Naruto's hand stretched out and grasped the kunai in Sasuke's hand. Blood seeped into his fingertips and dripped down.

Naruto slowly stood up.

He raised his head, his whole face was covered with wounds, and blood dripped down his cheeks and onto the ground.

That punch hit Naruto firmly.


Sakura spoke worriedly.

"I'm fine."

"Why...don't you run away?"

Sasuke took back his kunai and said angrily.

"Because we can't keep hiding like this."

What Naruto said made Sasuke and Sakura a little confused.

"Uncle Jin, do you hate ninjas?"

Naruto stood up again.

There were malicious looks around him.

But this malice was not towards him, but towards...them, their identity as ninjas.


"How could you, such high-ranking figures, know that we, as ordinary people, are like us!"

"It is because of your war that so many people died. As the pillars of a great country, you ninjas have never experienced the suffering of civilians."

King roared.

When he was a teenager, his parents lost their lives due to the Third Ninja War.

How many people are displaced.

How many civilians were affected by these ninjas?

Kado used to be a guy full of evil, but compared to the so-called ninjas, Kado was at least still a human being.

Even if there is a restless guy like Tatsuna in the Land of Waves, Cardo will not kill people casually.

But Ninja... was different.

"So as a pirate, what I hate most are arrogant ninjas like you."

"Pirates are the masters of the new world. The so-called ninjas are just cancer of the old era."

Not only Jin, but also many pirates around him have a bad opinion of ninjas.

Almost all of them had experienced the Third Ninja War.

Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Waves is right next to the Kingdom of Fire.

So ninjas often appear in the Kingdom of Waves to carry out some operations against the Kingdom of Fire, and Konoha's reaction?

Konoha was like this to its former ally, the Uzumaki Country, let alone a small country like the Uzumaki Country.

On Konoha's combat map, the country of Wave Country does not exist at all.

"Is that so?"

"In that case, then I will be the Hokage who protects everyone, whether they are civilians, ninjas, or pirates."

"One day, I, Uzumaki Naruto, will become the Hokage recognized by you and the pirates."

A heartfelt smile appeared on Naruto's face.

At this moment, he found a more concrete answer in his heart.

Naruto, is there so much that needs to be faced?

The so-called cancer of the old era and the suffering it brings to people are all things that a shadow should bear and cannot avoid.

He could avoid Jin's attacks, but what about the hatred in Jin?

If you want to be recognized by everyone, if you want to be a shadow recognized by everyone, those things cannot be avoided at all.

Dreams, beliefs, missions...

If there really is a so-called new era, if there is really a so-called new world, then Naruto Uzumaki is willing to become the shadow of the new era and the new world!

He, Naruto Uzumaki, is not a cancer from the old days.

"If I have to avoid even this hatred, what qualifications do I have to become the future Hokage?"

Naruto murmured, his gaze hardening once again.

Then, Naruto moved.

The battle is not over yet.

But this time, Naruto didn't hide anymore.

The battle between the two is about to break out.

Jin's thick fist hit Naruto's body directly one after another, and Naruto did not flinch at all, and all the attacks fell on Jin's body.

There was no skill at all in the fight between the two, just strength and speed, and they did not dodge each other's attacks.

At this moment, it is no longer an ordinary battle, but - faith, implemented faith.

Although Naruto, who seemed to be incompetent, had no advantage at all, as time went by, Jin's physical strength became too much.


This time, Naruto's attack hit Jin in the stomach.

It's no longer the sound of metal.

Jin's body was covered in bruises, and Naruto was also covered in blood, panting and holding himself up.

At this time, the other pirates around him had already fallen.

Sasuke and Sakura had been waiting for Naruto's battle to end, a battle they couldn't interfere with.

Until this moment.

Jin's tall body fell to the ground and could not get up again.

Naruto finally breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes darkened, and his body fell backwards.

Then, two figures appeared behind Naruto and pushed Naruto's body up.

"What a fool."

Sasuke looked disgusted, but the movements of his hands were very careful. For the first time, he really recognized this crane tail.

Although the guy in front of me has no brains and no strength...

"Let's go!"

The two men held Naruto and turned to leave.

But at this moment, a chill hit them. Not far behind them, a beautiful young man with long hair stood there quietly, staring at them motionless.

There was a sheet of ice under the boy's feet, and the frost extended to Sasuke's feet. The biting cold made Sasuke and Sakura's backs shiver.

The young man's eyes were extremely calm, and it could even be said that there was a hint of tenderness in his eyes.

But this gentle look made Sasuke and Sakura feel cold all over.

The vice-captain of the Bladeless Pirates, who has qualifications recognized by Shanks, is called "Ao Pheasant".

"My name is... Bai!"

Chapter 36 Cardo? ? I'm injured again

"Are you okay?"

Shiro continued to speak, but after seeing Naruto's injuries, Shiro was a little embarrassed. The other man didn't look like he was fine.

"Sorry, these guys on the boat were a little rude."

Bai didn't come here to fight.

Although he looks so gentle on the outside, Bai is actually an extremely gentle and kind person on the inside.

But as Zabuza said, this kindness requires strong strength to support it.

If you don't want to hurt others and don't want your companions to be hurt, you need to have enough strength to support this kindness.

"The captain and I went to practice recently, so we didn't know that so many things had happened."

Haku bowed to Sasuke and Sakura and apologized.

Fortunately, nothing major happened. The people on their side were only slightly injured, and the other party's injuries were not serious.

"You... aren't you their vice-captain?"

When Sakura saw this scene, she stumbled a bit when she spoke, completely confused as to what Shiro was doing.

"Ah! Yes, I'm sorry. You take these medicines first. I'm going to take these guys to the hospital."

When Sakura reminded her, Shiro suddenly realized that the most important thing was to take away all the injured people first.

Looking at the wound medicine stuffed into her hand, Sakura was stunned for a moment, and Sasuke was also stunned.

No, as the deputy captain, shouldn't you come over to help your companions?

The brain circuits of these two people have completely failed to keep up. From the moment they came into contact with this group of pirates, they felt that their minds were not on the same line.

I always feel like they are obviously the same person, but why are their painting styles so different? The only one who can match this group of people is probably the unconscious Naruto.

However, Shiro didn't care about this, and he didn't understand what Sakura and Sasuke were thinking.

Instead, he quickly lifted Jin up.

At this time, the other members of the Bladeless Pirates also arrived. They did not pay attention to Naruto and the others, but pulled their companions away.

"By the way, those two people over at the port are also your companions, right? If you want to go to the hospital, just give me my name."

When Bai Lin left, he spoke to Sasuke and Sakura.


Sasuke and Sakura were a little confused. They were also at the port now, but it was not the place where the ship was docked.

After taking Naruto for two hundred meters in the direction Shiro pointed just now, he saw the two people placed on the side of the road.

There was no intact part of these two guys' bodies, and their faces were bruised and swollen, almost like Naruto.

Obviously, it also went through a hard battle.

But he is not from Konoha.

"Let's go, Sakura."

Sasuke said indifferently that their intelligence gathering mission this time has been completed, and there is no need to add any extraneous details.

"I'm going to... take them with me."

Sakura stopped and turned her head to lift the two people up.

Seeing Sakura like this, Sasuke didn't say anything else, but he didn't wait for Sakura either. He led Naruto ahead alone, and Sakura followed at a distance with two others.

On the other side, Shiro looked at the pirates in front of him angrily.

"Cado! Tell me, what's going on?"

"Vice Captain, those two ninjas lied to us first and said they were from the Uzumaki clan, so we took action."

"Is that why?"

Bai stared at Kado in front of him. Kado was staring at him so much that sweat broke out on his forehead.

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