He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2777 Destroyer from Alola!

"Doraba player from Chaoxiang Town, advanced!"

There wasn't much of a fierce battle, and Doroba quickly won his first round.

Even though his fire-breathing dragon looks weak...but in actual combat, it's not weak at all.

Before even taking out the power of mega evolution, he continuously defeated Kirbymon and the last Fatty, successfully completing three kills.

"Damn it, this Jarhead!!"

This made Princess Ali, who had a high self-esteem, once again hold up her skirt angrily, curse, and leave without looking back.

She really bought her qualifications!

There are still many high-ranking officials and nobles in the Kalos region, or down-and-out princesses and young masters, who can obtain qualifications through other means... Only then did 128 contestants come together.

The players who have completed one and three consecutively are all from Chaoxiang Town.

It actually made many viewers remember this inconspicuous town in southern Carlos.

Maybe there will be other trainers from Chaoxiang Town next!

"Wow, this guy Doropa has made great progress!"

After watching the whole game, Xiaozhi nodded in praise.

His calm and decisive fighting style is in sharp contrast to his weak character, and sometimes he may achieve unexpected results.

As for the third trainer in Chaoxiang Town, Tiereno's battle was a bit thrilling.

He did not choose to send his ace Blastoise immediately, but started with the chubby Raichu.

Although his body shape is out of shape, he uses Tierno's unique dance strategy. Raichu dances flexibly while waiting for opportunities to attack.

It's just that the bully panda sent by the trainer on the opposite side is also not weak, and the two are inseparable.


In the end, it was Raichu who was defeated first and fainted on the ground.

This scene also made Pikachu, who was sitting in Xiaozhi's arms, shake his head.

What a useless Raichu!

From now on, please focus on dancing as an art student and stop competing!

Tiereno's second player is Lotte Kappa, who also dances and fights with a chubby figure.

And the same goes for his ace Blastoise...

"Well, can't he choose some slim Pokémon...?"

Korni grinned and couldn't help but complain.

The slender and well-proportioned figure can bring out the power of that dance strategy even more. Why do you choose a fat man as your partner...?

But Tierno also has tactics——

"Lotte Kappa, use Rainmaker!!"

As soon as it rains, combined with the leisurely swimming characteristics of Lotte Kappa, the speed doubles instantly. In the humid rainy weather, the dance movements even have extremely fast afterimages.

After a fierce battle, with no near misses, he actually won the first round.

"Player Tiereno from Chaoxiang Town, advances!"

Hearing the name of Chaoxiang Town again, bursts of cheers and cheers came from the surrounding auditorium.

"Huh... finally won."

On the field, Tierno took back Lotte Kappa, so hard that he wiped his sweat.

Why do you think Serena and Doroba are fighting so easily, but she almost overturns? !

At this moment, Serena had returned to the auditorium and sat back next to Ash.

After watching the battle between two fellow villagers, she felt confident...

Her Demon Fire Red Fox should be able to handle these two people!

"Let's see if there are any other masters!"

Serena cheered up and looked at the field intently to see if a new Ai Lan would come out to fry fish in this competition.

The pace of the first round was extremely tight, from early morning to late evening, with almost no downtime in between.

During this period, Serena also saw several good players.

For example, there is a female trainer who uses Absol. She has long blond hair and wears a purple skirt. She looks like an elite trainer and passed the first round of the competition quite smoothly.

"Do I remember this person, player Ayaka...?"

Serena came back to her senses. This person's Absol can still use mega evolution, and his strength is definitely not weak.

"That uncle is pretty good too!"

After watching all the way, Xiaozhi also chimed in with a sharp comment.

An old man dressed in Japanese-style clothes and with an exaggerated appearance used a rare biting land shark to defeat his opponents with one strike and three strikes.

Lie Biting Lu Shark also wears a mega stone protective gear on one arm, which is obviously a strong hand that can become Mega Lie Biting Lu Shark.

"As expected of the Kalos region...there are quite a few trainers who have mastered mega evolution."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh.

It seems that all of a sudden, the originally rare and rare key stones and mega stones have become commonplace?

"Well, in the past year, mega evolution has suddenly become popular in Carlos..."

Korni nodded in agreement. As a local, she has the most say.

It is estimated that in this alliance conference, the trainers who can enter the top eight level will have this power!

Not only was he a local trainer in Carlos, but during the first round of the competition, Xiaozhi suddenly heard a word and suddenly became energetic.

"The Guzma player from Alola region versus the American player from Mingshui Town!"

Alola region, this place Xiaozhi has heard about several times.

Even Brother Chi seems to have traveled to this place?

"Alolan's trainer? Interesting..."

He quickly looked around, maybe he could see Alola's Pokémon.

By the way, after this trip to the Kalos region is over, do you want to go to the Alola region for a vacation and relax?

On the field, a white-haired man gradually walked up from one end, wearing hip-hop style black trousers and jacket, and a large gold chain.

He walked as if he didn't recognize his relatives, and his face looked quite ferocious.

Since he was a trainer from out of town, the introduction only introduced him as being from the Alola region, without specifying the town.

"Hmph, the Carlos Alliance? Let me destroy this conference!"

Guzma's eyes were fierce and he scanned the surrounding venue with disdain.

That guy Ilima just participated in the Carlos Conference before. After returning, his popularity immediately increased. It seems that he participated in some serious competition...

Guzma, who has an extreme personality, also wants to try this so-called alliance conference.

Opposite him was a tall woman, probably in her early twenties, wearing a weird tight-fitting flight suit, with a thin layer of gliding fabric connected between the lower part of her arms and her body.

"A sky trainer?"

Serena recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

Sky trainers and armored rhinoceros riders, one in the sky and the other underground, are both quite popular sports in the Kalos region.

Mingshui Town is not far away from Chaoxiang Town, so they can be considered half fellow townspeople?

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