Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 29 I just scare 1 and scare her

Maca keenly sensed what happened, he immediately raised his head, frowning and looked around.

He found that everyone seemed to have suddenly thought of something that they had to leave, and they scattered quickly and left the street in different directions.

Muggle Repelling Curse? Maca murmured.

Luna, who was sitting opposite, also looked around curiously, and she found that the lively scene just now had disappeared like a dream. Even the shops and small stalls on the street should be closed and tidied up, and soon the place became deserted.

Let's go over there to avoid it first.

Makara pulled Luna, regardless of the things on the table, and walked quickly to the open-air coffee shop not far away—there was an iron fence, and a circle of dwarf holly was planted inside, hiding in it It won't be discovered for a while.

Using such a large-scale Muggle-repelling spell, something big must have happened. He let Luna hide in the innermost part, while he pushed aside the bushes and looked out secretly.

Not long after, a few people dressed as wizards came out from an inconspicuous alley diagonally opposite. They looked around, then immediately took out their wands, and dispersed in an orderly manner, as if they were searching for something.

Could it be an Auror from the Ministry of Magic? Maca couldn't help guessing secretly when he saw the well-trained appearance of those people.

They searched quickly and moved neatly, and soon a person came near the hiding place of the two. Maca wasn't sure whether to give himself and Luna a bottle of Xianyin potion, after all, he subconsciously hid, and it seemed inappropriate to run out suddenly now.

Today he was wearing Muggle attire. Although he still brought potions because of his precautionary principle, it was not convenient to bring more. Now he only has a few bottles of potions, and he really doesn't want to use them unless it is absolutely necessary.

Most importantly, it's all money!

Just when he reached into his pants pocket and just touched the medicine bottle, he found something hard against the back of his head.

In the next moment, the wizard who was searching outside had already entered through the door.

Just as Maca was frowning and thinking about countermeasures, he was not surprised to find a strong force behind him—he was pushed out.

However, the hard object was still on his head, so he didn't dare to move it at all - he knew that it must be the tip of a magic wand.

Hands up! Both hands! Maca immediately followed suit.

The wizard who just came in immediately pointed his wand at Maca, showing a puzzled expression. After all, Maca looked like a teenager.

The other party took out a magic item like an eyepiece, looked at Maca in front of his eyes, and seemed to find nothing unusual.

Just when Maca thought that the other party would ask something, the other party recited a spell very decisively.

Forget nothing.

Damn it, he forgot that he was still dressed as a Muggle kid at this moment!

As a last resort, Maca immediately rolled to the side, and took out his wand from his sleeve.

Disarm you!

Maca was not aiming at the wizard who cast the Oblivion Curse on him, but the mysterious figure who was still hiding in the holly bushes at the moment.


A red light shot out, the leaves scattered and splashed, and a figure also rushed out at the same time. Obviously the opponent's reaction was very quick, he dodged Maca's disarming spell.

But Maca's goal was achieved, he forced the man out.

He held me hostage just now, and I think he is the one you are looking for. Maca finished quickly and calmly, and then waved her wand swiftly, There are many obstacles.

Dizzy. The wizard just now quickly understood the situation,

In conjunction with Maca, a spell was also cast.

Being attacked by the two together, the other party had no time to respond, and was knocked out by surprise.

Good on-the-spot response, are you a Hogwarts student? The wizard glanced at Maca, and then looked around carefully again, Don't let your guard down, there should be more than one person on the other side.

Yes, there is a fellow of mine over there—

Before the word companion could be said, Maca saw Luna come out. Behind her, there was actually a woman following.

The other party pointed his wand at Luna's neck, and looked over nervously.

Don't move around! Otherwise, I'll— the woman poked Luna's fair neck with her wand, threatening tremblingly.

A bad scene. Behind Maca, the wizard just now frowned.

Throw the wand on the ground, the woman shrieked, and away!

Luna in her hands was still in a trance, she didn't seem to have the consciousness of being a hostage, she just looked at Maca quietly.

While the woman was talking, three wizards ran in outside, who were the companions of the man behind Maca.

Don't move around! The woman became even more nervous, and her sharp voice gave off a feeling that it was about to tear, Throw it away! Throw away the wand quickly, and throw it far away!

After a moment of stalemate, Maca was the first to throw - he couldn't help it, he couldn't bet on Luna's life.

With the first, there will naturally be the second. Soon, all five people on this side threw their wands far away.

Seeing that everyone had thrown away their wands, the woman suddenly shrank behind Luna. Everyone except Luna reacted immediately - she was going to Apparate!

Maca narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous look came out from inside.

Behind him, the four wizards quickly ran towards their wands, but the distorted phenomenon of apparation had obviously appeared behind Luna, and it was too late!

Avada Kedavra! Bang!

Maca suddenly took out a bottle of potion from his pocket, threw it at his feet with all his might, and yelled.

Oh no— a small scream came from behind Luna.

What? What's wrong? Death Curse!

Maca heard a panic coming from behind him, but he didn't have time to pay attention to it, but ran towards Luna immediately.

He glanced behind Luna first, and found a foot on the ground, including the ankle. He knew that his impromptu little action just now had a good result.

Are you okay, Luna? Maca looked Luna up and down, checking her back and forth for any damage.

Luna shook her head slightly, and smiled calmly, I'm fine.

It wasn't until now, when those wizards gathered together to see the specific situation, that they fully understood.

It turned out that Maca's sudden shout just now was actually an act of bluffing the other party. He used the other party's nervousness and fear of the death curse to force the other party's attention to be distracted during the apparition, which led to the final consequence of the apparition and separation.

To be honest, even other wizards were frightened. The Killing Curse is the most terrifying death curse among the three Unforgivable Curses. Anyone who has a deep understanding of this curse will feel a sense of fear from the heart. After all, even the man who couldn't even mention his name was once intoxicated by this frightening spell.

I just want to scare her. Maca said casually while examining Luna carefully.

Search as soon as possible! It seems that the other party will definitely be disabled due to blood loss. This is a good opportunity. One of the wizards looked at the feet on the ground and immediately said to the others.

Let's contact other people first, you stay and deal with the scene. By the way, send these two children off by the way, they have made great achievements today! Another wizard smiled and said.

After all, three people took the man who was still in a coma before, apparated and left, and only the wizard Maca met at the beginning remained here.

Hello, children. He looked at Maca with great interest and said, Are you Hogwarts students?

Oh, yes sir. Maca turned around and nodded seeing that Luna was fine, You and your companions must be Aurors from the Ministry of Magic, right?

Haha, yes, my name is Kevin. The other party replied with a smile, Today's situation is really unexpected. I didn't expect to meet a young genius.

He paused, then asked as if thinking of something suddenly: Could it be that you are the boy who survived the catastrophe? If this is the case, then what happened today is not surprising. Back then, even that person was defeated It’s in your hands! Compared with that, today’s scene can only be regarded as a small scene.”

Maca quickly waved his hand.

No, I'm not, but I'm his friend, he said. My name is Maca McLean. Nice to meet you, sir.

Oh! That's really rude. Kevin said apologetically, You know, that boy is so famous, I thought of him right away.

What about this beautiful little girl? He turned his head to look at Luna again, but Luna kept looking at other places, not listening to what he said at all.

Maca looked at Luna, smiled wryly and replied on her behalf: She is Luna Lovegood. If there are no accidents, she should be enrolled at Hogwarts next year.

Oh, that's really good. Kevin said, I also went to Hogwarts before, and I was a Ravenclaw.

As he spoke, he walked towards the broken foot and took out a black envelope in his hand.

I'll take you back when I clean up, he said. It's a little late, and it's not safe for children to be outside—

Oh! I forgot, you're a little genius, and you shouldn't have any problems under normal circumstances. Kevin suddenly joked.

Maybe, after you graduate, you can come to the Ministry of Magic to sign up for Auror training. I believe you will become an unprecedentedly excellent Auror... But you must pay attention to those trap questions in the N.E.W.T. exam! You know, I Almost failing it, that’s always been the thing I’m most thankful for.”

Not long after collecting the information on the scene, Kevin waved his wand to lift the Muggle Repelling Curse, and left here with Maca and Luna.

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