although the latter can't be said to be an evil person, he should not have a big heart. Maybe in another world, he may even attack Xiaozhi cautiously.

After thinking for a long time, Chi still gave the final conclusion.

"Be careful, Jin."



After hearing this piece of secrets from another world, the three of Xiaozhi all gasped, they didn't expect such bizarre things to happen in that world.

It's just that what makes them care more is not the blind eye, nor the narrow-minded Ah Jin, but...

"Brother Chi, have you been defeated?"

How many people equated Chi with "invincible" in their hearts, but was defeated by someone?


Xiaozhi and the others couldn't help but gasp at the same time, with great shock on their faces, and their worldview trembled.


And in the soul space of the red and white hat.

Chi sat on the grand teacher's chair and swayed gently, the expression in his eyes was flat, without many waves.

The thoughts in my mind seemed to have traveled back to the past.

After staying in this world for almost a year, Chi's cognition of the two worlds has become more profound, and he even has a little understanding of the ultimate power of this world - the ultimate power, and he can finally come up with a in conclusion.

"The me at the time was not defeated because I was weak..."

Chi sighed lightly.

Because at that time, he would definitely lose.

In the game Gold and Silver, the character "Ajin" controlled by the player has reached the finale, and no one can stop him. This is the ultimate will of that world.

As for the real strength...?


Chi couldn't help but sneer.


Then there was a second sneer in the soul space, but this one was more penetrating.

This is Chaomeng's voice, at this moment he can keep sharing his soul with Chi at any time.

Immediately, Chi shook his head, and didn't continue to think about it further. The threat from the past is simply a joke to the present.

because in this world...

Xiaozhi is the ultimate will!

If the current self fights against Ajin in that game again, Chi feels that he can make the opponent three Pokémon.

As for Xiaozhi...



Xiaozhi didn't hear Chi's follow-up, and thought that a fierce man stronger than Chi was about to appear.


He stood up abruptly, without the slightest timidity on his face, but with unusual excitement and arrogance.

"Hmph, so the name is Ah Jin...!"

Corresponding, the name is not necessarily the same name, but it is also a similar name.

Xiaozhi clenched his fists, no matter how strong his opponent was, he was not afraid.

Even the stronger the better!

"It seems that traveling in the Johto area this time will be more difficult than in the Kanto area..."

"Be careful at all times."

The faces of Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia next to them were also stained with a bit of caution.

The Chengdu area not only has its former rivals, but also an extra native grandfather?

And possibly against them?

It is said that the battle between the Rockets and the Pokémon League is still going on here.

"Let's go! Go to that Ruoye Town now!"

After the rest, Xiaozhi didn't pause any longer, and pulled the two of them forward, his face full of blood and fighting spirit.



Ruoye Town, the town where the wind of beginning blows.

It is said to be a town, but it is actually half the size of a city. The traces of urbanization are obvious, with floors several meters high and regular roads and avenues everywhere.

At least it is much more advanced than Zhenxin Town.

Several people clicked on the map, confirmed the location, and walked towards an edge of the city.

There is the location of the Kongmu Research Institute, and it is also the place they agreed with Dr. Oki.

Generally speaking, the research institutes are opened in the city outside the Fifth Ring Road, and the housing prices are cheap.

The nature of the research institute requires the need to occupy a large area of ​​land.

After walking for more than ten minutes, several people have come to a research institute, which looks like a newly renovated building, and the wall decorations are very novel.

The iron fence at the gate was also closed.


Xiaozhi pressed the doorbell with his backhand, and the door opened after confirming his identity.

But just when several people were about to enter, Xiao Zhi seemed to notice something and paused.


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