He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3055 With the help of human power!

Chapter 2852 With the help of human power!


Bricalon emerged from mid-air and fell to the ground.


The whole body finally returned to its normal color of yellow and green, and he fell on his back in the rubble, still uttering incomprehensible whispers.

Xiaozhi quickly ran up and checked it up and down. It seemed that there was no irreversible damage.

However, his eyes were already spinning at this moment, and he had completely lost his ability to fight.

"Come back, Fat Hali is wrong, Bricalon!"

Xiaozhi smiled with emotion, finally took out the elf ball that he hadn't used for a long time, and put it back.

Holding it in my hand, a sense of familiarity immediately lingers in my heart.

Although he has changed drastically and turned into the appearance of a bald old man, he is still his Bricalon!

Just after today's battle, it has become really famous. It is estimated that no one in Carlos will forget the words "Bricalon".

This reminded Xiaozhi of the prophecy made by Miss Gejihua. At that time, it seemed that his Bricalon would do something grand and great in the future.

This is the so-called big business, right? ?


In the distance, a loud roar made Xiaozhi withdraw his attention, only to see that Zygarde had stood up again.

For a first-level god, obviously the combination of high-voltage electric shock and flash charge is not enough to determine the outcome.

And at this moment, Zigerd has returned to his original form of a big snake. With another roar to the sky, countless green streams of light gathered from the sky, and they converged in Zigerd's body.

This time, it not only absorbed the surrounding areas of Miare City but also the entire Carlos region. Countless individual cells were contributing and transmitting energy.

Whoosh! !

With the addition of green light, Zygarde's appearance became more ferocious, and the red light bathing his whole body became more intense!

Both Xiaozhi and Limone's expressions darkened, as the other party's strength increased again!

If the previous momentum was only half a step to becoming a first-level god, now Zygeld has officially crossed that threshold and will definitely not be inferior to other ancient gods!

And now that it has shed Brikaron's leather body, it can use the real Zygarde's moves!


Zigold raised his head high and sprayed out a rich green light flame from his mouth. When it reached the highest point, it turned into green energy arrows and shot down overwhelmingly!

Thousands of arrows fired!

This is Zygarde's exclusive move, and its power is far from comparable to Brikaron's missile needle.

And although this is a ground-type move, it strikes from the air, so even flying Pokémon are not immune.

There is even a knockdown/gravity-like effect that forces the target to fall to the ground!

"Flaming Chicken, use high-speed movement to avoid!"

Limone dared to hit Missile Needle, but Zygarde dodged it with his exclusive move!

The Mega Flame Chicken began to dodge rapidly among countless energy arrows. Fortunately, its acceleration characteristics had been stacked up to two or three levels, which gave the Flame Chicken extremely powerful evasion capabilities.


On the other side, Pikachu was also dodging quickly. When the ground was moving, he would sometimes jump into the air and step on the line of thunderclouds that spread in the air.

Not only the X and Y axes, but also the Z axis of space movement, which makes Pikachu's dodge speed even higher!

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, bunches of green light arrows flew down. Each energy arrow carried strong force. Even if it missed, it was enough to penetrate the ground for more than two feet.

Mega Flame Chicken and Pikachu were able to survive the salvo of thousands of arrows, but Xiaozhi suddenly noticed that there were still some scattered green arrows heading towards their trainer.

After all, Z2's hatred of humans is at full strength at the moment, so naturally even humans will attack with AOE's moves.

"Mr. Limone, be careful!"

Xiaozhi quickly exclaimed as a reminder, and even subconsciously called out Limone's name.

However, although the latter is a middle-aged uncle, he often exercises and maintains a strong and burly superhero physique, and his movements are not slow at all.

The only scattered arrow attacks were easily dodged by Ash and Limone.


However, there were still a few green arrows that flew towards the Xitron brothers and sisters who were watching the show in the back.

"magnetic storm!"

The latter's self-destructing magnet immediately flew out and tried its best to use the iron wall trick to block several energy arrows.

But there is another one, falling from directly above, which is the defensive gap of the self-destructing magnet monster.


At the critical moment, a low sound came from Yulijia's arms.

The previous fierce explosion had long since awakened Xiaoruan.

But at this moment, Yulijia was in crisis, which made Xiaoruan unleash his potential, suddenly broke away from Loli's arms, and jumped up high.


Several green streams of light quickly rushed into its body, turning Xiaoruan into a black hound in an instant, entering 10% of its energy form!

An energy barrier formed around his body, easily deflecting the green arrows above his head.


Xiaoruan then fell back to the ground. Although his body was weak, he still held his head unyielding and faced the Z2 Zigerd in front of him.

But this serious scene was suddenly ruined by Yulijia behind him.

"Ah! My little softie has become a big dog!"

She covered her mouth and exclaimed.

Just now, the two brothers and sisters only vaguely saw the process of Xiao Ruan being beaten back to his original form from the monster snake form, but they did not see the latter's handsome hound appearance.


Xiaoruan coughed and tensed his face, but was not affected by Youlijia.

Then it slowly jumped over Ash and Limone, and walked to the center of Pikachu and Mega Flame Chicken.

As it stands now, it can't beat the Z2.

But during this period of time, the contact with Yulijia, Xiaozhi and others also made him understand the truth of trusting his partners.


Xiaoruan raised his head and let out a howl like a wolf. Suddenly, a voice with an old-fashioned tone but a bit of childishness appeared in the minds of Xiaozhi and Limone.

"Human, please lend me your power and awaken my brothers!"

It alone cannot defeat the current Z2, but coupled with the power of Xiaozhi and others, that is another matter.

Xiaozhi was secretly shocked. Does Xiaoruan also know how to use telepathy?

Then he and Limone looked at each other and nodded solemnly at the same time.

"Flame Chicken, let's help cover Xiaoruan! Use the big characters to explode!!"

Limone immediately launched a fierce attack, and the Mega Flame Chicken in front of him even opened its beak, and the blazing flames turned into large flaming characters, shooting straight out!

"Pikachu, now is your time to show off. Come again, thunder!!"

On the other side, Xiaozhi also shouted out his big move, and Pikachu also clenched his little fists, and violent electricity roared out of its body in an instant!


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