Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 34 How to make the baby dragon remember you

An hour later they knocked on the door of the gamekeeper's hut.

Hagrid first yelled Who is it?, and after getting a response, he let them into the hut, and then quickly turned around and closed the door.

Once inside, they immediately found that all the curtains inside were drawn tightly. Although it was a warm sunny day today, the fire was still raging in the fireplace, and the heat in the cabin was almost suffocating.

As soon as Maca walked in, he glanced at the pile of burning charcoal under the fireplace. He had already guessed that Hagrid was obviously hatching dragon eggs by making the temperature here so high. Sure enough, a big black egg was lying on the red-hot charcoal, with an empty kettle hanging on top of it.

Hagrid made them tea and served ferret sandwiches, which the trio declined politely as they were not on the lookout for food at the moment. Instead, Maca thanked Hagrid, picked up a piece and began to taste it.

So—you have something to ask me?

Yes. Harry said, he felt that there was no need to beat around the bush, We wonder if you can tell us, besides Lu Wei, what mechanism is there to guard the Philosopher's Stone?

Hagrid frowned at them.

Of course I can't, he said. First, I don't know it myself. Second, you already know so much that I wouldn't tell you if I did. It makes sense that the stone is here. Yeah. It was almost stolen at Gringotts... I guess you figured that out too? I don't see how you even know about Fluffy.

Oh, Hagrid, you probably don't want to tell us? You must know. Is there anything that happened here that could have escaped your attention. Hermione said in a sweet and flattering tone Say.

Hearing this somewhat creepy tone, Maca couldn't help but recall his sad experience of currying favor with Ms. Gray. He couldn't help raising his head, looked at Hagrid, whose beard was raised by the praise, and at Hermione, who was pretending to be well-behaved.

Actually, we just want to know who designed those organs. Hermione continued, We want to know who else Dumbledore believes can help him besides you.

Hagrid puffed out his chest at these last words, and Harry and Ron smiled at Hermione in satisfaction.

Well, it's okay to tell you. Let me think... He borrowed Lu Wei from me, and then asked several other teachers to perform magic.

Professor Sprout, Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall— he pointed with his fingers, Professor Quirrell... Of course, Dumbledore himself cast magic. Wait a minute, I forgot one more People... oh, yes, it's Professor Snape.

Snape? Harry asked in surprise.

Maca swallowed the last bite of the sandwich in his mouth, then patted the crumbs on his hands and said, Obviously, there's nothing strange about it—except for Professor Quirrell, the other four are deans, which is normal. Isn't it?

Yeah - are you still suspicious of him, eh? Look, Snape is helping to protect the Philosopher's Stone too, and he's not going to steal it.

Maca looked at Harry and Ron who looked disbelieving. He knew that this could only be blamed on Harry's father, James, who taught Snape too much back then - which directly led to Harry being targeted by Snape everywhere.

You're the only one who knows how to get past Fluffy, don't you, Hagrid? Harry asked eagerly. You won't tell anyone, will you? Not even the teacher, will you?

It seemed that Harry might have gotten some news.

Nobody wants to know but me and Dumbledore, said Hagrid proudly.

Harry couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, so he couldn't help saying to Hagrid, Hagrid, can we open a window? I'm so hot.

No, Harry, sorry.

' replied Hagrid, glancing unconsciously towards the fireplace.

This time, everyone obviously saw it.

Where did you get it, Hagrid? said Ron, crouching down by the fire, to study the large egg more closely. It must have cost you a lot of money!

Win it, said Hagrid. Last night, I was drinking in the village and playing cards with a stranger. In fact, the man probably just wanted to get rid of it.

But what are you going to do with it when it hatches? asked Hermione.

Hagrid is obviously looking up information. Didn't you already know about it in the library just now? Maca said with a smile, Hagrid, remember to tell me as soon as this little guy hatches.

Oh, you like it too, don't you? Of course, I'll tell you. Hagrid continued, smiling happily, I just looked it up, and it's a Norwegian Ridgeback, which is quite rare.

He looked smug, but Hermione didn't take it seriously, Hagrid, don't forget you live in a wooden house.

But Hagrid wasn't listening at all, humming happily as he fiddled with the fire.

But I have to say, Hagrid, you have to hide it, Maca said seriously with a sudden change of tone, You should know that keeping a dragon privately is against the law.

He paused, seeing that Hagrid didn't seem to care much, he continued: The baby dragon grows very fast, and it will instinctively learn to fly very early, you have already figured out where to hide it You can't hide in this hut. I don't want to see you being taken away with it, and I want to watch it grow up!

Hagrid couldn't help but feel a little depressed when he heard this. To be honest, he also knew that he couldn't keep it forever.

Ron, I remember that your brother Charlie works in the Fire Dragon Sanctuary in Romania? Maca turned his head and asked.

Oh—yes, I think that's a good idea. Harry understood Maca's meaning, Hagrid, Ron's brother Charlie is studying dragons over there, and there's a dragon farm there, and he'll help you Take care of it!

Oh—no, I hate this little guy. Hagrid wiped the corners of his eyes vigorously, It hasn't even seen me yet.

Harry and the others looked at each other, and were about to continue persuading Hagrid, but Maca waved his hand.

Before we contact Charlie, I think you can see it. After all, your method of incubating the egg is correct, and it will hatch out soon. Maca smiled, You can raise it for a while , I mean, before it bursts through your cabin.

Yeah, yeah, I think that's a good idea. Hagrid looked tenderly at the dragon's egg in the fireplace, as if he were looking at his child.

Not too long ago, when he was having breakfast one day, the owl Mafa brought him a small crumpled note with only a few words written on it: Coming out of its shell soon.

During the lunch break, Maca took some food from the dining table, then carried a big cloth bag, and walked towards Hagrid's hut calmly.

Here you are, Maca. Hagrid looked very excited, and greeted repeatedly with a flushed face, You came a little late and missed the scene when it broke out of its shell. But it doesn't matter, now that little guy can It’s more energetic, much more lively than when it just broke its shell.”

Maca was pulled into the hut excitedly by Hagrid, and what met him was a puff of thick black smoke with sparks.

This little guy has a strong desire to attack! From this point of view, maybe it's a female dragon! Maca pulled out his wand and waved it away, clearing away the black smoke in front of him.

Oh, but I think it's a male, look how handsome it is. Hagrid's eyes seemed to be shining with stars, and it could be seen that he really liked these magical creatures full of power.

Maca didn't care about Hagrid's different views, because it was really difficult to determine the sex of the newly born baby dragon.

He nodded casually, looked at the little dragon standing by the fireplace, crawling back and forth with its wings supporting its body, and thoughtfully said: The fire dragon is a kind of creature that is difficult to tame. The main thing is that the attack power is very strong.

Just as he was speaking, he took out a potion bottle filled with fiery red viscous liquid from the cloth bag he brought, and shook it in his hand. This bottle is not small, to be honest, it is really heavy in the robe.

What is this? Dragon's blood? Hagrid couldn't help asking when he saw this.

No, it's not. Maca shook his head. It's made from the blood of the Firehorn Whale...well, a tempting snack—at least for the Norwegian Ridgeback.

Wingardim Leviosa (Note ①).

Maca put the bottle on the table, pulled out the cork and chanted a levitation spell, controlling a small ball of medicinal liquid that glowed faintly red and landed steadily on the tip of the staff.

The little dragon immediately smelled this smell, it stumbled excitedly and crawled over, grabbed Maca's leg and tried to jump up to reach the tempting food.

Maca pinned it to the ground.

He raised his head, looked at Hagrid and said, If its mother was a real dragon, she would do that. Hagrid, watch.

After all, Maca swallowed the viscous, hot and bloody liquid in one gulp.

Immediately, the little dragon screamed and struggled, but Maca pressed it firmly to the floor with all his might.

The nutritional value of this stuff is very high, but it's hard for humans to eat, Maca's face turned a little blue, and, it's really hot!

Hagrid had clearly understood Maca's intentions, and he nodded seriously, as if he wanted to memorize these steps.

When the little dragon slowly stopped struggling and looked at Maca longingly, he relaxed the hand that had been pressing down on the little dragon.

Taste it, little guy. He made another small ball and controlled it to float towards Xiaolong's mouth.

Hagrid, you have to come here every day until it remembers the order in which it eats. Maca said, If it can remember you before being taken by Charlie, it will remember you for the rest of its life.

Of course, this can only make it remember you. In fact, the vast majority of dragons will live alone after they grow up, and they will not be too friendly to their mothers. This is their nature.

These methods of taming dragons were all he saw in Ravenclaw's Chamber of Secrets. In addition to what he demonstrated to Hagrid, there are actually follow-up domestication methods, but those are not very humane, and he believes that Hagrid will not like them.

That's great! If Norbert remembers me for that, I'll be sure to thank you, Maca. Hagrid gave Maca a big hug, nearly choking him.

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