Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 87 Honeydukes Candy Shop

On the morning of Hallow's Eve, Harry woke up with everyone and went downstairs to have breakfast together. He was in a terrible mood, but on the surface he had to try to act as normal as possible.

We'll bring you lots of sweets from Honeydukes. Hermione felt very sorry for him.

After all, for most young wizards, Hogsmeade is a magical and charming place.

Yeah, bring a lot. Ron also echoed.

With Harry feeling down, he and Hermione finally forgot about their argument about Crookshanks.

Don't worry about me. Harry wished he looked casual, though he had to hold back his breath. I'll see you at the dinner party. Have a good time!

He accompanied them to the front hall, where Filch, the caretaker, stood by the gate, checking off everyone with a long list. He looked suspiciously at everyone's face, wary of anyone slipping out who shouldn't be there.

Stayed, Potter?

Malfoy looked around and found that Maca was indeed not here, so he yelled at Harry - he, Crabbe, and Goyle were all standing in the line.

Oh! Poor! Poor Potter—

Crabbe and Goyle also laughed, all three of them were of the same virtue.

Harry ignored Malfoy and the others, and walked up the marble stairs alone, through the deserted corridors, back to Gryffindor Tower.


At the door of the lounge, the fat lady in the portrait asked, yawning—she had just woken up from a nap.

Auspicious stars are shining, said Harry listlessly.

At this time, Maca was being dragged by Luna's sleeves to the tower of Ravenclaw.

...that's what Ms. Gray told me, she said softly as she pulled Maca forward, She said it was the best secret path to Hogsmeade.

That's really good. Maca nodded, letting Luna drag her sleeves and walk.

The bronze knocker on the Ravenclaw common room still didn't respond to him, just working as usual.

After Luna answered the knocker's question, the two of them walked around the bookshelves, tables and chairs in the common room, and came behind the marble statue of Ravenclaw.

Here was a small marble pedestal, which looked as if it were a protruding part of the statue's plinth. On the smooth surface of the marble table, there are more than a dozen rows of slightly sunken dots, which can't be seen unless you look carefully.

Luna drew out her wand, and tapped carefully on certain dots.

Immediately, several straight lines appeared between those dots, connecting with each other, forming a peculiar pattern.

This should also be some kind of puzzle... It really is Ravenclaw's style. Maca thought to himself.

As the pattern was formed, Maca immediately felt a slight vibration under his feet—the marble table moved away automatically, revealing an old trapdoor underneath.

As Luna said, this secret passage is not as narrow as the others, it looks very spacious. Not only do people not need to bow their bodies when walking in it, but even Maca and Luna can walk forward side by side.

After they walked a short distance, Maca heard another slight vibration behind him—the marble table moved back automatically.

The exit of the secret passage is in an abandoned underground warehouse in Hogsmeade village.

Probably because almost no one knew about this secret passage, the underground warehouse outside the exit looked very messy. The crooked shelves around are covered with thick dust, which makes people feel like covering their mouth and nostrils to avoid choking on the raised dust.

The two avoided the dirty shelves and walked up the creaking wooden stairs to a private house above the underground warehouse.

Here is the same as below, not only dark, but also dirty. It can be seen that no one has lived here for a long time.

This house is at the end of the avenue in Hogsmeade village, next to the back door of Dewes and Bance's magical equipment shop. If you walk a few steps back, you will be the Pig's Head Pub.

Hogsmeade looks wonderful today.

Although the place is still covered with snow, and walking on the street is equally chilly, the huge jack-o-lanterns that can be seen everywhere in the snow dispel the gloom brought by those dementors for a while.

Occasionally, enchanted snowmen can be seen, and they are waving the dead branches stuck in the snowball in the middle, and they are greeting the passing wizards.

Oh, that's my nose, please give it back—

As Maca and Luna walk past a snowman, a carrot rolls to Maca's feet.


Maca bent down and picked up the carrot - it just fell in the snow and didn't look dirty at all.

Thank you, Maca took a bite, crunchy!

As he chewed, he mumbled to the exasperated snowman, Oh, it's fresh... Happy Halloween, Mr. Snowman.

My God—my nose— the Snowman said angrily, waving his slender arms vigorously, yes, happy Halloween, Mr. Robber!

Give you a better one. Maca held the carrot in his mouth, reached out and grabbed a ball of snow from the wooden fence next to him, and pointed at it with his wand.

Suddenly, the mass of snow quickly deformed, and in an instant it turned into a crystal clear pumpkin-colored carrot.

After the deformation was completed, Maca was inserted into the snowman's nose, but the next moment it was pulled out immediately.

Sorry, it's reversed.

He tossed the translucent carrot up and turned it so that the pointed end was facing him, and then inserted it back in again.

Let it twinkle again, Maca tapped the snowman's new nose with his wand on a whim, at night, you will become the most eye-catching snowman.

With the last bit of Macana, the snowman was surprised to find that its nose seemed to be equipped with a light bulb, and it began to shine with a pumpkin-colored light.

The flickering flashes are as dazzling as the neon lights invented by Muggles.

It's so beautiful. Luna looked at the snowman's nose and clapped her hands lightly.

The snowman tilted his head, and then said happily; Oh! Thank you! This is much prettier than carrots! Thank you...

With the Yeti waving wildly, Maca and Luna continued on to the Honeydukes Candy Shop—the candies there were really good, at least the more normal-looking ones.


With a pleasant ringing of the doorbell, the fiery atmosphere in the store rushed towards the two of them.

Honeydukes has always been one of the most popular shops in Hogsmeade for little wizards. Every Halloween, it is always crowded with excited little wizards.

The arrival of Maca and Luna hardly alarmed anyone—it was too lively here.

Most of the little wizards couldn't help eating the candies they wanted just after buying them in the shop. From time to time, you will see some little wizards munching on ice cream balls, and they float up without paying attention; some little wizards probably ate some pepper-flavored candies, and they are spraying out non-stop right now. With thick black smoke.

There was even a little girl with freckles who was blowing fire at her friend, and when the flames were about to go out, her friend's face was all black.


They smiled happily at each other, as if it wasn't a big deal.

Here, everyone's mood is clearly written on the face. Those seemingly naive little jokes made Maca inexplicably touched.

Maka, what's the matter? Luna touched Maka's hand and leaned forward to ask.

Huh? Oh, it's okay... Maca came out of that touch, and he shook his head slightly.

Perhaps, that subtle touch was not an illusion, but an opportunity—it actually told Maca that her emotions still existed.

On this basis, using Dumbledore's story as a reference, it seems that only passive waiting is left to solve this test.

... Maca?

Suddenly, a voice came out of the crowd. It was Hermione—she was with Ron, holding a large pile of various candies in her hands.

Hermione? Maca nodded to her, looked at the candy in her arms and asked, For Harry?

Oh, yes. Hermione said, and subconsciously glanced at Luna beside Maca, Harry can't come here today, and Ron and I will bring him more... Is she?

Luna Lovegood, from Ravenclaw College. Ron said suddenly.

Maca looked at Ron and nodded again.

Yes, this is Luna—my friend, he said. We met before first grade.

Oh, that's nice... Hello, I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger.


Luna was dazed, watching Hermione and responding.

For some reason, the scene seemed a little awkward.

Well, can you introduce me to the candy here? Ron, I remember you are very good at this. Maca patted Ron's arm and said.

Ron seemed to be interested when he heard the words, he said: Then you must not miss these... Come with me!

Under the leadership of Ron, the four rushed into the crowd.

It didn't take long for Maca and Luna to hold a lot of candy in their arms. After bidding farewell to Hermione and Ron, they left.

Behind them, Hermione and Ron stood at the door of Honeydukes, watching Maca and Luna's back, watching them leave.

I heard from Fred and George that Lovegood is often called a 'crazy girl' by others. She and Maca often walk together, so they never call her that in person. Ron whispered, But it is said that , she's pretty popular in Ravenclaw.

Crazy girl? Hermione showed a puzzled expression.

As you can see, she always wears weird clothes, and often promotes her weird ideas to others... Also, in some ways, she seems a little out of touch with reality, and her ideas about behavior are also weird. .”

It's not nice to say that to other people! Hermione scolded.

Oh, yes...but everyone else is whispering. Ron argued in a low voice.

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