He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 510: The Great Mysteries of the God of Volcanoes

Xiaozhi asked himself that he was still some distance away from the king of the league, and he should be able to reach the level of the core cadres of the Rockets with all his strength.

Counting a lot of other supports, or some kind of fetters and so on... In the extreme case, it's just the strength of this fast dragon.

"It seems that the champion of the Quartz Conference doesn't have any moisture."

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi's eyes became brighter, and his fighting spirit also rose to the extreme.

Because of this, he and Snorlax are going to defeat him!


The Kirby beast on the field also raised its eyes, let out a low growl, and forced itself to stand up again, with an imposing manner that did not give way to Kuailong.

Not just for the big meal waiting for you, but the Kirby itself...

It doesn't want to lose!


"No, I have to find a way to beat Kuailong down."

Looking at the condescending Kuailong, Xiaozhi's eyes showed embarrassment, and he secretly thought that it would be fine if the props carried by the Snorby were black iron balls...


Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he remembered the epic battle he saw a week ago. He didn't watch the battle between gods and gods for nothing, and Xiaozhi was also learning secretly...

For no reason, in Xiaozhi's mind, the giant red beast in ferocious lava armor suddenly flashed.

His thoughts gradually became clearer.

"Cheer up, today's victory will only belong to us, Snorby! The game has just begun!"

There is great confidence in Xiaozhi's voice, which also successfully infected the Snorkelmon.


The Kirby beast clenched its bear paw and let out a low growl, and the aura that had been suppressed by the opponent's fierce offensive before also rose again.

"It's our turn to attack, Snorlax, use Blizzard!!"

Xiaozhi instructed.

Snorkel understood, this time it didn't aim at Kuailong in mid-air, but raised its head directly, opened its mouth to the maximum caliber, and the blizzard in its mouth whizzed out.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Suddenly, like artificial snowfall, the entire arena was covered with a layer of wind and snow, covering most of the field of vision, and the coldness flew wantonly.

The scattered blizzard also minimized the power of this trick. Apart from making Kuailong uncomfortable, it didn't do much damage.

"call out..."

Kuailong's backhand is a wing, which isolates the wind and snow in the 3-meter area around his body.

Just looking at the wind and snow below, the figure of Kirby was also swallowed by the wind and snow.

"Want to rely on the snowstorm to create a cover opportunity..."

Yuji just smiled coldly. The rolling sneak attack covered by the wind and snow was just caught off guard. If he wanted to repeat the same trick, he would underestimate his Kuailong too.

"Kailong, carefully perceive all the figures around you, and be careful of the rolling of the Kirby!" Yuji reminded.


Kuailong nodded, not daring to be careless, and listened with his ears open.


Sure enough, when the blizzard was thick enough, Snorkel stopped and continued to release the blizzard, and there were bursts of vibrations like thunder and drums from the entire arena.

Snorkelling beast's figure is used to roll, [Yinyu Hongchen novel www.jinxiyue.net] The movement is too big to hide at all.


Suddenly, in the wind, snow and smoke below, a huge dark blue ball suddenly sprang out from Kuailong's blind spot, spinning at high speed.


Kuailong's wings trembled, and his body was immediately raised by half a meter. This height was just above the rolling ball's head.

With defenses, it will naturally not be hit by rolling again.


It's just that when the two reached the shortest distance, Snorby suddenly opened its limbs again and exited the rolling state.

And the open arms and upper body also let Snorby make up for the last half meter...


Yuuji was taken aback.

Xiaozhi also showed his real fangs. The purpose of rolling is only to get close to the target, not to cause damage.

Although the move of rolling actually has a certain degree of compulsion and irreversibility, only Pokémon like Snorlax, which can flexibly control its own body, can forcibly exit the rolling state.

Only then did Xiaozhi roar loudly, his fighting spirit was at its peak.

"Snappy, use it to shoot down!!"

Rolling and shooting down are rock-type tricks, and the Snorlax that masters rolling is naturally familiar with shooting down tricks.


Caught off guard, Kuailong couldn't dodge in time, and was hit head-on by a bear paw pounce from the Kabimon.

In the next moment, the body seemed to be instantly tied with a ten-thousand-jin iron ball. Even Kuailong, who had extremely strong physical strength, couldn't bear it.

"It's not over yet, Kuailong, use Freezing Fist!!"

Xiaozhi was still roaring loudly.

Snorlax's body fell with gravity, and in the process, a fleshy fist was covered with a layer of thick ice-cold energy, and then it hit the ice heavily.

But this Frozen Fist did not hit Kuailong, but simply hit the open space in front of him, and the whole ground trembled violently.

The next moment.


A bunch of sharp icicles nearly two or three meters suddenly shot up from the ground under Kuailong's body, and hit Kuailong's back right on the spot, stabbing its body to an exaggerated extent on the spot. Like being pierced by a thorn.


Kuailong even let out a tragic whine.

The Sword of the Cliff! !

Frozen low-profile version! !


In a trance, in the ears of everyone, it seemed that they heard the sound of bones breaking.


The scene of the icicle breaking its back made everyone shudder and gasp, and the entire arena fell silent for a while.

"This scene...why do I seem to have seen it somewhere?"

Behind, Xiaoxia couldn't help murmuring.

"Well, that's how Seagod was broken by the God of Volcano..."

Xiao Gang next to him nodded and frowned.

Outrageous, really outrageous!

Not only did he steal his combination of rounding and rolling, but he even stole the combined punch of the volcano god's shooting down and the sword of the cliff!

"Haha, you have seen it, this is the great mystery I inherited from the God of Volcano!!"

At one end, Xiaozhi couldn't help laughing wildly.

Although this cliff sword is only a low-end version, and even its attributes are completely opposite ice attributes, it is enough, because the opponent is a giant dragon.

The effect is outstanding!


The sharp icicles soon burst open, turning into countless ice shards and falling, Kuailong also fell into the crushed ice, smoke and dust everywhere...


"The great mystery of the God of Volcano...? Is that the new God of the Sea? What a terrifying power..."

Yuji's gaze also changed completely, and for the first time in his heart, the emotion that he might be defeated today appeared.

Looking at Xiaozhi, although he hasn't seen the terrifying strength of the latter's rumored defeat of King Kona, his command ability, fighting spirit, and even Pokémon's own strength are far superior to ordinary trainers.


Kuailong also stood up again from the ice pile, and it has not completely lost its fighting ability.

It's just a dragon claw covering its back, frowning tightly, and panting with its mouth. Obviously, under this terrifying sword of frozen cliff, it also entered the wind.


On the other side, the same reason.

Snorkel is also in a rather extreme state, panting again and again.

Yongji and Xiaozhi looked at each other closely, and for a moment they didn't dare to take a breath, and sweat fell from their foreheads, and the confrontation reached its peak.

Because they all know that the next blow is the outcome!

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