He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 495 The Origin of Ice, Frozen Bird!

"Stay dumb..."

King Dudu lost his ability to speak again, uttered racial language, and rubbed the sides of his head with his palms.

This looks very much like the movements of Xiaoxia Koda Duck.

Damn it, why did it deviate from the script again! ! !

Can you go through the script well!

Daidaiwang's mentality is a little bursting now, but Xiaozhi looks at it innocently.

"I have a solution!"

Xiao Gang next to him suddenly thought of a plan and said:

"Bird Pokémon generally have a "pseudo-stomach", an organ called a crop. Generally, birds store food there for digestion, so the things in this organ can be spit out! "

If it enters the real stomach, it can only be taken out by cutting the stomach, but if it is only in this "false stomach", then it is not a big problem.

This is the cold knowledge that Xiaogang learned when he couldn't sleep in the middle of the night and listened to Dr. Damu's lecture on sleep aid.

Xiaozhi was overjoyed immediately, and pointed with his finger: "Good job, Frozen Bird, spit it out!"


However, Frozen Bird just turned his head and pecked Xiaozhi's head, with a dissatisfied expression.

Free-range chickens have this kind of organ, it is an elegant divine bird, how could there be such a thing...!

What goes into the mouth naturally reaches the stomach in one step.

"Then what should we do? Do we have to wait until tomorrow seeyou tomorrow?"

Xiaozhi was also a little distressed. Unexpectedly, his head was pecked by the frozen bird again, and the latter looked sullen.

Elegant divine bird, it's not perfect! !

"Forget it... Frozen Bird, you can stand on it..."

At this moment, King Daidai looked exhausted, as if he had aged ten and a half years in an instant, and waved his hand helplessly.

It doesn't matter, let's end everything quickly, I will retire directly after today...!

Hearing this, Xiaozhi stepped forward and placed the Orb of Thunder and the Orb of Fire on the high platform respectively, and the Frozen Bird beside him jumped onto the high platform of the God of Ice, and sat down in the posture of a hatching hen, looking cute .

And Froya also walked up to the altar, took out the ancestral flute and Xun, and recalled the score in her mind.


The melodious sound of the flute floated in this sea area again, and the two orbs on the high platform, as well as the belly of the frozen bird, all shone with strange light.


In the next moment, the altar and the entire edge of the cliff also lit up with a burst of emerald green light, which contained an incomparably surging and warm breath of life, which turned into a breeze and spread towards the entire sea area.


On the ice layer, the five divine birds that were shot down also opened their eyes again, and their powerful breath of life quickly pulled their HP to a green blood position.

The indigenous three god birds even spread their wings and flew in the sky again. At this moment, the violence and fierceness in their eyes had completely disappeared, leaving only a piece of gentleness.


Cooperating with the Sea God's Flute, the three divine birds sang loudly, communicating with the original energy around them, gradually calming down the disordered three forces.


Rogia also let out a low growl. Although he still couldn't hear any belief in the sound of the flute, as the god of the sea, he still released his own exclusive breath. By controlling the direction of the deep ocean currents, he and the three gods jointly Coordinating the climate...

In less than a while, the ice and snow melted, the spring blossomed, the sun appeared, and the light shone on the earth...

This is not a sunny day artificially created by Gurado, but a real sunrise.

Not only the waters of Asia Island, but also the entire Orange Islands, including the southern part of the Kanto region, have also returned to calm.

Although it will take some time to buffer, it will take a few days before it will return to its normal appearance.



The flute ended and the green light disappeared.

The few people on the cliff were still immersed in this warm atmosphere, feeling as if their lifespan had increased by a few hours.

Even the dull king's expression has eased a lot, at least the ending is still perfect, that's enough...


At this time, Frozen Bird, who was still sitting cross-legged on the high platform, suddenly called out. Its abdomen contracted for no reason, making it uncomfortable and even whining.

"Don't panic."

Before Xiaozhi panicked, a calm and deep voice sounded in the minds of several people at the same time, it was telepathy.

At some point, the silver-white giant bird had already landed on the cliff where they were, the distance was not even 10 meters.

The noble and great posture of the God of the Sea, and the mighty ocean atmosphere around him made people's eyes widen. At this moment, the word "hip pulling" was not in their minds.


In the next second, a burst of blue light flashed in Rogia's eyes, and the power of the sea god also came out, completely enveloping the frozen bird, and finally hit all of them on the abdomen.


After a while, Frozen Bird's expression calmed down.

It's just that at this moment the blue-white glazed feathers covering its body seem to have become more plentiful, and the color is closer to the color of ice and snow, crystal clear, and the three diamond-shaped feather crowns on its head have also become wider and more luxurious. The icy coldness emanating from his whole body became more solid and intense.

Standing there, it really gives people a mighty and deep feeling like a snow mountain!

"It has absorbed part of the original energy of ice."

Seeing a few people being suspicious, King Daidai just explained gently to them.

Swallowing the orb into its belly by mistake is a great opportunity for Frozen Bird. With this original power, maybe it may reach a higher height in the future.

The original energy contained in that ice orb is actually not much, but it is pure enough to be regarded as the core of the essence.

As for whether the local area will always be short of one orb, this is not a big problem. After a period of replenishment, a new ice orb will naturally be born, but it will not be so pure.

After all, this thing is not a source of power, it is simply used as a bridge medium to communicate the original power and the three god birds, and it does not need much power.


Hearing this, Xiaozhi's face was overjoyed.

He knew that his Frozen Bird seemed to have got something incredible, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged the latter's body.

Upon contact, the skin and feathers were extremely cold and bone-chilling. Obviously, the current Frozen Bird could not fully grasp this new power.


The Frozen Bird rubbed against Xiaozhi's face happily, then flapped its wings and sang loudly.

This move stifled Xiaozhi's joy a little.

"Is this going to leave...?"

After all, Frozen Bird was just called by him temporarily, and the latter's journey of God's journey that belonged to him had not yet ended, but he was a little disappointed to be separated just after meeting.


However, Frozen Bird just pecked Xiaozhi's head lightly, stretched out its wings and pointed to the latter's chest, where Xiaozhi kept his feathers.

The meaning is also very clear.

"As long as you call, I can come back anytime."

"ok, I get it."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi also regained his usual expression, and couldn't help clenching his fists.


Don't worry, God's journey has an end. When Frozen Bird completes this journey, the two will be able to officially fight side by side.

And now that the latter has gained new strength, he has to work hard to become stronger in order to become a powerful trainer worthy of Frozen Bird!

Seeing this epic and terrifying battle between the gods, Xiaozhi knew that the current self was far from enough.

But it also means something...

He can still move on! !

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