Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 17 The Conversation with Dumbledore

Kiwi pudding.

In front of the stone beast at the entrance of the principal's office, Professor McGonagall said today's password. Hearing the sound, the stone beast jumped away, and the stone wall behind it cracked in two, revealing a spiral staircase leading to the principal's office.

The stairs rotated automatically, sending several people to the entrance of the principal's office.

Please come in. Dumbledore seemed to know they were coming, and before anyone knocked on the door, his old voice came from inside.

Professor McGonagall pushed the door open, followed by Maca and Snape.

How's the situation? Dumbledore looked at Maca and smiled, then looked at Professor McGonagall.

The students have all gone back, and the troll has been dealt with by Mr. McLean. Professor McGonagall glanced at Maca, and then told Dumbledore the specific situation.

Dumbledore nodded as he listened, and only began to speak after Professor McGonagall had finished speaking.

Oh, yes, I understand. Dumbledore said, Minerva, go ahead and continue searching to see if there are any students running outside.

Severus, you go and help Professor Quirrell get the troll away.

I don't think it's necessary. Quirrell can handle it by himself. Snape said with a blank expression.

I think I will, said Dumbledore, looking at Snape.

...if you insist. Snape stared at Dumbledore for a while, then turned away quickly.

Maca found that he and Dumbledore were the only ones left here, which made him a little uneasy, but he didn't show it.

Would you like some kiwi pudding? Dumbledore asked with a smile.

Uh, why not? Maca adjusted her mind, trying not to think about what she had and what she didn't have.

I have to say that the principal's taste this time is not bad. After a while, a pudding entered Maca's stomach. During this period, Dumbledore just looked at him with a smile and didn't say a word.

Well, it tastes good. After waiting for a while, Maca said with a little embarrassment.

I think so too. Dumbledore finally said, How, how does Hogwarts study life feel?

It's very interesting, very fulfilling, and I've made a lot of friends. Maca tried to choose some optimistic answers to fill in, although she didn't know if it would work.

To be honest, you are one of the smartest kids I have ever seen. Dumbledore shook his head, not seeming to care about Maca's answer, No one has ever learned so many things at the age of eleven. I haven't had one while I've been teaching, and I haven't heard of one in the history of teaching at Hogwarts.

Uh, thank you for your compliment, but... isn't that a bit exaggerated? For example, my Transfiguration is average. Maca tried hard to recall his own situation.

I don't think so, Dumbledore said, I started paying attention to you when you triggered your first magic runaway. Regarding your behavior and experience, I think we can be a relatively equal adult. communicate.

This time, Maka couldn't hold back anymore. He said in surprise, Magic runaway? Actually, I've been wanting to ask this since I received the admission letter. Why can't I remember when I had magic runaway?

Oh, yes, because your magic runaway happened at a very bad time. Dumbledore sighed, Although I don't know if I should say—

Maka was taken aback when she heard the words, and then stood up abruptly: It was my mother... Was it at that time?

Yes, when there was a car accident, your magic power suddenly ran away to protect yourself. Dumbledore looked at Maca kindly, with a trace of pity in his eyes.

That is to say, even if she didn't pounce... Maka muttered to herself in a trembling voice, and fell back on the armchair as if she had lost all her strength.

Dumbledore looked at Maca silently, as if regretting this, and seemed to be observing his reaction.

Suddenly, Maca came back to his senses and sighed heavily.

The dead are gone... Because of this, I am even more eager to gain the power to protect others. Maca suddenly raised his head, looked directly at Dumbledore for the first time, and said firmly.

This is your heart, I can feel it. Dumbledore nodded with satisfaction, and once again showed a gentle and wise smile, Death is usually the end of life, but it will always be the beginning of others. Remember , death is actually not scary.”

Maca knew that Dumbledore had seen the figure of Voldemort in him. Fortunately, he did not have any evil intentions and passed this test.

Dumbledore and Snape are actually the same kind of people. They never lack strength and ambition, but they will give up everything because of love, including their own lives. The difference between the two is that Dumbledore's love is fraternity, but Snape's love is only open to Lily.

And Maca didn't know, what would happen to him?

That night, Maca lay on the bed, full of thoughts. He encountered a lot of things today, and learned an amazing fact from Dumbledore, which made him think about it, and finally fell asleep until late at night.


After entering November, the weather becomes very cold. The mountains around the school are gray and covered with snow and ice, and the lake is as cold and hard as tempered steel. Every morning, there is frost on the ground, and the students have to pay attention to their feet at all times to prevent a big somersault if they are not paying attention.

Maca was sitting at the dining table, eating today's breakfast, and he was surrounded by people.

I don't know who said it - probably Ron, anyway, almost half of the students have heard of Maca's glorious deeds. He single-handedly killed a twelve-foot-tall monster! This is simply unbelievable!

Now Maca has become a celebrity, many students came up to talk to him, and even a few girls from the first grade came to ask him for an autograph!

Maca felt that he enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by people, not only because of vanity, he also felt that it was really warm!

This is no excuse, trust me! What I'm saying is true! If you don't believe me, find a group of people to surround you and try.

Wrapped up in a long moleskin overcoat, rabbit fur gloves, and huge beaver fur boots, Hagrid recently defrosted his broomstick on the Quidditch pitch.

This clearly expresses one thing - the Quidditch season has begun!

To be honest, Maca would love to join Hufflepuff's Quidditch team, but unfortunately, he's been too busy. Also, Quidditch teams generally don't involve a single first year student.

I believe Harry's is just a special case. Maca looked at the Gryffindor table, where Harry and Ron were whispering, and Maca guessed that they must be talking about it.

However, what Maca was more concerned about was that he hadn't heard the news that Harry joined the Gryffindor team as a Seeker. Could it be that Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor team, intends to use Harry as a secret weapon or something?

The secrecy measures are well done. Maca muttered in a vague voice while chewing and swallowing the food in his mouth.

However, when the match day came and Maca saw Harry walking towards the viewing stands like him from a distance, he was a little dumbfounded.

What's going on? Maca stared blankly at Harry as he disappeared up the stairs leading to the Gryffindor viewing stand, his face full of undisguised surprise.

What's the matter? What are you looking at, Mr. Knight? Senior Charlotte hooked Maca's shoulder and said with a smile, Are you looking at your Princess Granger?

Uh, ah—no. Maca shook her head, glanced at the Gryffindor viewing booth again, and then went back up the stairs on her side with Charlotte.

The Quidditch match was exciting, but Maca didn't have much time to watch it.

From time to time he looked over to the teacher's stand—a Quidditch game without Harry, wondering how Quirrell's behavior would change.

There were no surprises in this event until the game was decided. Without Harry at this moment, it seems that the possibility of Quirrell's action has been cut off from the root, but Maca can't guarantee whether he will look for other opportunities to target Harry.

At least, avoiding an inevitable crisis is a good thing, right? Maca wasn't sure if that was the case, but he didn't have any clue about this matter for the time being.

The game between Gryffindor and Slytherin was over, and Maca glanced at the scoreboard before leaving, sixty to two hundred and ten. With the score tied, the Slytherin Seeker caught the Snitch, ending the close game.

Maca didn't have time to worry about this, and after just a glance, he walked towards the Gryffindor crowd.

Hey, Harry! Maca tried to look normal, Don't worry, the game is not over yet, this is just the beginning.

Oh, yes. Still, losing to Slytherin is not very pleasant. Harry sighed.

Apparently, even if he wasn't on the Quidditch team, he still loved the sport.

Well, Maca sorted out the conjectures that he had thought about in the competition just now, and then asked, I heard that Neville almost fell during your first flying lesson, is it true?

Harry nodded and said, Yes! If Mrs. Hooch hadn't reacted quickly, Neville would definitely have to go to the school hospital, I'm sure.

Yeah! He jumped so high! Ron smiled and gestured beside him.

And what happened afterwards? Malfoy didn't make things difficult for him, did he?

Oh, yes, that bastard is always laughing at people, I wish I could put a monster spell on him!

The duel that night was because we had a quarrel in class. Harry followed suit angrily.

Well, that guy is really not a good thing.

Maca echoed casually, while gradually straightening out the cause and effect of this - it turned out to be the case!

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