After the Defense Against the Dark Arts class ended, Hermione rarely ran into a corner and added something to herself.

Of course, Zheng Fan is also happy like this, after all, since the beginning of the new semester, the people who used to stick together often have suddenly become a lot estranged.

Zheng Fan didn’t know what caused it, maybe it was because he hadn’t seen each other for a whole spring break, or simply because he hadn’t spoken for too long or something, so that Hermione’s desire to learn overrode him.

But no matter what, his confession just now was successful.

And not only did she successfully let Hermione take the initiative to walk with herself, where to go to blow the wind and wait for the next class, but also let everyone know how much she liked Hermione.

And so on, Zheng Fan felt that his goal had been achieved.

He really wanted to announce his relationship with Hermione to the world. Even walking on the road, Zheng Fan could hear someone discussing the Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson before.

“That, I said.”

I don’t know if it was because the sound of other people’s discussions loomed into Hermione’s ears, which made Hermione a little embarrassed, and she hurriedly began to speak, trying to cover up these discussions.

“Professor Lupin, don’t you think there’s something wrong?”

“What’s wrong?”

Zheng Fanlang asked.

“I have never seen him go to the banquet hall for dinner or anything like that, even I rarely see him go out at night, and when I meet him on the train, I am also alone, and I seem to be unwilling to contact others.”

I don’t know if it’s because she just relaxed and the knowledge in her head has been sorted out, Hermione’s analytical ability has now returned to a normal level.

“And… What he was afraid of, didn’t you see it in class? It’s actually a full moon. Aren’t ordinary wizards taking the phase of the moon as an opportunity, is the full moon most suitable? What kind of wizard would actually fear the full moon? ”

Hermione analyzed seriously.

If you are a normal person, you will definitely be attracted by Hermione’s topic, but for Zheng Fan, there is no such possibility.

After all, he already knew the ending.

“Probably… Is it because he failed in an experiment? ”

Zheng Fan casually said nonsense, but after a while, he felt that his nonsense was not unreasonable, so he continued to talk about it along with this feeling.

“You see, there are often such things, don’t you, there are often people who are afraid for a lifetime because of childhood setbacks, even if they will not make the same mistakes again, they can live normally, but that fear will never disappear in the heart.”

Listening to Zheng Fan say this, Hermione didn’t have anything to refute, but she still felt that something was wrong.

“I think it’s better to investigate this matter.”

Hermione said.

“After all, Sirius has escaped from Azkaban now, and the previous sightings were in the town near the academy, and now it is not impossible to enter the school!”

Hearing Hermione say this, Zheng Fan suddenly didn’t know what to say.

It is true that Sirius is now in terms of time, even in school, but judging from the original book, it is not clear when he entered the school, so it is still a little vague.


Lupin really…

“You mean, he’s actually Sirius pretending…?”

No, no matter how to say this setting, Zheng Fan is really thanks to Hermione to be able to think of it.

But when girls reach Hermione’s age, it’s really easy to get wild.

“Isn’t that possible? After all, it is a wizard who has troubled many people! If you can escape from Azkaban, it is normal to pretend to be our academy professor, whether it is transfiguration magic or potions, but there are many. ”

The more Hermione analyzed her thoughts, the more she felt that it made sense, and then began to speak tirelessly.

“Maybe Professor Lupin has been kidnapped by him… No, maybe the professor on the train is what he pretended, after all, it was found in a nearby town, and it is not ruled out that the transfiguration potion has failed and he went to purchase new materials. ”

“This imagination also…”

Zheng Fan looked at Hermione with a look of not knowing what to say.

“Allah, even if it is a phenomenon, it is not an unfounded speculation, after all, this is an extraordinary time, and Sirius is likely to come at you.”

Hermione said with a smile.

“I’ve been under your care and help all the time, so I want to help you a little bit too, but I haven’t had time lately… But you have to trust my intelligence-gathering ability! ”

Hermione said.

Zheng Fan didn’t really want to stop Hermione, after all, Hermione’s eyes showed that she had made up her mind, and recognized this matter, although it was somewhat incredible, and Zheng Fan also knew that it was definitely not the case, but he still had no way to stop Hermione from doing this.

And after that, Hermione, naturally like what she said, actually began to investigate.

But even Hermione, in the face of Sirius and the moon and other issues, can only get urban legend-like rumors, occasionally when she shares with Zheng Fan, Zheng Fan will only feel that this girl, although very smart, but sometimes really silly cute.

After all, girls, it’s normal to be somewhat silly.

In this way, Hermione’s “investigation” lasted for almost a month, and finally stopped because there was really no result, and because of the very busy academic schedule.

The main thing, of course.

The extracurricular practical classes in the third grade are about to begin.

With the permission of the students’ parents, Holwards takes the third year to the nearby wizarding town for practical visits and the like, so that they can better understand the world they live in and better integrate those Muggle blood.

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